Maj.Do: the only cheap tactics are those that are real glitches. Squad use should not be changed since it is a core mechanic that alot of us have grown using this game. It is an important factor into team play. IMO making the spawn changes would make squad leaders nearly useless because of the difficulty it will take now to find a good squad leader to spawn in on. Now: you may be saying, well then now SLs need more skill. Well? I thought these changes are supposed to help everyone, not just the pros. A Pro/Am player will be better at staying alive as an SL now, but the way the system is currently allows just about any noob in the world to get support from one of our squad hoppers right away if we see they need help.
Base Raping will get worse as well because it will be alot more difficult to just quickly get to a safe squad and spawn out of the way and cap a flag behind the base rapers. Theres a LOT more reasons for why this change would be less helpful to team players and more helpful to base rapers than there is vice versa.
So the noobs say: WHAA WHAA the faggit little baseraper with the little e-peen spawned in 6 buddies and they all made a squad and spawned 6 more NERF NERF NERF WHAAAA! Look, THIS IS THE GAME, THE OBJECTIVE IS TO TAKE YOUR FLAG. I AM GOING TO SPAWN 6 to 16 GUYS ON YOUR FLAG IF I WANT IT, its life. STOP WHINING AND LEAVE IT ALONE!
EDIT: oh and P.S. You could spawn a SL in and counter it yourself if the flag goes grey and gets swamped, so it works both ways.
Last edited by Empathy (2006-04-28 14:37:51)