Well admitting you have a problem is the first step.lowing wrote:
I hate all Muslims and Blacks.

Xbone Stormsurgezz
If true, that dumb ass white guy needs to be pureed.
Phony terrorism has almost the same effect as real terrorism; a heavier iron fist for the government.
Phony terrorism has almost the same effect as real terrorism; a heavier iron fist for the government.
They are going to get him. If you want to do a bomb attack NY is not the place to try it. .. again, if you want to get away with it.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Try him for treason.

Why are extreamist Islamists attacking us? I mean our President is friendly to them. :-P
We don't know if it was that. Could be another Joe Stack.Harmor wrote:
Why are extreamist Islamists attacking us? I mean our President is friendly to them. :-P
Xbone Stormsurgezz
what's wrong with the lion king? they shoulda parked outside of Les Miserables
You are right...looks ike a video show a white guy after the bombing. Still developing.Kmarion wrote:
We don't know if it was that. Could be another Joe Stack.Harmor wrote:
Why are extreamist Islamists attacking us? I mean our President is friendly to them. :-P
There have been bombs in times square before. A very very low yield device exploded in front of the famous recruiting center last year. It blew the glass doors off.
Nothing like this to my recollection though.
Nothing like this to my recollection though.
we know. Where the hell did this quote come from anyway?lowing wrote:
I hate all Muslims and Blacks.
ghettoperson wrote:
Religion of peace.
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic
...show me the schematic
This puerile back-and-forth between the usual suspects has gone from tedious to unbearable, and now to sickening. Will you people please cut your incessant, predictable and utterly pointless mud slinging for the good of the forum?
stopping by to say that this is outrageous
Fuckin' white people and their hatred of our freedoms and their love of killing other white people.
Can someone (someone named Bertster7, preferably) post examples of Tea Party violence?Bertster7 wrote:
Catbox wrote:
Tea party doesn't need or want sympathy... No violence from them so far...
Someone has had their eyes closed....
(absent this still-under-investigation event, of course)
Last edited by FEOS (2010-05-03 04:04:32)
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Example1: Someone hijacked a ship this one time ...FEOS wrote:
Can someone (someone named Bertster7, preferably) post examples of Tea Party violence?Bertster7 wrote:
Catbox wrote:
Tea party doesn't need or want sympathy... No violence from them so far...
Someone has had their eyes closed....
(absent this still-under-investigation event, of course)
Example2: The very same hijacking sparked of a revolution this other time ...
Example3: At a flip the coin in the glass event in Boston someone got the coin in the eye, several eyewitnesses claim it was deliberate ...
I'm waiting for Sarhaaaarrr Piratin to do the same anytime soon ... damn Tea Party terrorists ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Sam Adams was just butthurt coz his smuglling business was put in jeopardy when the Tea Act created a Tea monopoly in the colonies set by the East India Company (EIC). But did they kill a ton of people? No. Did they harass loyalists? Yes.Varegg wrote:
Example1: Someone hijacked a ship this one time ...FEOS wrote:
Can someone (someone named Bertster7, preferably) post examples of Tea Party violence?Bertster7 wrote:
Someone has had their eyes closed....
(absent this still-under-investigation event, of course)
Example2: The very same hijacking sparked of a revolution this other time ...
Example3: At a flip the coin in the glass event in Boston someone got the coin in the eye, several eyewitnesses claim it was deliberate ...
I'm waiting for Sarhaaaarrr Piratin to do the same anytime soon ... damn Tea Party terrorists ...
FEOS wrote:
Can someone (someone named Bertster7, preferably) post examples of Tea Party violence?Bertster7 wrote:
Catbox wrote:
Tea party doesn't need or want sympathy... No violence from them so far...
Someone has had their eyes closed....
(absent this still-under-investigation event, of course)

He died for our tea
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
So if it was a muslim guy you send him to guantanamoHurricane2k9 wrote:
Try him for treason.
if it was a black dude, send them to jail
if it was a latino, deport them
if its a white guy, they must be tried for treason
Not sure why you would say that is a problem, perhaps you need to do some soul searching because if you think that is a problem you might be a racist. Just a thought13/f/taiwan wrote:
Well admitting you have a problem is the first step.lowing wrote:
I do not differenciate between races.
Ok.FEOS wrote:
Can someone (someone named Bertster7, preferably) post examples of Tea Party violence?Bertster7 wrote:
Catbox wrote:
Tea party doesn't need or want sympathy... No violence from them so far...
Someone has had their eyes closed....
(absent this still-under-investigation event, of course)
I put "tea party violence intimidation" into Google and the top result I got:
http://patriotmajority.us/news_and_even … n-violence
has there been tea party violence? links please.Bertster7 wrote:
Ok.FEOS wrote:
Can someone (someone named Bertster7, preferably) post examples of Tea Party violence?Bertster7 wrote:
Someone has had their eyes closed....
(absent this still-under-investigation event, of course)
I put "tea party violence intimidation" into Google and the top result I got:
http://patriotmajority.us/news_and_even … n-violence
South Park, they warned them.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Interesting, it seems to reek of a dummy bomb though?
sounds like someone just throw in a bunch of stuff that would hopefully explode. But didn't really know how to make it explode, I'm going to say it was a right wing radical who is trying to get some shit pushed though.
sounds like someone just throw in a bunch of stuff that would hopefully explode. But didn't really know how to make it explode, I'm going to say it was a right wing radical who is trying to get some shit pushed though.