lowing wrote:
Bertster7 wrote:
lowing wrote:
Uzique wrote:
errr lowing the violence between catholics and protestants in (northern)-ireland is explicitly and intrinsically related to denominational partisanship
we colonized all of the orient and african continent with a western-christian mentality that heralded us as the cultured, enlightened ones with the correct religion, with the liberal (or more sinister racist) motivation of 'educating' the rest of the world. the immediate violence, rape and exploitation is rivaled in terms of monstrosity possibly only by the lasting influence of the christian church now on these countries - where it helps to perpetuate gender/class divisions, spread disease/restrict humanitarian aid, and further perpetuate partisan violence. gj christian church.
I couldn't care less what the catholics and protestants do to one another in Ireland. It is nothing more than gang violence, and it stays with them.
Islam is not only fighting amongst itself, it has taken the fight to the world who chooses not to bow to Islam.
again lets move toward current events shall we? Stop speaking of hundreds of years ago as if it what is current events today. It is undeniable that Islam is the reigning king of religious based terrorism in todays world. Lets stick to that point.
That's convenient isn't it.
For any given example of religious extremism by Christians, you just dismiss it as gang violence or such like (I also seem to remember you dismissing Christians burning suspected witches in Africa for similar reasons).
Absolutely pathetic. Completely unable to see anything in a rational, reasoned manner. Applying double standards to everything and ignoring facts. I note there hasn't been any response to:
Bertster7 wrote:
lowing wrote:
Hitlers hatred was not based in fact but in scapegoating their problems..
the last 13 hijackers of airliners were Muslim. All of the sucide bombers are Muslim... Sorry if their APPEARS to be a pattern
Both the claims above are untrue. Joel Henry Hinrichs ring any bells? Aeroméxico Flight 576, hijacked by a Bolivian. CanJet Flight 918 hijacked by a Jamaican.
Who are these last 13 hijackers who are supposedly Muslims?
Which is yet another example of you simply having the facts wrong. It's nothing to do with interpretation, the basis for your argument there is just wrong. Plain and simple.
Why is this? It's because many of these stories are under-reported by western news agencies due to lack of interest. Islamic terrorism sells more papers, gets better TV ratings and therefore gets more coverage - this has only really been the case for the past decade though.
lowing wrote:
yeah holy lands that is also claimed EQUALLY by the Jews and Christians alike and yet Jews and Christians are not blowing up children in schools and women in marketplaces, or blowing up airplanes and trains
That's because they're now in control. When they weren't it was a very different picture. Ever hear of the Irgun, Lehi, the King David hotel bombing?
What is irrational is your insistance that what is happening with Islam today is no different that what happened in Ireland.
That's because it is very, very similar. Both are examples of religiously motivated terror campaigns which have taken place in recent years. That's not an irrational comparison at all.
lowing wrote:
You insist on comparing apples and oranges as the same thing. It is not. What happened in Ireland had no affect on world economies, oil supplies, wars, etc... Islamic action does.
World economies? Yes it did.
Oil supplies? Not really - but that's down to geography rather than anything else.
Wars? I think the IRA would disagree with you.
Not that any of that is remotely relevant to the fact that they are extremely similar. You have a knack for ignoring the similarities and only focusing on the differences.
A Core 2 Duo doesn't have Hyperthreading and a Pentium 4 does - I suppose that means that a Core 2 Duo isn't a CPU?
Of course they are both CPUs and of course they have some differences - when put in absolute terms like this it's easy to see how ludicrous your perspective is. Of course the real world isn't about absolutes, so it's less clear and that must be why it is so confusing to certain small minded people who don't have a proper grasp on reality.
lowing wrote:
So when you want to discuss rationally about what is happening within Islam feel free to get back with me.
lowing wrote:
Something else I just love about you all, you all seem to love the term "neo" now. You attach it to everything. It is so cute
When did I last use the word "neo"?
Yet again, I notice you don't seem to be answering anything.