Check your AA alarm...
+82|7107|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Well, DUH!!!!!   Of course he is not.  He will use it to the best of his abilities to keep the enemy at bay.   I only use this on the Karkand map at the arty points from a distance.  I have not Killed myself with the NoobTube sinced I have used it.   I think you know what I am talking about with the using it from a distance.   And I get what he is saying.  Totally in agreement with the guy that can defy gravity while you are shooting him and then shoot the GL and he doesn't die.  I thought EA made this game to be more realistic.  If that guy was trying to jump out of the way of the GL he would still be flying through the air.   From the blast.  I am really in more agreement with you it is the fact that some guys ruin things for others.  Big Time!!!!!
More and more servers are getting configured to take away significant points for self-killing, even if it's by accident.  You C4 yourself to blow up a tank?  Lose 5 points.  Kill yourself with GL shot b/c you fired it off from 3 feet away?  Lose 5 points.  If it bugs you that much, find a server that does that and I'm sure you'll find that there are less people that use the GL as a crutch to support their crappy infantry skills.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7107|Idaho, USA / Age 30
LOL,  Total agreement with you dsb.  I know about that because I would do the Jihad DPV's death.  To much fun.
Slimshady -- The Real Medic
+0|7078|Sumter, South Carolina
I hate a noob toobing little fuck stick more than anything.

Now that I have your attention... ;p

I dont think that the M203 should taken out of the game.  Unfortunately though, if its not, then noob toobers are never going to stop.  THey are just the lowest scum of the game.. and thats pretty much the end of it.

Most of them are little halo bitches that couldnt play a real shooter to save their life. Now, dont get me wrong about Halo, it is a FUN game, but lets not lie, its the fartherest thing from a sim.  These are also the bastards that run around in halo using the damn rocket launcher, becuase its the same principle -- proximity, not accuracy.  all they have to do is hit near to you and you'll die, instead of actually having to have some skill and learn how to aim for the head with a under powered rifle to get kills.

The noob toobing problem has gotten so bad then when I am playing karkand and I see someone coming I instintively strafe behind a wall and wait because stupid bitch noob toobers will usually fire as soon as they see you.. so I let him fire, and then they've got that reload period so then I can pwn their little bitch noob toobing ass.
Slimshady -- The Real Medic
+0|7078|Sumter, South Carolina
btw anyone who defends fuckin noob toobers is ghey.
I argee with Shady; people like to take the easy way out, and that's the GL. I think having a minimum range (except vs. vehicles) would be the way to go. Learn to use your gun, please.

To people who say "The GL launcher is makes the assault assault" I say: Yeah, right. The Assault class would still have armor and a assault rifle, and still would be very good at killing enemy infantry. (It might need some sort of light AT weapon, like a AT4, but with almost zero ability vs. infantry.)
Slimshady -- The Real Medic
+0|7078|Sumter, South Carolina
TY.. and sorry for being dramatic.. ;p but I get all ryled up about noob toobin hehe
It's for good use, but it's no fun when a whole team bumps your ass!
You don't need any good skills, just a grenade launcher! Hits almost every time!

One thing that has struck my mind: Why do you lose a minimum of HP when an Anti-tank hits with a rocket an inch from the wall you are pressed against?
So we all agree that it doesn't need to be taken out ,but modified so it isn't abused and unrealistic
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7107|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Correct, I would agree with you Deathsc.  I wish we could start another topic of those that cheat or teamkill to get the vehicles.  I am so tired of being shot in the back and killed running to an available Helo or Jet.  Why can't people just let other take a chance at it.  They might be pretty good at it.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7107|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Here is the Topic I created just for what I want to hear from others about -
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Jeez another newb reference.  I don't use the launcher myself, the times I've used it was at a tank wondering if it would make a dent, can't aim worth shit and overshot and hit 4 people defending thier flag (very lucky for me) I died when the tank laughed and went in reverse, My eyes lay opened to the sky then all I saw were tank treads again. No matter what rank you are at people still use it if they know you are in a building (died many times like that, and came back to see who shot me and where just to die again.) So do these toobs make a dent in tanks?? It's too hard for me to switch from toob to rifle so I don't bother. From what I am hearing it's kinda like BF42 when ppl hop and throw mass amounts of grenades, which made me quit playing BF42.  I'm just whining because I get owned alot. Nevermind.
Just Take It Out Of The Fucking Game! And Problem Solved!
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys
cant stand noobtubes, i just pull out mine when thre are a bunch of whores around and after 10min i say"put it away and i'll stop" always get my way.......get good with it yourself, so they will give up trying to kill you, and start using real guns.
One Shot, One Kill
+4|7107|Canberra, Australia
I can't believe you people are still bitching.  Take it as a compliment that they feel that to kill you they need yo kill themselves.  That they feel that is a good trade off.

I c4ed a tank last night that was raping our base, and blew myself up.  I thought it was a fair trade to take out that threat.

He probably took it as a compliment.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7078|Toronto Canada
+0|7083|Columbus, Ga.
i guess i find it hard to believe that so many ppl (EVEN YOU PPL WITH VERY HIGH SCORES AND HIGH K/D RATIOS) cry over the tube. seriously....get over it...or learn how to play in a squad and out play them.

if we are gonna take something out of the game just because tons of ppl get killed by it and cry...why not take the jets out, or the helo's or the damn arty's for that reason.  think about it, it would be stupid.

like the one guy said, take it as a compliment that the only way they are going to kill you is by using that.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
That's true about a squad. I am a newb, but like I said dont' use the toob, too many buttons.. Anyway Squads (the good ones that work together) will survive most firefights.
The only reason I get really pissed off with the 203 issue is you have all these fags that jump around like a bunch of damn kangaroos spraying 203s everywhere as soon as they see anything resembling the enemy.  I don't know how many times I've come around a corner and got blasted by some noob standing right in front of me who just jumped backwards and fired a 203 in my general direction.  They get tons of kills and it requires little to no skill whatsoever.

All they really need to do is decrease the number of 203 rounds you start off with and increase their minimum range to 15 feet or more.
It needs a minimum range, badly... There's no way a soldier in real life could fire an M203 at KNIFE RANGE at someone, and come out alive, or minimally injured. It's a glitch, and needs to be fixed.
I only use the GL when I am at a reasonable distance from the enemy.  For example, if you're far enough away to have to go prone and carefully aim with bullets, then the GL is a good option.

Also good for enemy bunching up, or hiding together near a flag or in a corner of a building somewhere.

I HATE the noobs that use it at 5 ft, and jump around like retarded rabbits to avoid your bullets.  Sounds like something one of the previous posters does. 

Last edited by Valour (2005-10-20 17:05:46)

Slimshady -- The Real Medic
+0|7078|Sumter, South Carolina
just thought that I'd reiterate that I HATE NOOB TOOBIN BITCHES!

thank you, that is all ;p
i play fine when there r noob tubers mabye a few more deaths than ussual but i do pretty good,  i just don't like the fact that it's unrealistic as far as splashdamage is concerned

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