lowing wrote:
DesertFox- wrote:
Yeah, we're all equal, lowing. We all have the same opportunities. You must be outside your mind to think that a good number of people who make the "choice" to be criminals don't really have much of a choice at all. Wake up and smell the coffee in the real world. They don't currently tortue you in prison as well, so it's pretty weak as a deterrent to crime. You've got an excellent snippet of how society views these people though in that last line: labelling them as criminals for the rest of their lives.
You mean rape is not a choice? Murder is not a choice. Sorry I came into this world naked just like everyone else. I grew up poor, and I made decisions for myself to improve my life. What exactly would you expect the outcome to be for someone that chooses todrop out of school and sell drugs on the street corner as opposed to someone who finished school and koined the military for example?
God Damn! Stop toting personal responsibility as something only the "fortunate" and the "lucky" possess.
It's interesting how you quoted yourself for those words in the last sentence
Tell me when this starts sounding absurd:
God, my life has been tough. I was born into a loving family that has enough money to support itself and buy some luxuries as well. I was raised basically to be your stereotypical "good boy" by both of my parents, and we lived in quite a safe neighborhood in the suburbs. I was able to go to school, make friends, and excel in academic pursuits with the help of my family, too. My school was also well-funded enough to provide extracurricular activities, a safe environment to learn, and an excellent jumping-off point for so many universities. I was then able to attend a major university with a hefty scholarship, which helps because my other two siblings are in college as well. I'm currently working on pursing my degree and then attending a professional school. Thank God I made the right choices in my life.
Ilocano, as long as I'm beating the drum for being fair here, I suppose I would be referring to anyone where the sentence given is not a lifetime of punishment.