Voted below average. I'm somewhere between that and don't care.
How religous are you?
Very religous | 10% | 10% - 10 | ||||
somewhat religous | 19% | 19% - 18 | ||||
below average | 10% | 10% - 10 | ||||
dont care about religion/faith | 59% | 59% - 55 | ||||
Total: 93 |
I voted Very Religious, because I am. I attend church every Sunday, read my Bible, pray my Rosary. I must admit that I was less than I should have been in the past, but everyone changes. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.
A somewhat religious Catholic, but I won't try to convert you if you are atheist, Muslim, etc. You have free will, so who am I to say which religion is best for you?
Last edited by BeardedHobo (2010-04-15 16:24:30)
My family was quite religious for a long time and then became disenfranchised with the Church and organised religion in general. So naturally i'm a little "skeptical". I guess I fit into the Below Average category.
Protestant Christian, don't go to church much, don't hide my faith but don't push it on others.
"Strongly religious" but not in an organized sense.
"Strongly religious" but not in an organized sense.
That's not an issue with the respondents, but with the poll itself.DesertFox- wrote:
It's interesting how many people claim they aren't religious in this poll, but if you just look at a lot of the posts about religion here, they may not be theists, but they damn sure care about the issue. GS is perhaps only person I can think of who I'm quite certain truly fits into the "doesn't care" category.
Raised Christian and went through several major times of questioning which solidified my faith as my own. Voted "very" because my faith has shaped my decisions in life.
About as religious as my cat.
My beliefs go like this:
"If god exists he has no effect on the human race as a whole or individual lives. That is, if God exists at all."
So I'm Passive Agnostic/Atheist. Unless you use religion to justify wrong actions. then I'm a pissed Agnostic.
"If god exists he has no effect on the human race as a whole or individual lives. That is, if God exists at all."
So I'm Passive Agnostic/Atheist. Unless you use religion to justify wrong actions. then I'm a pissed Agnostic.
No religion or faith whatever.
If people choose a faith thats fine, organised religion has caused way too much trouble to be useful.
If people choose a faith thats fine, organised religion has caused way too much trouble to be useful.
Fuck Israel
I'm naturally inclined towards being spiritual but the rational/logical side of me, the scientist in me, abhors some of the methodologies and reasoning employed by the religious, and organised religion itself has managed to deeply disgust me over time.
What does that add up to? Not sure. So agnostic for me.
What does that add up to? Not sure. So agnostic for me.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
I'm against the very notion of "believing" as opposed to using scientific methods in the quest for knowledge.
I used to believe in God and attend church but i have reasons not to now, i picked the last option
Many atheists care about the issue because they're proselytizing their own views...a process that gets their knickers in a twist when they're on the receiving end from the faithful.mikkel wrote:
That's not an issue with the respondents, but with the poll itself.DesertFox- wrote:
It's interesting how many people claim they aren't religious in this poll, but if you just look at a lot of the posts about religion here, they may not be theists, but they damn sure care about the issue. GS is perhaps only person I can think of who I'm quite certain truly fits into the "doesn't care" category.
In my opinion, religion can be a great thing on an individual level, but on a global (or national) level its shithouseDilbert_X wrote:
No religion or faith whatever.
If people choose a faith thats fine, organised religion has caused way too much trouble to be useful.
don't care
it's not in my hands so why worry about it
if there's a god/afterlife/soul/heaven, cool. cya there
if not, i'll rot in the ground. okay.
it's not in my hands so why worry about it
if there's a god/afterlife/soul/heaven, cool. cya there
if not, i'll rot in the ground. okay.