S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6757|Pickle Village
Does anyone know a good place to get this?
+159|6732|behind you
yea go to a 64 player wake island and at the beggining of the round go to north base or the base at the top right and sit in airdefense all round
thats how i got it
+8|6851|Mission Viejo, CA
Daqing oilfields. Grab the aa in the south center base and head to the center base in the middle of the tanks. Do circles around the tanks to avoid the choppers and planes while blasting up the footsoldiers and transports.
S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6757|Pickle Village
+159|6732|behind you

Stumanbmx wrote:

me or him
i got mine on sharqi...with only about 20 people in 64 server
Dragon Valley.  You don't have kill just planes to get it.  The linebacker does wonders on infrantry as well as planes.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

DSRTurtle wrote:

Dragon Valley.  You don't have kill just planes to get it.  The linebacker does wonders on infrantry as well as planes.
The Linebacker totally 0wnz the infantry!
Anymap with mobile AA is a good bet.  Be an engineer, team up with an engineer in another armored vehicle.  He deals with the heavy vehciles, you deal with the infrantry, jeeps, choppers and jets.  I can easily get 10 or 11 kills in a round with AA by the halfway point on a good day.

The linebacker is better than the other mobile AA platform(s).  You can see without the radar dome being in the way.  Both can be repaired from the 2nd seat if your an engineer.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-04-27 04:28:36)

+1|6780|New Zealand
Sit in AA as commander and you will have it in no time.

Should I have said that?
Gaming While Intoxicated

Iron_Father_Wood wrote:

Sit in AA as commander and you will have it in no time.

Should I have said that?
Probably not...
Δ > x > ¥
Sharqi, as US.  Spawn at Hotel, race for the AA on the roof opposite the flag and wait near it.  Wait for the Heli to get close enough for you to hear it, then jump in the stinger.  Aim high so it's right at the bottom of your scope.  When you get a lock, fire both barrels.  Even if they launch flares, they come out the bottom of the heli and your lock should stay - the flares will be outside your aim zone.

Rinse, repeat.  Alternatively, do the commander thing.
Got mine on Daqing back in 1.12 by using a Linebacker to take out infantry.  It should be easier now that you've got a good chance of taking out choppers.
3 minutes, 11 kills, right?

Get in the Linebacker on daqinq and go to the cisterns. The only time ive used it as an apc was then, and I pwnzored a bunch of guys. The linebacker autocannon is supposedly the same as the lav's.

GetOutOfMyTankNoob wrote:

3 minutes, 11 kills, right?

Get in the Linebacker on daqinq and go to the cisterns. The only time ive used it as an apc was then, and I pwnzored a bunch of guys. The linebacker autocannon is supposedly the same as the lav's.
It's a little better than the LAV's  you can kill a tank with a linebacker if you do it right.
The Photographer.
+81|6857|Central Valley,California
Just kill infantry, thats how I got it. Real easy.
S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6757|Pickle Village
plus 1 for everyone,  (it rhymes, sweet)
The easiest way is on the SF Ghost Town map.

I can easily get the necessary kill on this map.  It is where I put in most of my Anti-Aircraft time, since the area is easy to drive in and the lanes of fire are so clear.
She looked 18 to me officer
Tip that will not get you killed as much.

When you are sitting in the AA, planes and coppers can lock onto you (Or just know you are there).

Stand outside of the aa, when you see a plane/helo, jump in, take your shot, and jump out.

Will keep yea alive a lot more!
+86|6830|Central California
SharQi Penninsula as mec in the AA at the club house spawn point. Gulf of Oman as usmc on the carrier in the AA near the uav. There are more but the placement of these AA possess the least chance to get attacked so you could command while sitting in the AA so it will give you something to do instead of just idling.
bad touch

Operation Smoke Screen
+37|6808|Montréal, Canada
I got one even easier then all those ones.

Wake Island 64 players map Full. Be Commander on any sides, doesnt matter. Sit in an AA. Drop artiellry.

The Kills from the artilery will count towards your AA Kills, so 11 kills will be a joke .
kubra dam is great for the ribbon. as is operation smoke screen and ghost town. like most have said, killing infantry is probably the quickest way unless you can find and shoot down a full transport chopper a few times.
The New Johnnie Cochran
I find Ghost Town to be a good one if you have SF.
Daqing oilfields, use mobile AA on US side and sit outside uncappable and wait for the choppers to head your way then back up between the buildings and start shooting.

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