I can haz titanium paancakez?
My school got shot up while I was there and I tried to stop the shooter, I failed, and got stabbed in the neck.

Felt so real.

Metal-Eater-GR wrote:

Felt so real.
It was real. You're in Heaven right now! Have been for a while, surprised no one's told you. In any case, welcome! Enjoy the rest of eternity
I can haz titanium paancakez?
Where are my virgins?

Look around you, they're on the other computers in the internet cafe.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6607|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Metal-Eater-GR wrote:

Where are my virgins?
The real question is; Where's Fekkesh?
I can haz titanium paancakez?
*rape rape rape*
There is.
+1,380|6824|Devon, England
I just had a dream I was playing Halo 3 with some friends, just like the good ol' days.

I was kicking ass, of course.

sophisticated slacker
+334|6457|Graz, Austria
Last night before I went to bed, my internet connection failed (so I rather was forced to got to bed ).

Later in the morning I had a dream about being back at university trying to get exam results.
The big wooden entrance door of the old uni building had a built-in computer for checking results, but I couldn't get a connection and had to leave.
i ahd an awesome one the other night. my friend and i were going around nyc with machine guns gta style. we would just bust open random doors and start lighting people up before they could even get a shot off. good times
+947|6645|Gold Coast
Was a prisoner in Mordor after the Ring returned to Sauron. For some reason, they gave us pikes/spears. We (the people/other prisoners) were held in camp type things. I noticed the fact that quite a few others had spears, and said "we could take these fuckers on" and everyone cheered.

Thats all I remember.

I had a dream i was 37 and posting on a video game forum

jsnipy wrote:

I had a dream i was 37 and posting on a video game forum
sick life bruh
There is.
+1,380|6824|Devon, England
I dreamt about spiders last night.

Wasn't nice. Kept fucking seeing them in my room.

I fucking hate spiders.
Wiki Contributor

FFLink wrote:

I dreamt about spiders last night.

Wasn't nice. Kept fucking seeing them in my room.

I fucking hate spiders.
like how bad:o
+605|6241|Birmingham, UK
I dreamt i was standing in the middle of an empty room on a giant pillar and everything was moving a million miles away then i jumped off

I was cleaning one of my ears with a Q-tip and got a lot of wax so I got another Q-tip and cleaned it some more and got more wax. I kept going and going and my ear would just not get clean! I think I went through 20 Q-tips before the dream ended.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6870|Oxferd Ohire
i liked whatever you posted on fb better mtb. i gwals'd

i had a dream where... i just forgot. if i remember ill edit...
+1,411|6875|FUCK UBISOFT

mtb0minime wrote:

I was cleaning one of my ears with a Q-tip and got a lot of wax so I got another Q-tip and cleaned it some more and got more wax. I kept going and going and my ear would just not get clean! I think I went through 20 Q-tips before the dream ended.
I was hiding in my truck and I saw this big spider under the steering wheel. I smashed it with my bare hand but a bunch of smaller spiders came out of its corpse.

freaked me out.

had a nightmare last night: apparently the last 4 months I was enrolled in a chemistry lab that I obviously hadn't been going to but I needed to graduate, even though I already passed it once before. I was freaking out because I didn't think they would give me my diploma. *even though I've already completed everything and have my diploma

as you may know i had a dental implant put in today.  last night i dreamt that i missed my appointment...
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"

haffeysucks wrote:

as you may know i had a dental implant put in today.  last night i dreamt that i missed my appointment...
How did that go and where did the implant go?

A couple days ago I slept in because it was raining (weather-dependent work), but dreamed only about the hot, miserable job I would have otherwise been doing outside.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2010-04-20 20:18:28)

Wrench turnin' fool
I had a dream last night that I pressed the button that nuked all of north and south Korea, and everyone turned into radioactive zombies. They looked like the zombies from Plants vs Zombies. It was awesome.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"

Chou wrote:

haffeysucks wrote:

as you may know i had a dental implant put in today.  last night i dreamt that i missed my appointment...
How did that go and where did the implant go?
it was alright, tyvm for asking.  there were a couple of very unpleasant points though: 1) the nurse was using the suction tool thing, and i swear i could hear my blood being sucked up every time my heart beat; 2) imagine a mosquito in your ear, go up 4 octaves, and make it as loud as a jet engine.  that's what the drill sounded like.

the implant went right in the middle of my lower jaw.  i've been missing two (very small) adult teeth down there so they made a big enough gap to put one regular sized tooth in the middle.  hopefully it doesn't look stupid, seems that way to me.

on the plus side, the vicodin made me mellow without making me drowsy and killed the pain pretty good so yeah
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6870|Oxferd Ohire
Well I never remembered the dream I was going to post here..But heres part of another.

First part after wearing a hat half the hair on the side of my head turned blonde or orange.

Second part included a Nazi nuke.. You ate it and you could tell it was getting ready to blow up by feeling a small hot spot in your
I woke up before it went off.

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