Fucking hell, trying to play but my bfbc2 keeps crashing/freezing and then having to reboot pc... Got me a 5770 to "improve" gaming experience and instead I cant play for 15mins without having to reboot
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Ummm, that Isla map and that jungle map? As for all that blizzard and sandstorms, they are added effect to add ambience. Seriously, it enhances the game, adding a degree of difficult. Like explosions and smoke clouding your view of targets for ages, or your aim shaking when things around you go boom. It's realism I appreciate.TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
Well why cant there be a map with helicopters that isnt full of dust or snow. In fact why is there all that dust and snow in any of them, you can portray snow and desert without blizzards and sandstorms.Ilocano wrote:
Because you are...TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
Or the Russian attack heli on that desert map. Its is like flying through a sandstorm.
I am really pissed at the Spotkey and the chatkeys not working half the time. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT!!!!!?!??!
Is there no way to re-assign the spawn screen key from Enter to something else? I alwas hit enter when I want to text something, but after I close the spawnscreen my chatkeys don´t work anymore until I actually respawned. ffs
Is there no way to re-assign the spawn screen key from Enter to something else? I alwas hit enter when I want to text something, but after I close the spawnscreen my chatkeys don´t work anymore until I actually respawned. ffs

My main bitch is the fucking server browser, since the game came out im still joining servers that i don't really want to, its just the only server it will let me me, as it says they are full when clearly they are half empty. Then like today i get multiple CTD's i reload up and cant join friends in the server i was in before it crashed, cos it says it full, when i can clearly see it fucking isn't.
i fuckin blow at this game

I play this game on PC.
I feel the game is abit of a step back from the scale and feel of Battlefield 2.
I think there is a lack of control over the in game player, even as recon class the controls are clunky, you cant jump over anything to save your life, as pointed out by loads of people you cant even go prone when need be. Players where more mobile in BF2, the knife was a selectable stealth weapon able to be used while standing, crouched or prone - your choice, Now you got to stand up and fackin lunge like a drunk. The vehicles are a short coming in my eyes as well, They seem underpowered and vulnerable rather than a source of fear to the lone infantryman, the driver is forced to use a single cannon on each tank, with horrible reload times, while being the source of attention. The majority of the maps are small, If I wanted lots of IO id play CoD:MW2.
In a nut shell Bigger maps, smoother less clunky game-play, more vehic's. BC2 didn't really seem to take anything EA/Dice should have learned from BF2 into account. I don't understand the new direction EA/Dice is on with these "new" versions of battlefield, and i wish they would cut it out! I'm not really a fan of hardcore either, that's a complete rip of CoD. I like to know my ammo count, and HUD's have been around since BF1942, part of the game IMO.
but the main thing is the ingame controls, just don't feel right.
P.S. the graphics are sweet as candy and the destruction is looking way better than Bad Company ever did.
I feel the game is abit of a step back from the scale and feel of Battlefield 2.
I think there is a lack of control over the in game player, even as recon class the controls are clunky, you cant jump over anything to save your life, as pointed out by loads of people you cant even go prone when need be. Players where more mobile in BF2, the knife was a selectable stealth weapon able to be used while standing, crouched or prone - your choice, Now you got to stand up and fackin lunge like a drunk. The vehicles are a short coming in my eyes as well, They seem underpowered and vulnerable rather than a source of fear to the lone infantryman, the driver is forced to use a single cannon on each tank, with horrible reload times, while being the source of attention. The majority of the maps are small, If I wanted lots of IO id play CoD:MW2.
In a nut shell Bigger maps, smoother less clunky game-play, more vehic's. BC2 didn't really seem to take anything EA/Dice should have learned from BF2 into account. I don't understand the new direction EA/Dice is on with these "new" versions of battlefield, and i wish they would cut it out! I'm not really a fan of hardcore either, that's a complete rip of CoD. I like to know my ammo count, and HUD's have been around since BF1942, part of the game IMO.
but the main thing is the ingame controls, just don't feel right.
P.S. the graphics are sweet as candy and the destruction is looking way better than Bad Company ever did.
Yeah had that yesterday. Was all fine when playing with you but later that evening I tried to join zeidmaans game and it crahsed every time. Picking a server on my own made no problems thoughUK|Hooligan wrote:
My main bitch is the fucking server browser, since the game came out im still joining servers that i don't really want to, its just the only server it will let me me, as it says they are full when clearly they are half empty. Then like today i get multiple CTD's i reload up and cant join friends in the server i was in before it crashed, cos it says it full, when i can clearly see it fucking isn't.

I cant get my head around the thinking behind attack heli mobility, theyre supposed to be fast, agile and smooth, instead they feel unresponsive and clumsy. Flying sideways feels like your fighting with your mouse to keep the heli in a proper angle... And the pilot controlled missile spam is pretty bad.. Hitting tank with every rocket and you take 30% of it's HP.. Wth? Especially when your gunner cant use the missile targeting dart thing..
I just want to see the ping of the servers in the server browser, playing for two hours on a server with players of more than 200 ping gives me a splitting head ache.
Just got a notification of nVidia, there is a new driver available, maybe this will improve the performance.
Just got a notification of nVidia, there is a new driver available, maybe this will improve the performance.
Last edited by Henkuz (2010-03-25 10:16:02)
I know exactly what you mean man. The game seems indeed alot more clunky and the console-knive is just bullshit. The vehicle perks and kit perks make the game a bit more diverse, so in that opinion BC2 does do better than BF2. And when operated properly and with the right amount of teamwork, one tank can be devasting enough to a team.Dont_Shoot wrote:
I play this game on PC.
I feel the game is abit of a step back from the scale and feel of Battlefield 2.
I think there is a lack of control over the in game player, even as recon class the controls are clunky, you cant jump over anything to save your life, as pointed out by loads of people you cant even go prone when need be. Players where more mobile in BF2, the knife was a selectable stealth weapon able to be used while standing, crouched or prone - your choice, Now you got to stand up and fackin lunge like a drunk. The vehicles are a short coming in my eyes as well, They seem underpowered and vulnerable rather than a source of fear to the lone infantryman, the driver is forced to use a single cannon on each tank, with horrible reload times, while being the source of attention. The majority of the maps are small, If I wanted lots of IO id play CoD:MW2.
In a nut shell Bigger maps, smoother less clunky game-play, more vehic's. BC2 didn't really seem to take anything EA/Dice should have learned from BF2 into account. I don't understand the new direction EA/Dice is on with these "new" versions of battlefield, and i wish they would cut it out! I'm not really a fan of hardcore either, that's a complete rip of CoD. I like to know my ammo count, and HUD's have been around since BF1942, part of the game IMO.
but the main thing is the ingame controls, just don't feel right.
P.S. the graphics are sweet as candy and the destruction is looking way better than Bad Company ever did.
Bigger maps are not necessarily required, only for the 32 man server though. (Since there is not difference between a 16 player map and 32 player map...)
The hardcore is indeed a rip off from CoD4 and it is a bit of shame. However, I do like going into one everynow and then because the tactics are different (from what I have seen so far) from regular servers.
The one thing that I do fuckin' hate and like to smash some EA/DICE heads for is, the enormous firepower that medics (yet again) have been given. I mean, c'mon a fucking m60 for a medic? They should be the ones who should get the SMG's.
The choppers are a complete dumb downed version of there (Overpowered) BF2 cousins.
Oh and the server browsers is just..FUBAR.
IMO medics should just get the shotty...RDMC wrote:
I know exactly what you mean man. The game seems indeed alot more clunky and the console-knive is just bullshit. The vehicle perks and kit perks make the game a bit more diverse, so in that opinion BC2 does do better than BF2. And when operated properly and with the right amount of teamwork, one tank can be devasting enough to a team.Dont_Shoot wrote:
I play this game on PC.
I feel the game is abit of a step back from the scale and feel of Battlefield 2.
I think there is a lack of control over the in game player, even as recon class the controls are clunky, you cant jump over anything to save your life, as pointed out by loads of people you cant even go prone when need be. Players where more mobile in BF2, the knife was a selectable stealth weapon able to be used while standing, crouched or prone - your choice, Now you got to stand up and fackin lunge like a drunk. The vehicles are a short coming in my eyes as well, They seem underpowered and vulnerable rather than a source of fear to the lone infantryman, the driver is forced to use a single cannon on each tank, with horrible reload times, while being the source of attention. The majority of the maps are small, If I wanted lots of IO id play CoD:MW2.
In a nut shell Bigger maps, smoother less clunky game-play, more vehic's. BC2 didn't really seem to take anything EA/Dice should have learned from BF2 into account. I don't understand the new direction EA/Dice is on with these "new" versions of battlefield, and i wish they would cut it out! I'm not really a fan of hardcore either, that's a complete rip of CoD. I like to know my ammo count, and HUD's have been around since BF1942, part of the game IMO.
but the main thing is the ingame controls, just don't feel right.
P.S. the graphics are sweet as candy and the destruction is looking way better than Bad Company ever did.
Bigger maps are not necessarily required, only for the 32 man server though. (Since there is not difference between a 16 player map and 32 player map...)
The hardcore is indeed a rip off from CoD4 and it is a bit of shame. However, I do like going into one everynow and then because the tactics are different (from what I have seen so far) from regular servers.
The one thing that I do fuckin' hate and like to smash some EA/DICE heads for is, the enormous firepower that medics (yet again) have been given. I mean, c'mon a fucking m60 for a medic? They should be the ones who should get the SMG's.
The choppers are a complete dumb downed version of there (Overpowered) BF2 cousins.
Oh and the server browsers is just..FUBAR.
Console knife is bullshit and I'm proof of that... 26% of my kills are from melee.
Yay friend requests being fucked up again as usual!
I just wish a mechanic would come out that made you shoot yourself and blow up while jumping with the noobtubes.
I wish there was a server that people didn't use cheap tactics.
I despise bunnyhoppers, noobtubers and all those unrealistic tactics.
I hate how I will usually crouch to fire on an enemy only to have them run at a sprint while shooting and kill me.
I really hate how you cannot locate enemies with the sound they make anymore like you could in the old school FPSers.
It amazes me that with stereo headphones that I have used since CS days where I can locate by sound and became something I relied on. Now that visually you can't see anything in this game sound should allow to locate, but it really doesn't. I hear shooting off in the distance that should be sounding like it is in front of me, yet it sounds like it is behind me.
I think my system gets FPS lag and every server I join seems to have a lot of latency issues for me.
How the hell do people shoot you when they can't really see you. I know they can't see me because I can't see them yet they hit me? Not only that if I run from one cover spot to another I get HS or taken down in 2 or 3 bullets yet it takes me 6 to 8 shots get someone. weird stuff I am getting ready to stay with BF2.
Ya bad day.
I wish there was a server that people didn't use cheap tactics.
I despise bunnyhoppers, noobtubers and all those unrealistic tactics.
I hate how I will usually crouch to fire on an enemy only to have them run at a sprint while shooting and kill me.
I really hate how you cannot locate enemies with the sound they make anymore like you could in the old school FPSers.
It amazes me that with stereo headphones that I have used since CS days where I can locate by sound and became something I relied on. Now that visually you can't see anything in this game sound should allow to locate, but it really doesn't. I hear shooting off in the distance that should be sounding like it is in front of me, yet it sounds like it is behind me.
I think my system gets FPS lag and every server I join seems to have a lot of latency issues for me.
How the hell do people shoot you when they can't really see you. I know they can't see me because I can't see them yet they hit me? Not only that if I run from one cover spot to another I get HS or taken down in 2 or 3 bullets yet it takes me 6 to 8 shots get someone. weird stuff I am getting ready to stay with BF2.
Ya bad day.
10 pages of bitching, aren't you guys bored yet?! All games have their floors, surely you've covered everything by now!
Probably not. The most fun thing for me today was losing my connection 3 times in a row in the middle of a great game.
Also I tought the predator from a uav would kill a tank in 1 blow. It took me 2 :S.
I also find it annoying it takes me half a clip to kill someone, beceause ammo giving teammates are hard to find.
oww and I hate all the noobtubers, it is even worse then in cod mw2
Also I tought the predator from a uav would kill a tank in 1 blow. It took me 2 :S.
I also find it annoying it takes me half a clip to kill someone, beceause ammo giving teammates are hard to find.
oww and I hate all the noobtubers, it is even worse then in cod mw2
flaws, spasticMicrowave wrote:
10 pages of bitching, aren't you guys bored yet?! All games have their floors, surely you've covered everything by now!
i is rdy 4 WARZZZ!!! Playing right now
fucking veteran thing fucking fails
it seems the garand only appears on certain servers (most, but not all)Trotskygrad wrote:
fucking veteran thing fucking fails

-Sounds not coming from proper directions.
-No prone.
-Poor auto-balance.
-PB being so far behind that they need a good slap.
-I can deal with the occasional crash but it is annoying.
-No prone.
-Poor auto-balance.
-PB being so far behind that they need a good slap.
-I can deal with the occasional crash but it is annoying.
Nah, I can use it fine after they "fixed" it.cowami wrote:
it seems the garand only appears on certain servers (most, but not all)Trotskygrad wrote:
fucking veteran thing fucking fails

Seems like every week this game goes from being super awesome and fun and working to ridiculously lame, not fun, laggy, and crash-ridden. Takes forever to find a decent server and get some good games going, but once that happens, shit explodes and everything crashes.
Oh well, at least they're hammering out bugs... I hope
Oh well, at least they're hammering out bugs... I hope
What the hell do you need the prone for anyways? Instaprone + spray?Nic wrote:
-Sounds not coming from proper directions.
-No prone.
-Poor auto-balance.
-PB being so far behind that they need a good slap.
-I can deal with the occasional crash but it is annoying.
I have noticed my KDR is bad when I go to the server with PB turned off.
Is there AIMBOT for this game?
Is there AIMBOT for this game?
Hiding behind the cover that doesn't even cover you if you're crouched?RoaringJet[FIN] wrote:
What the hell do you need the prone for anyways? Instaprone + spray?Nic wrote:
-Sounds not coming from proper directions.
-No prone.
-Poor auto-balance.
-PB being so far behind that they need a good slap.
-I can deal with the occasional crash but it is annoying.

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