Interactive bumps
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام me the schematic me the schematic
Yeah I saw this a while back.
They're damn lucky, but it looks more like somebody is pushing through with a giant drill or something, why is it so slow?
They're damn lucky, but it looks more like somebody is pushing through with a giant drill or something, why is it so slow?
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
buried deep maybe?
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
that driver was on point. the second it detonated he reacted.
Tu Stultus Es
you could also see the marker right before it explodes
Tu Stultus Es
One serious pot-hole to fill afterwards
that's why they call it speed control measures, if he was speeding, he would have been toast
are all explosions that big?
stupid Insurgents burying IED's too deep, lul.
depends ofcourse but any haji worth his salt wouldnt bury it that deep. most are much bigger. chances are if that sucker detonated under need the truck the guys would have likely survived.
Tu Stultus Es
I think those would deter speeding in any country.
yeah seen this couple years ago...-Sh1fty- wrote:
Yeah I saw this a while back.
eleven bravo wrote:
you could also see the marker right before it explodes

that it?

think so. all you need is a scope and a cell phone
Tu Stultus Es
old as hell but it still amazes me to see it
I remember seeing it on some news website. The IED was buried way too deep, so someone just made an error and that error ended up saving lives.
Fucking smart but cowardly men using IEDs.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
[x] scope
[x] cellphone
[x] cellphone
ive been directly IEd'ed twice and both times Haji was off his mark. One was about 10 feet behind the vehicle. it was 2 in the morning and we were rolling tactically (no light, just nods and flir) and they missed but seperated the patrol element by the huge crater in the narrow road. the other was right next to the vehicle across a canal though. haji must not have had the best view when he detonated that one.
Tu Stultus Es
Surely not as cowardly as the "freedom fighters" that sit in an air conditioned room all day long flying UAV's and killing "enemies"-Sh1fty- wrote:
Fucking smart but cowardly men using IEDs.
Don't even try to speak to Shifty with logic or reasoning. He doesn't understand it. But maybe if you try writing it in one of the following colors (red, white or blue) he MIGHT pick up on it. Write it in all three and you'll at least maintain his attention for more than 10 seconds.Ioan92 wrote:
Surely not as cowardly as the "freedom fighters" that sit in an air conditioned room all day long flying UAV's and killing "enemies"-Sh1fty- wrote:
Fucking smart but cowardly men using IEDs.
Yeah I agreeIoan92 wrote:
Surely not as cowardly as the "freedom fighters" that sit in an air conditioned room all day long flying UAV's and killing "enemies"-Sh1fty- wrote:
Fucking smart but cowardly men using IEDs.
IEDs are an art though, you have to have everything just perfect, the timing, the amount of explosives, the location, the cover, etc. With a UAV just look for a blowing white dot and MISSILE AWAY.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Just when we thought you couldn't get any dumber, you say shit like this.-Sh1fty- wrote:
Yeah I agreeIoan92 wrote:
Surely not as cowardly as the "freedom fighters" that sit in an air conditioned room all day long flying UAV's and killing "enemies"-Sh1fty- wrote:
Fucking smart but cowardly men using IEDs.
IEDs are an art though, you have to have everything just perfect, the timing, the amount of explosives, the location, the cover, etc. With a UAV just look for a blowing white dot and MISSILE AWAY.