Varegg wrote:
Pug wrote:
Ok, just reread the thread.
I missed it because you didn't put it in there. Or were not specific.
You blamed "people like lowing" for publishing the story, which is ridiculous.
I want to know why you would think "people like lowing" would want a national news story about a racist prank.
Why is it taboo to discuss the potential reasons for a non-issue to become newsworthy?
Assuming you are equally as pissed off about Mel Gibson-like comments as you are at this story?
I have also reread the thread and agree I could have been clearer and also worded myself in a different way ... using a phrase like "people like lowing" was not a good choice of words on my account ...
I'm sorry about that.But the meaning of that statement still stands, that it's not only black people crying about racial issues ... that we make a case about black people making it a case when the issue really is a minor one is just feeding the fire ... or making a mountain out of mole hill if you will ...
So you blame "people like lowing" for being fed up with being the scape goat for all that is wrong in black America.? Maybe, "people like lowing" feel that enough has been done and acknowledgement has been made to correct the injustices of the past and maybe, just maybe GENERALLY SPEAKING the black community should acknowledge its own short comings, and strive on their own to over come them, instead of continuously blaming everyone else for it.
As the article that you censored was pointing out, white America has long acknowledged what it was guilty of. It has worked feverishly to make amends in the form of social payouts and assistance and affirmative action to the point of "reverse" discrimination. When does the time come where you can no longer blame "people like lowing" for the actions and behavior that is working on tearing the black community apart?
I gave examples a few time recently that has gone unchallenged so I will give them again
It is not the fault of "people like lowing" that the black community chooses to hero worship gang members and violence, instead of black astronauts, doctors, firefighters, cops, pilots etc...
It is not the fault of "people like lowing" that black America views success and making something of yourself as selling out to "whitey"
But hey, there I go, just being a racist.