Should we expect lower prices for oil any time soon , supply and demand says we might. Conspiracy theorists may also suggest that by starting a war in Iraq was a good way to hamstring OPEC and thus take control of oil prices. Will OPEC try to bring IRAQ back to the fold?wsj wrote:
OPEC fears that its grip on the global supply of oil is being threatened by the rising output of Iraq's oilfields and the prospect of billions of dollars of multinational investment in the world's leading untapped oil resource.
Iraqi oil exports in February were at their highest in 20 years, at an average of 2.08 million barrels per day, and the country plans to lift that to 2.15mbpd for the rest of the year.
The relatively peaceful conduct of the Iraqi election and the signing of a clutch of contracts with foreign multinational companies, including BP, Shell and ExxonMobil, raises the prospect of a surge in Iraqi oil output over the next few years.
A continuing rise in Iraqi output, just when the IEA is predicting nil growth in demand from Western oil consumers, would not be welcomed by OPEC members.