life's pretty good really

What's the paper about?eleven bravo wrote:
I have 3 1/2 hours to write a page for class but I dont really need the points but then i dont wanna risk getting anything less than an A in the class
Ah so what do you exactly have to write about globalization?eleven bravo wrote:
globalization. the whole class is globalization. this is a chance for people that are behind to catch up before the final on tuesday
oh that just reminded me of something.eleven bravo wrote:
Based on your readings for class this entire quarter - what can you say definitely about globalization? Is Mittelman correct that globalization fuels insecurity? Is Chua correct that the way market democracy is exported exacerbates backlashes?
Last edited by Marlo Stanfield (15 years ago)
It actually brings peace. Without money, China would NEVER in hell work with Japan and India. Well Japan for the whole genocide thing... And India... Let's say Chinese people hate brown people to an extent.eleven bravo wrote:
Based on your readings for class this entire quarter - what can you say definitely about globalization? Is Mittelman correct that globalization fuels insecurity? Is Chua correct that the way market democracy is exported exacerbates backlashes?
In everywhere but the middle east for some reason.Cybargs wrote:
It actually brings peace.
Well Iran has stopped trying to kill Iraqis, Saudies have stopped fucking around too much.Marlo Stanfield wrote:
In everywhere but the middle east for some reason.Cybargs wrote:
It actually brings peace.
Sounds like a super Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me.mtb0minime wrote:
oh my goodness wat is rong with flamingmanica he closed androozs threads and i dont know why they are very important topics dealing with debate and serious tlak and they are very origonal ideas and ask very provacative questions that i had never herd before they are very import and serious to discussion and i wish that those threads would remain open becuz its nice to have debate and serious talk threads that are provocative and such as.
it is a super Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me! wanna hear another cool story? ok here goesMarlo Stanfield wrote:
Sounds like a super Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me.mtb0minime wrote:
oh my goodness wat is rong with flamingmanica he closed androozs threads and i dont know why they are very important topics dealing with debate and serious tlak and they are very origonal ideas and ask very provacative questions that i had never herd before they are very import and serious to discussion and i wish that those threads would remain open becuz its nice to have debate and serious talk threads that are provocative and such as.