androo is bi
totally ghey
Xbone Stormsurgezz
check your pms
still trying to figure out wat i am.whaaaaaaaaaat wrote:
androo is bi
gonna wait till im older though now, i think.
burnzzGooners wrote:
who was this aimed at … 7#p3060457
burnzz or androoz
wtfChou wrote:
burnzzGooners wrote:
who was this aimed at … 7#p3060457
burnzz or androoz
fuck the police and fuck fm
dude FM was right in closing that thread.Gooners wrote:
wtfChou wrote:
burnzzGooners wrote:
who was this aimed at … 7#p3060457
burnzz or androoz
fuck the police and fuck fm
dudeandrooz wrote:
dude FM was right in closing that thread.Gooners wrote:
wtfChou wrote:
fuck the police and fuck fm
shut the fuck up
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Dude, that was harsh. But fair.Gooners wrote:
dudeandrooz wrote:
dude FM was right in closing that thread.Gooners wrote:
fuck the police and fuck fm
shut the fuck up
Spoiler (highlight to read):

naw, the Police were ok in the Eighties.Gooners wrote:
fuck the police and fuck fm

I can say without hesitation that this has been the saltiest day of my life.
I spent last night sleeping on a bed made out of salt in a room made out of salt in a hotel on the edge of Salar de Uyuni, (the massive salt flats here in Bolivia,) that was also made out of salt only to get up in the morning and spend all day on said salt flats. I'm covered in salt and the hostel I'm staying at has no effing water supply, (and fuck-all electricity and a spaztic kid who keeps jumping out of random places and squealing at me,) so a can't wash all the damn salt off.
Bolivia is interesting. Argentina was a Hell of a lot nicer but it has it's charms. Some pretty wicked fucked-up scenery. Very high and very dry, at least where I am now is. I've ticked off a few 'life-list' things. I have now been standing above 5000 meters high, (5200 m, as high as Everest base camp,) and I have now been through a desert on a horse with no name. I also had Llama pizza for dinner tonight.
Awesomest thing about Bolivia though, You get five bolivianos for the kiwi dollar, (seven for US,) and things are cheap as Hell anyway.
I spent last night sleeping on a bed made out of salt in a room made out of salt in a hotel on the edge of Salar de Uyuni, (the massive salt flats here in Bolivia,) that was also made out of salt only to get up in the morning and spend all day on said salt flats. I'm covered in salt and the hostel I'm staying at has no effing water supply, (and fuck-all electricity and a spaztic kid who keeps jumping out of random places and squealing at me,) so a can't wash all the damn salt off.
Bolivia is interesting. Argentina was a Hell of a lot nicer but it has it's charms. Some pretty wicked fucked-up scenery. Very high and very dry, at least where I am now is. I've ticked off a few 'life-list' things. I have now been standing above 5000 meters high, (5200 m, as high as Everest base camp,) and I have now been through a desert on a horse with no name. I also had Llama pizza for dinner tonight.
Awesomest thing about Bolivia though, You get five bolivianos for the kiwi dollar, (seven for US,) and things are cheap as Hell anyway.
[Blinking eyes thing]
w/eGooners wrote:
dudeandrooz wrote:
dude FM was right in closing that thread.Gooners wrote:
fuck the police and fuck fm
shut the fuck up
Spoiler (highlight to read):
welcome to my world, Ty . . .Ty wrote:
I can say without hesitation that this has been the saltiest day of my life.
John Pinette is awesome
what up ig?
If Gooners were a stand up comedian, he'd be this guy.

I used to listen to him over the radio all the time, laughed my ass off.AussieReaper wrote:
If Gooners were a stand up comedian, he'd be this guy.
Fucking Sting man, I wish I was know only by my nickname.burnzz wrote:
naw, the Police were ok in the Eighties.Gooners wrote:
fuck the police and fuck fm
wassup, Docta?
You have to deal with things that are salty?burnzz wrote:
welcome to my world, Ty . . .Ty wrote:
I can say without hesitation that this has been the saltiest day of my life.
Like what, pray tell.