I remember back in 2001ish when I would stay up all night during holidays and just watch Rage.
The most rememberable video I saw at that time was The Superman Lovers - Starlight.
Makes me wtf.

I remember back in 2001ish when I would stay up all night during holidays and just watch Rage.
ADSL2 fails.tazz. wrote:
L2 Wirlpool My Young Grasshoper.
The best isp here however is internode.
I should also add that TPG is the best price for the worst service ISP.
and i mean WORST.
http://bc.whirlpool.net.au/bc/isp-18-5/ … -adsl2.htm
Bargain.CammRobb wrote:
ReckonCheez wrote:
Left means "Real" and right means "fake"
It's K. I've done worse at clubs...much...much worse. Anyways, you should blast TIGA (see above) until you forget. You also run the risk of losing all memory and becoming a fist-pumpin guido, but hell, it's almost worth it.Gooners wrote:
fuck my life, this ugly girl started grinding on me yesterday
Lmao, i think there was something in my drink yesterdayPochsy wrote:
It's K. I've done worse at clubs...much...much worse. Anyways, you should blast TIGA (see above) until you forget. You also run the risk of losing all memory and becoming a fist-pumpin guido, but hell, it's almost worth it.Gooners wrote:
fuck my life, this ugly girl started grinding on me yesterday
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 6#p3057296Metal-Eater-GR wrote:
^ i have that as a shirt, chicks dig it