i thought of cyborg ninja when i first saw it . . .
Eyes and hairstyle went pushed towards Super for me.burnzz wrote:
i thought of cyborg ninja when i first saw it . . .
nice pics btw Ultra - they play hockey year round?
night my fellow gays.. guys.
oh, I thought cos of burns'z avatar he did something extra stupid
cya Adams, and thanks!
he logged in. it always goes downhill from there . . .Mekstizzle wrote:
oh, I thought cos of burns'z avatar he did something extra stupid
Sounds good to me Lets get drunk.Eifa wrote:
I wonder would it be any good if you mix up rum and caramel liqueur..
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
i thought Eifa said that last nite . . . good mornin KCD.
Maybe you dreamt it. Maybe you can see the future in your sleep as I can. I havn´t found a way to activly control it yet thoughburnzz wrote:
i thought Eifa said that last nite . . . good mornin KCD.

Meh. Need more thingies for the cam. Damn plexi keeps shinning in the pix too much. Plus I got penis envy in the last game when the other photo dude had a 2000€ cam. Actually he had two of them. 8 pix/sec vs my 3 D: But to be fair he does that for a living anyways.burnzz wrote:
nice pics btw Ultra - they play hockey year round?
Well you can play hockey year around if you find an arena that is kept cold during the summer. Not that many arenas do that. Usually they shut down at the end of may when schools kick the kids out and turn the iceboxes on in august. Rollerblade hockey takes over plenty of the smaller arenas meanwhile. Otherwise different events are easier to arrange when the ice doesn't have to be covered.
wow, the girl in front of me in my lecture has the worst body stench I have ever smelled
afternoon guys
afternoon guys
I've just competed a 15 page research paper on the role of the imagination in shaping reality in Wallace Stevens' poetry. I've literally had to educate myself on the entire body of thought surrounding the problem, and have finally located Stevens firmly within it. Suffice to say, Stevens is a far more nuanced thinker than Wordsworth or Coleridge, and draws little from either despite commonly being labeled as a neo-romantic of sorts.
I've just competed a 15 page research paper on the role of the imagination in shaping reality in Wallace Stevens' poetry. I've literally had to educate myself on the entire body of thought surrounding the problem, and have finally located Stevens firmly within it. Suffice to say, Stevens is a far more nuanced thinker than Wordsworth or Coleridge, and draws little from either despite commonly being labeled as a neo-romantic of sorts.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
hi mark of the day
there's a time to be civil, and then theres a time to get off your ass and move down a few seats . . .Runs_with_sciss0rs wrote:
wow, the girl in front of me in my lecture has the worst body stench I have ever smelled
nicely done pochsy
and hi burnzz, congrats on the leet days registraaaawrd!!
i feel terrible, i think i went way overboard last night and i still cant taste anything i eat
and hi burnzz, congrats on the leet days registraaaawrd!!
i feel terrible, i think i went way overboard last night and i still cant taste anything i eat
Glanced, saw Finny, read, saw firmly, sadded.Pochsy wrote:
I've just competed a 15 page research paper on the role of the imagination in shaping reality in Wallace Stevens' poetry. I've literally had to educate myself on the entire body of thought surrounding the problem, and have finally located Stevens firmly within it. Suffice to say, Stevens is a far more nuanced thinker than Wordsworth or Coleridge, and draws little from either despite commonly being labeled as a neo-romantic of sorts.

You should have been overjoyed when you hear the news!Finray wrote:
Glanced, saw Finny, read, saw firmly, sadded.Pochsy wrote:
I've just competed a 15 page research paper on the role of the imagination in shaping reality in Wallace Stevens' poetry. I've literally had to educate myself on the entire body of thought surrounding the problem, and have finally located Stevens firmly within it. Suffice to say, Stevens is a far more nuanced thinker than Wordsworth or Coleridge, and draws little from either despite commonly being labeled as a neo-romantic of sorts.
I've been toiling over this paper for weeks, trying desperately to cover as many critics interpretations and philosophers and poets influences as possible. Nietzsche is of course the largest influence, but he himself was not an entirely original thinker-- so I had to trace his lineage to catch the nuances of the argument. Solipsism was particularly tricky to follow, as none of those relativist thinkers ever absolutely said they were 'x', and often wrote in such indirect and ambiguous ways that finding the point was a monumental task. Derrida is especially guilty, but I only used him to highlight the projection of the philosophic disposition of Stevens' on modern literature.
In short: Fuck yehahhhh
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
high fives all round brahPochsy wrote:
I've just competed a 15 page research paper on the role of the imagination in shaping reality in Wallace Stevens' poetry. I've literally had to educate myself on the entire body of thought surrounding the problem, and have finally located Stevens firmly within it. Suffice to say, Stevens is a far more nuanced thinker than Wordsworth or Coleridge, and draws little from either despite commonly being labeled as a neo-romantic of sorts.
Haha, I moved, along with everyone within a 5 seat radiusburnzz wrote:
hi mark of the daythere's a time to be civil, and then theres a time to get off your ass and move down a few seats . . .Runs_with_sciss0rs wrote:
wow, the girl in front of me in my lecture has the worst body stench I have ever smelled
At every occasion I'll be ready for a funerallll.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
no class today!*
time to play some bf:bc2 and waste my entire day away
*denotes that user actually has class but will not be attending
time to play some bf:bc2 and waste my entire day away
*denotes that user actually has class but will not be attending
Last edited by Bevo (14 years, 12 months ago)
My Intro. to Western Music professor planned some crazy activity for Beethoven, so I'll be going. though, it's probably a trap.Bevo wrote:
no class today!*
time to play some bf:bc2 and waste my entire day away
*denotes that user actually has class but will not be attending
I am however skipping Probability.

do you have that hot mezzican lady? I did last semester...Yellowman03 wrote:
My Intro. to Western Music professor planned some crazy activity for Beethoven, so I'll be going. though, it's probably a trap.Bevo wrote:
no class today!*
time to play some bf:bc2 and waste my entire day away
*denotes that user actually has class but will not be attending
I am however skipping Probability.
Good morning, boyos. It's raining and it's March and it's an alright kind of day. Beach Boys.