Whilst perusing Facebook, I noticed one of my friends joined a group/fan thing for which the general message is one of those lame-ass "Tell here she's beautiful" sort of themes. I understand that a LOT of young people of both genders go through a lot of stress with the "ideal body image" issues in adolescence, but do we really need to sugar coat everything and pretend that we treat everyone the same?
What I was thinking is that while everyone may have their own inner beauty and thus be, to an extent, beautiful; there is a large distinction between that and being attractive (which is subjective anyway). Attraction isn't something we can really control and is just the human animal looking to get its freak on.
What I was thinking is that while everyone may have their own inner beauty and thus be, to an extent, beautiful; there is a large distinction between that and being attractive (which is subjective anyway). Attraction isn't something we can really control and is just the human animal looking to get its freak on.