Since the original thread hasn't been updated in a while, I thought I would help the people out here and make a thread that actually will get updated.. So, simply post your name here and your in-game name and it will get updated.
Edit: Can you please let me know if you are EU, AUS or NA and I will separate the names via those designations. I am guessing on some based on locations indicated but I could be wrong. Please correct if I am. Thanks.
Edit: Can you please let me know if you are EU, AUS or NA and I will separate the names via those designations. I am guessing on some based on locations indicated but I could be wrong. Please correct if I am. Thanks.
bf2s username - bf:bc2 name
zeidmaan - zeidmaan
globefish23 - globefish23
I'm Jamesey - Jesis & James
FloppY_ - FloppYdk
Dauntless - Dauntless
UK|Hooligan - UK_Hooligan
Finray - Finrayy
greensprite - green-sprite
.Sup - .Sup
menzo - OopsIfarted
james@alienware - Microwave
uzique - afx/afxz/uzique/enixe/valo
Sisco10 - Sisco
Henkuz - Henkuz
Beduin - Beduin
Cybargs - Cybargs
theDude5B - theDude5B
^*AlphA*^ - ^AlphA^
captain-a - c4pt4in[a]
Ultrafunkula - Ultrafunkula
The Sheriff - Surgeons
EnemyOfAllkind - EnemyOfAllkind
Rick_Hemstra - Engineer_Fox
artofsurvival - artofsurvival
wah1188 - Quan118
Sydney - Sydney
CammRobb - CammRobb
FlemishHCmaniac - potatismos
smuder201 - MoNkEy SpAnKeR
Spidery_Yoda - Spidery_Yoda
moneyno1 - MooneyS20
Bernadictus - Bernadictus
Airwolf - Airwolf420
Shadow893 - Shadow893
DavidianCox - DavidianCox
naightknifer - Clarky5749
Varegg - Varegg
spark - Spark0001
AussieReaper - Goshawk
Rod Foxx - Rod Foxx
_raab - raabisonfire
Tazz - Tazz
Jaekus - Jaekus
Hooch Pandersnatch - GoThyme
Sup3r_Dr4gon - Sup3r_Dr4gon
The A W S M F O X - c_wong428[HK]
Canin - Canin
illuminati34 - illuminati34
War Man - WarMan
ebug9 - ebug9
Bevo - Bevo4
Scratch[USA] - Scratch[USA]
Naturn - Naturn
JohnG@lt - SchuE
Sonder- WinstonSmith1984
steelie34 -steelie34
killer21 - CTD-killer21
h4hagen - GenHenry
Blade4509- BladeTX
TehMyke - tehrape
-MetaL* - Re1ease
Doctor Strangelove - MechaGoebbels
OmniDeath - OmniDeath & Omni
krazed - krazedone
chaosdragoon001 - bPChaos
lxpikiman - elpikiman
2juk - 2juk
SealXO - bryyx5
Rohirm - ColonelKill/Rohirm
Phrozrenbot - Phrozo
farmerfez - farmar
CC-Marley -CC-Marley
Naturn - J.Skilnyk
haffeysucks - haffeysucks
fermatx - Trotskygrad
loubot - lbot
JadedDope - Fiend
chuyskywalker - chuyskywalker
Christbane - Christbane
cowami - cowami
xXNexusXx - Nexus
mtb0minime - MattyBoy714
Smokey7200 - Smokey720
patton - -=patton-ownz=-
Wallpaper - Wallpaper
Donald O 'Brien - whoawen
seymorebutts443 - seymorebutts443
tuckergustav - tuckergustav
Gladiator08 - Gladiator08
jsnipy - jsnipy
Arc - =Arc
eleven bravo - eleven b
Safrguns - Safrguns
genius_man16 - Genius_man
alexb - nubpiefactoryy
Vector - AntiBaseRape.exe
GraphicArtistJ - Graphic-J
CMDR_Dave - Montana_Dave
Last edited by killer21 (2010-12-06 07:47:32)