Support fanatic :-)

The Happy Engineer – A Commanders best friend

So what is my purpose in life u might ask yourself, an engineer never does that, he always knows what gives and is happy with his few tasks in life.

Primary goals:

·Repairing commander assets.
·Repairing friendly vehicles.
·Tank/Apc busting.

1.Repairing commander assets is often a crucial task, its way important for the team that the commander can function as best to his abilities, u`re almost certain to loose a battle if the assets are scrapmetal for a long amount of time.

2.So let your commander know u excist, be a squadleader so its easier for him to give u repairorders. This can often give u easy repairpoints with dedicated Specops on the opposing team.

3.Repairing friendly vehicles is often the best way to obtain a crucial lead on the opposing team. Driving a Tank and a Apc in twin formation gives u a deadly weapon that is hard to beat even for a skilled armourwhore, especially if both Tank and Apc contains an engineer. Repairing eachother is gold worth.

4.Driving a jeep or other vehicle close to any other vehicle is also a good solution for easy repairpoints and u are way more flexible to rush away for repairing an asset or different vehicles when spread out over the map. This last tactic could have given me expert repair more than once if I had the nessesary  100 hours but I don’t.

5.Tankbusting: Yeah, now we`re talking – U have 5 AT-mines u can deliver much grief with at any given time. Beware u only have those 5 until supplies is coming or u die. If none of your mines have kaboomed when u die the old are still active for some time so don’t rush to put down more at once.

6.Its two ways to put your mines into good use, mine the frequently used passageways or Jihad a nearby vehicle.

7.With Jihad its important to mine the opposing vehicle correctly, don’t put the mine in front or back of the tracks – deliver the mine on the middle of the vehicle and it will drop through and land directly under, one move and the tank or whatever is gone – that only takes 1 mine instead of two and u have spares if u live after the attack.

8.When mining frequently used passageways or narrow entrances its good to put them down in dark spots (shadows) or around a corner, take into consideration what kind of vehicles will take the turn, a slow tank will take a shorter turn than a jeep that does 60 mph.

9.Mining a bridge – often a armourdriver is himself a engineer and he knows what to look for. Mines on the middle of the bridge is a waste, easily spotted and removed, lay the mines at the end of bridge, there`s a blindspot not easily detected. Just on top of a slope is also good and hard to spot.

10.When opposed to infantry the “shotty” is a fabulous weapon, I haven`t used them all but the Jackhammer is wonderful, the autofunction when pressing the left mousebutton and holding it pressed empties the full load into any nearby enemy and can take down 2-3 people in one clip if close enough.

11.Have probably missed something but do comment if u like and I will implement it !
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Support fanatic :-)

Ah yeah, forgot - is often a smart choice to be engineer when u are commander, repair your own assets and block the entrances with mines - and of course u can supply yourself with new ones :-)
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Wish you were playing with me last night.
My commander toys were busted for quite some time despite frequent orders for repairs.
(And yet my team kept asking for UAV support and arty...)
I don't like to use supply crates to fix assets since those crates should be on the battlefield and put to good use.

We still won though...  ;o)
Support fanatic :-)

Well, the merry engineer takes a look at his map from time to time to check his TEAM`s assets, no use asking for a uav if its broken !

Also crowded citymaps like Karkand, Sharqi, Mashtuur, Warlord and Ghost town are excellent maps for engineers.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
The smart engineer always spawns at the uncap base so he can get a tank,because he is the ideal tank driver with the ability not only to fix his vehicle but also to clear the road of mines and repairing bridges.
And when spawning in the uncap base it's usually a really short ride to the commander's assets,I don't really see the problem people having with getting the vet repair badge.
Support fanatic :-)

Bridgerepair i forgot, dont give u any points but do help the team out alot, crucial on Ghost Town !

Tnx Blindfisch, 1 karma heading your way :-)
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Got His War On
+37|7094|Golden, CO
I get extremely annoyed when commanders order me to repair shit when I'm currently capturing a flag on the other side of the map as Assault or Spec Ops.  WTF do you want me to do, suicide so I can get half a repair point fixing the UAV trailer?  I mean, I'll be glad to help but don't tell me to do something that requires me to either suicide or try to get killed when I'm out there kicking ass.  There are a lot of times when I don't need UAV or artillery to do well, and taking time to repair stuff means that I'm not out there helping to defend a vital control point from 3 or 4 enemy squad.
Support fanatic :-)

I`m sure he means well when he kinda asks u to help him repair the teams assets. Actually the commander is better of being engineer himself.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Varegg wrote:

Bridgerepair i forgot, dont give u any points but do help the team out alot, crucial on Ghost Town !

Tnx Blindfisch, 1 karma heading your way :-)
Thx for the Karma.

I think it's just common sense to choose the engineer class when you want to tankwhore,whatever vehicle you choose the engineer is the ideal pilot.
Two engineers in jets flying close together can already repair each other on the way to the airfield,it's just a question of how good they communicate.
An engineer and a support/medic as a chopper-team can not only rack up tons of kills but additionally get some repair/heal/resupply points just by shortly hovering over teammates.

And the bridges,yeah....
It's not only crucial on Ghost Town,they are a few maps which could be played much more strategically if someone would blow up the bridges,but the SpecOps are mostly busy tossing C4 somewhere(but not anymore,thx 1.21).
But I have seen this so many times and that really annoys me :
There's a stupid noob,of course he took assault because he wants a big gun or sniper because he's so stealthy. Now this noob decides to tankwhore a littlebit,he reaches a destroyed bridge and what do you know?
He just parks there,not calling out for repairs or anything,he just waits there for enemies to come by.
The dangerous armored threat has come to a halt.
Eventually the noob just abandons the tank there or tries to find out if it is amphibious or not.

The commander's assets are just a halftime job for the engi,if played correctly he's one of the most useful and dangerous classes.

EDIT: and don't forget the mines,when you are an engineer in a tank you are mostly up against tanks,the engineer is the only class to have anti tank weapons which can be used together with the tank.
The AT-guy's rocket is just a last resort when you already lost your tank,the mines can be placed in certain positions and enemy tanks can be tricked into driving over them in a tank duel.

Last edited by Mj.Blindfisch (2006-04-19 12:14:21)

+224|7005|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
take some advice put your AT mines in a dimond shape it is alot more invisble...when you put them like that anot in a strait lineor put a randomly placed on where people would not expect it like around a corner, and with the dimond pattern a dimond with one in the middle
peace out Eric
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6910|California U.S.A
As a Engi' most of my playing time I'll usually stay back and watch out for spec ops raids myself at my teams base man the AA or what not at beginning to keep the enemy air powers honest while the entire team is scrambling away at the start of the round or man the essex's AA battery.

Spec ops can have alot of fun raiding the enemys base and C4'n the arty, uav, and sat scan.

But quite a few times if gone into the other teams base and deployed my five mines on top of their armour, transports, inside of transport heli's if you can get their attack heli that's really fun. Nailed a few jet pilots who think there about to get airborne...except for that mine in front of their back tire.

Kind of fun to lurk and see if you get bites via mines...   

And for a quick repair point if a AA/stinger site is manned of course by a teamate as you're running by take a quick look at the emplacement's armour bar they have very few hit points but it only takes a few seconds with the wrench and you get a repair point. It's like the quick $20 whore repair point...

"Slam Bam *wrench Wrench* thank you ma'm!"

Too bad heli pilots won't use the mobile repair/rearm w/ a vehicle more often. With an engi and support that can get a heli fixed and reloaded pretty quick. Comes in handy when our heli pad gets captured and a fly over would be a little hot for the heli. And on large maps this mobile repair/rearm works great.

Last edited by Seal 3 (2006-04-23 01:11:50)

Support fanatic :-)

Good point - have had a friend riding shotgun in a jeep with me more than once so we can repair/supply several vehicles and footies !

Will try that diamond shape next time i`m engy :-)
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
If you're an engineer and tank-whoring, when it comes time to hop out and sticky-tape your huge machine of death-dealing back together, don't forget to pop your smoke launchers before you get out.

This way you get to apply the magic wrench while keeping yourself nicely concealed from any of those sniping bastards who've just been waiting for you to stick your head out from inside all that armour.

MrE`158 wrote:

If you're an engineer and tank-whoring, when it comes time to hop out and sticky-tape your huge machine of death-dealing back together, don't forget to pop your smoke launchers before you get out.

This way you get to apply the magic wrench while keeping yourself nicely concealed from any of those sniping bastards who've just been waiting for you to stick your head out from inside all that armour.
Good point on popping smoke. I never thought of that, but there's nothing I love more than an APC with the engineer driver repairing it, standing still, on the main road of Karkand between Hotel and Square when I'm sniping.
I have no problem repairing commander assets if requested, as long as I'm in the area and playing engineer. Too many times, though, I'll have just spawned at the farthest base as a Spec Ops or Sniper, the only person in my squad, and the Commander will request repairs back at the uncap. If I die, no problem, I'll spawn uncap as engineer and help him out. I'm a team player, and I know my team needs those assets. On a commanding side note, if someone blew up all your arty, drop your supply crate between two. Nothing is more wasteful than 3 supply crates for three artillery cannons.
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6910|California U.S.A
Gees just rememberd this one, as the supply crates are deployed and time elapses and the crates are used they slowly lose there "health" Iv'e wrenched a few back to full strength before don't remember if i got repair points though?

it seems to make them last longer than normal.
feeding the BF2S community since 2005.....

Sambuccashake wrote:

Wish you were playing with me last night.
My commander toys were busted for quite some time despite frequent orders for repairs.
(And yet my team kept asking for UAV support and arty...)
I don't like to use supply crates to fix assets since those crates should be on the battlefield and put to good use.

We still won though...  ;o)
keeping your assets alive with supply crates is good use if your army isnt helping to repair them
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6910|California U.S.A

chefvolrath wrote:

Sambuccashake wrote:

Wish you were playing with me last night.
My commander toys were busted for quite some time despite frequent orders for repairs.
(And yet my team kept asking for UAV support and arty...)
I don't like to use supply crates to fix assets since those crates should be on the battlefield and put to good use.

We still won though...  ;o)
keeping your assets alive with supply crates is good use if your army isnt helping to repair them
Yeah but it also gives that Spec Ops bastard lurking in the bushes more C4 to blow the assests again.

I know when I spec op and I see that Supply Crate come parachuting down on the stuff i just exploded it makes me jump up and down like a little schoolgirl.

[schoolgirl jumping]"YahhhhhHHH!!! More ammo, some health, and strategic points"[/schoolgirl jumping]
Support fanatic :-)

Right, a stupid commander is a specops best friend ;-)
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Very good break down on how the ENGINEER can help out the team in many different ways. I wish more people would play with these and many more ideas just like these in mind, each kit has it's own abilitys that contribute to the big picture which is winning the round. Each one of these ideas stated above saves your teams tickets and costs the enemy team there tickets. Very nicely said!!! "+1 karma"


Last edited by EVIL_STYX (2006-04-24 00:36:48)

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