Dilbert_X wrote:
Did Bush do anything to stop the attack?
Even after being told Bin Laden was planning to hijack aircraft and attack inside the US?
No wait, he did absolutely zip.
Didnt take you long to get back on Bush. How old are you?
Seriously, hijacking planes and the threat of using hijacked planes as flying bombs has been around since the 1970's. Do you really think that it just came out of the blue only when Bush was president and that somehow Bush could have stopped it? There have been hijackings for years and yet I havent seen a president or a leader of a country stop any of them.
Getting thousands of reports on threats and deciding which ones are real and which ones are not can take its toll. Much of the info is very general and rarely specific. Who was president when Timothy McVeigh blew up the Alfred P. Murrah building or the Waco siege....oh that is right, Bill Clinton....I wonder why he couldn't have stopped those things. Or how come Clinton wasn't able to stop the US Embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. How come Clinton wasn't able to stop the bombing of the USS Cole. All these happened under Clinton's watch but I guess your blindfolds are still on.
Now, under Obama's watch, we had the Fort Hood shootings(I do not believe this was random at all and there were many warnings about his guy and his contacts) and we had an unsuccessful attempt at blowing up a plane just recently. How come Obama was not able to stop those 2 things.
Under Bush, we had 9/11 right at the start of his presidency and guess what, the terrorist were ALREADY living here in the US, planning this out months, probably years before Bush even became president. So somehow Bush could stop this? Give me a break. Now, I could be wrong, but America was not attacked again after 9/11 during Bush's watch, I could be wrong but I don't recall any major attacks.
My point is this, I don't care if you are Republican or Democrat, terrorists attacks are going to occur and if you think every single one is going to be stopped, that every single threat can be dealt with, that every attempt will be thwarted on time, then you sir are a complete and total moron. Terrorists simply don't like our way of life, they don't care if Obama is president or not...they are still trying and always will during my lifetime.