My personal religious opinion of having scriptures, that have nothing to do with war or even self defense, engraved in the sights of weapons: it's such a non-issue it doesn't even make the top 1000 of pressing religious decisions. I resent being compared to a terrorist because I do see nothing wrong with this. I do not advocate murder of innocent civilians as jihadists do, nor do I advocate military actions based purely on a religious basis as the jihadists do. My ideology is completely opposite of that of a jihadist "blowing shit up". Check your facts, mate.Mekstizzle wrote:
For the explicitly Christian members of the forum, what is your personal religious opinion of having scriptures engraved onto the sights of weapons? Jesus would approve, or not?
The Christians, especially the one's on this forum that lean right, can't accept the fact that they're quite ideologically similar to the Muslims. In the sense that they don't even feel uncomfortable with these engravings. In the same way that Muslims don't even see anything wrong with shouting Allah Ackbar before blowing shit up. It's not the acts themselves, it's the fact that people don't have any qualms and simply see it as being part of the religion. Which is messed up.
I think you underestimate the law-abiding, intelligent Muslim if you feel he/she will be offended by a soldier of a different faith has peaceful verses from his holy book on his rifle sight. Now the jihadist homicidal nutjob strapping a bomb to his back? He does have much love for us already now does he. I hope that Trijicon helps some of our boys stay alive.Braddock wrote:
It's not about what the soldiers using them think, it's about how the law-abiding Muslims living in Iraq and Afghanistan perceive it... the people that the US and UK are trying to convince aren't the victims of a 'holy war'. This doesn't read well from a public image point of view.Turquoise wrote:
Even as an atheist, I find this to be a non-issue.
I don't care if they had Quranic verses on them or even lines from the Satanic Bible. If the gunsight functions like it's supposed to, what's the deal?
Last edited by Stingray24 (2010-01-22 15:58:46)