S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6917|Pickle Village
UTG M324 Sniper Rifle

It kicks ASS!!!  (and is under $100, $99.99 ) … =1&NL=

Click on Spring guns, it is the first one on the list.

Last edited by Stumanbmx (2006-04-14 09:59:05)

Unintentional Good-Guy
dude, you airsoft? nice, I'm supposed to be getting my CA M15A4 Tac. Carbine today (birthday present), but the stupid UPS guy won't show up....
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I have an electric desert eagle (semi or full ), spring 92FS, two spring USPs, a spring G36C, and a spring P99 w/ extended clip
Ok guys, what do you guys think of these. I don't know which one to ask my parents: … erGun.html (M324 w/ a bunch of accesories but w/o scope, if you choose this plz give me a good scope for me to choose from. Something like a beginning through intermediate scope cuz i'm not a big airsoft guy, just some shoot and run games with friends) and here's my other favorite. The kick ass gun from MGS1, not sure how it plays in EF but the FAMAS variant:

The Famas is a sweet gun w/ some good specs and is a quarter of the price of the M324. But well, I just love sniping in games and I'm not that bad on those few days during Scouts when we rifle shoot. oNLY THING thats bringing me down is the price and scope of the M324. Opinions?

Edit: I've narrowed it down to the FAMAS but now theres 2 choices:
Everything with the one below but w/ silencer. Downside, it says it only holds 20 rounds for some reason but they look identical.
Everything with one above but w/o silenver. Supposedly holds 50-100 rounds which is a lot.


Last edited by xX[Elangbam]Xx (2006-04-16 20:55:13)

bad touch

go big or go home.

id recommend these babies

they are the 2 i have, and they own, but they are about 300 a piece
The Cereal Killer
+201|6972| United States of America
teh L96A1 pwnage ^^^^
+6|6955|America (half German, boo ya)
yah sniper airsofts are nice, in tourneys I do believe the cap on the fps is somewhere around 500-535 fps which is pretty hard. Stryyker is right, go big or go home. If you get a cheap one, you'll end up breaking it and then spend another 100-300 dollars on a better one when you could've used that first $100 dollars you spent on the better airsoft that will last longer and be a lot more fun.

I have a Classic Army G36C that fires at 400+ fps(spring and battery upgrade) . Planning on getting a 60mm grenade launcher for it. Total, I've put about $500 dollars into it (and I'm only 16... parents barely let me get it), and I love it. It's dead on accurate, and tourney ready now. I'll see if I can take a pic of it
bad touch

all i have to say is: next project
+447|7161|Seattle, Washington, USA

Some o' my friends have been bugging me about doing this with them, but I have some questions.
OK, this gun looks pretty good. Will it suck because of the price? How long will the battery last? And if you enlarge the image of the gun, you can see bullets in the magazine. How does that work if you're trying to use bb's? … istol.html
Will it suck because of the price? Since it's a Spring gun, does that mean I have to cock it after every shot?

And I know these prolly aren't the best guns, but I'm not looking to buy $300 ones yet. If I buy these they will be my first airsofts.
+6|6955|America (half German, boo ya)
Alrighty... I personally have never seen or used that particular G36C. My guess is that it uses an 8.4v mini-type battery which will last you maybe 4-6 hours of non-stop play. The bullets in the magazine are fake, they are just there to look real and help give it more of a real feel to it. I personally wouldn't go with it, but it probably has some good reviews, I don't know I could be wrong. here's a pic of not my gun per say...
The red dot I am using is one made for real weapon, which i don't have a pic of right now.
Mine just has a different red dot and a larger foregrip which houses a 9.6v large type battery, and mine has a spring upgrade(which shoots at 400+ fps, I think I've said that before). Also I think that though the 36c you're looking at looks good, I can't tell you how it will perform. I don't know how accurate it will be. Mine is accurate to within a 1/2 inch at 50ft, but then again, I've put 500 dollars into mine.

And now for the next one.
You will have to cock it each time, which is what you will find in most pistols. Usually that means they pack a bigger punch, but 125 fps really isn't all that impressive. I will say this though, if an entry level is what you are looking for (I'm not saying their bad), then the G36C you chose out looks pretty good. After you get it, if you do, make sure and tell us how it  is, I'd like to know.

Cheers, happy hunting, lol

Edit: Email me at [email protected] if anyone has anymore specific questions about any aspect of airsoft, or if you want help deciding on a gun, I can recommend you to a friend of mine who gets stuff on third wholesale (I buy all my stuff through him)

Last edited by Col.Severinus (2006-04-18 21:30:56)

+447|7161|Seattle, Washington, USA

Thanks for the info Severinus!
S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6917|Pickle Village

Homeschtar wrote:

Some o' my friends have been bugging me about doing this with them, but I have some questions.
OK, this gun looks pretty good. Will it suck because of the price? How long will the battery last? And if you enlarge the image of the gun, you can see bullets in the magazine. How does that work if you're trying to use bb's? … istol.html
Will it suck because of the price? Since it's a Spring gun, does that mean I have to cock it after every shot?

And I know these prolly aren't the best guns, but I'm not looking to buy $300 ones yet. If I buy these they will be my first airsofts.
My brother has the second gun which sucks really bad and you should NOT buy it.  My friend has a gun like the first one you mentioned and for every time the gun "fires", bb's come out 1/2 the time.  It is also terribly inaccurate.

I would recommend the UTG 587LA shotgun.  It is an excellent starrter gun and has great power (318 fps).  Hurts like a mofo at close range, i.e. 2 ft.

(you can find it here under spring guns: … amp;kiosk= )

Last edited by Stumanbmx (2006-04-19 19:35:46)

+34|7061|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

Do you guys know any airsoft sniper rifle guns that are cheap like under $100 that are any good.
no i just ordered a Classic Army g36 with a Clasic Army drum magazine converted into a MG36 its really cool
take a look at the stuf im buying … ts_id=1864 … cts_id=680

Last edited by sparklet (2006-04-19 19:36:21)

+271|7069|United States of America

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

I don't really know, but all my friends are into airsoft. So maybe over the summer I might get one just for kicks and iggles. Sort of like paintball, with no mess and the authentic military fun. And no, I haven't played paintball either. Check this beast out: … erGun.html

Probably going to be sold out by the time I ask my parents.
I have that sniper. It's damn good. Accurate powerful, light, quiet, and very upgradable. Hop up is good on it also.
+34|7061|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!

Homeschtar wrote:

Some o' my friends have been bugging me about doing this with them, but I have some questions.
OK, this gun looks pretty good. Will it suck because of the price? How long will the battery last? And if you enlarge the image of the gun, you can see bullets in the magazine. How does that work if you're trying to use bb's? … istol.html
Will it suck because of the price? Since it's a Spring gun, does that mean I have to cock it after every shot?

And I know these prolly aren't the best guns, but I'm not looking to buy $300 ones yet. If I buy these they will be my first airsofts.
it will sucks if u dont take care of it like my TM m4 the mag is messed up and the gun maybe shoots a BB out 1/10
bad touch

the problem with the bolt action rifles is, if they are cheaply made, the cocking lever will break off, rendering the gun almost useless. so if you get a BA rifle, take good care of it
+6|6955|America (half German, boo ya)
This is gonna be a kinda long post again...

To add on to that.. the UTG Master Sniper is good, and well, you can upgrade it, but I would recommend that you put no more than a 150% spring in it. If you did you would stand an even better chance of breaking off the cocking lever(unless you replaced it with a harder stronger one), and you might find that it would be impossibly hard to even cock. My friend has the UTG though and says it is a very nice rifle; I like what he's done with it.

sparklet wrote:

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

Do you guys know any airsoft sniper rifle guns that are cheap like under $100 that are any good.
no i just ordered a Classic Army g36 with a Clasic Army drum magazine converted into a MG36 its really cool
take a look at the stuf im buying … ts_id=1864 … cts_id=680
I have only one thing to say about this setup, well a few things. The foregrip you have ordered, if I am not mistaken (please correct me if I'm wrong), will turn the orginal barrel (which is one piece) into a two piece barrel. This has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that is it easier to take care of, you can just unscrew the barrel to clean the entire barrel if you need to (I recommend cleaning a barrel at least once every other week). The disadvantage though, is that since it is a two piece barrel, that makes it prone to wobbling around a little, which in turn can make your shots not as accurate. This also makes that more prone to breaking (as it is more likely to break than a single piece). Though I have never seen this happen, my friend has once. If you take good  care of your gun though (which you should and isn't very hard; the CA36C is a high caliber weapon). You might be interested in a larger battery, because the standard 8.4v small type battery only lasts 4-6 hours. Just thought I'd bring that little bit to your attention.

One more thing, if I were you, I would most definitly get the longer G36KE stock, because when you convert your gun, you're gonna be stuck with the shorter Compressed Buttstock (as that's what G36C stands for; G36 Compressed, as aposed to G36 or G36 Kompact). The specific one I'm talking about is called the "STAR G36KE Folding Stock"

Get that and you're gun will be fricken sweet, no questions asked.

What airsoft gun/s do all ya have right now?

Last edited by Col.Severinus (2006-04-20 12:15:27)

+34|7061|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!

Col.Severinus wrote:

This is gonna be a kinda long post again...

To add on to that.. the UTG Master Sniper is good, and well, you can upgrade it, but I would recommend that you put no more than a 150% spring in it. If you did you would stand an even better chance of breaking off the cocking lever(unless you replaced it with a harder stronger one), and you might find that it would be impossibly hard to even cock. My friend has the UTG though and says it is a very nice rifle; I like what he's done with it.

sparklet wrote:

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

Do you guys know any airsoft sniper rifle guns that are cheap like under $100 that are any good.
no i just ordered a Classic Army g36 with a Clasic Army drum magazine converted into a MG36 its really cool
take a look at the stuf im buying … ts_id=1864 … cts_id=680
I have only one thing to say about this setup, well a few things. The foregrip you have ordered, if I am not mistaken (please correct me if I'm wrong), will turn the orginal barrel (which is one piece) into a two piece barrel. This has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that is it easier to take care of, you can just unscrew the barrel to clean the entire barrel if you need to (I recommend cleaning a barrel at least once every other week). The disadvantage though, is that since it is a two piece barrel, that makes it prone to wobbling around a little, which in turn can make your shots not as accurate. This also makes that more prone to breaking (as it is more likely to break than a single piece). Though I have never seen this happen, my friend has once. If you take good  care of your gun though (which you should and isn't very hard; the CA36C is a high caliber weapon). You might be interested in a larger battery, because the standard 8.4v small type battery only lasts 4-6 hours. Just thought I'd bring that little bit to your attention.

One more thing, if I were you, I would most definitly get the longer G36KE stock, because when you convert your gun, you're gonna be stuck with the shorter Compressed Buttstock (as that's what G36C stands for; G36 Compressed, as aposed to G36 or G36 Kompressed). The specific one I'm talking about is called the "STAR G36KE Folding Stock"

Get that and you're gun will be fricken sweet, no questions asked.

What airsoft gun/s do all ya have right now?
good sugestions +1
i curently have a UTG mp5a4/a5 its a mid range pretty good and a broken TM m4
EDIT also the upgrade is made by CA it self so it shuld work

Last edited by sparklet (2006-04-20 06:38:05)

Please don't buy ANYTHING from airsplat... They have horrible reviews. IE sells broken/used guns, wrong gun is shipped. And their Customer Support is horrid

370 fps/130-160 feet ... That doesn't sound right. 280 FPS is about 120-180 feet...

Anyways scratch everything besides CYMA 028S, UTG MP5, UTG M324, AIM M4 (Maybe expensive... but damn it's good.) Or you can always wait for UTG to come out with an AK Beta Spetsnz....

Anyways I have the UTG sniper, UTG mp5, and TM Aug... Love these guns. … AEG_MATRIX
AIM M4. Has excellent reviews and shoots about 60 FPS higher out of the box... Chronoes around 360...

Great places to look

If you hurry -> … dZViewItem
Great gun. TM is a great brand for beginners.  + You actually get batteries + charger =o

Chronoed my M324 at about 315... Rumours of a new drop-in bolt to upgrade to 450-550 have comeout.

Last edited by joker8baller (2006-04-20 07:08:55)

+6|6955|America (half German, boo ya)
good sites +1

TM is a good brand, but you cannot upgrade the spring in any TM models without having to upgrade the gears also (this only applies to AEGs). This is because the gears used in the TM AEG models are made of alluminum and cannot will be stripped in no time if you upgrade the spring. That being said, TM does use real trademarks which hardcore gamers like, and TM does sell a full metal body that uses steel gears.

What CA just does is pre-upgrade all their gears with steel gears, but they don't use real weapon trademarks on the sides, otherwise their guns wouldn't make it past US customs. CA's target market is in the Americas and Europe, as TM was originally only in Japan. This is because if the guns were only sold in their country, they wouldn't have to worry about Trademake infringment, which is why they use real trademarks. That was their excuse.

About having the fps in 450-550. Most tournaments today have a cap on the fps for AEGs, and that is 450, mine shoots at about 430, and hurts like a mutha. I don't think any of your friends would want to play with you if you used a gun that was firing full auto/burst at speeds that snipers are only allowed to have in big tournaments(ie. the 450-600 fps range). Joker has good places to look, just make sure and do some searches for reviews before you buy.

Another place to look at would be
They pretty much every weapon from every airsoft maker. I wouldn't order from them thoug, because they are based in China, and chances are Customs will pick up anything you order from them. It's just a nice site look at all the models made by everyone. My next gun is going to be the CA AUG or the AK.

Last edited by Col.Severinus (2006-04-20 12:13:10)

+68|6980 <-- Another thing about that place is that you have to pay for shipping overnight.. And the prices do include VAT / Custom fees which canrun you pretty high.

CA -> Make sure you get a good one, they have quite a few lemons via their hop-up system. But some damn nice guns.

May I suggest getting the NEW ICS-AK 74!!!! Full metal, and trades. Nice but $300 price tag. Check it out on the homepage of 

The outdoor ranges in California cap is 400 around my area, so upgrading my guns won't do much good ><

That classic army aug is nice, but I'd rather get my own scope then an integrated one. But don't forget to check out the AK...   KJW P226 is pretty nice, full metal GBB ( Gas BlowBack.) $130?
+6|6955|America (half German, boo ya)
well, I didn't say order from, they just have all the models to look at. Then you can decide from there, and go buy your gun from another place. I wouldn't order from there to save my life, lol.

I was going to take the scope off the AUG and put my own on... somehow... I'd have to do some custom body work.

Cap is 400... well at least you have places, there are no tourneys or anything around where I live, just friends. Which is why I'm looking into going into a tourney. I'm tired...

+34|7061|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!
i like the the SPR is americas army........and the g36 E

hmm which one? G&g has a SPR look a like that goes for 650-700$$
g36c with E upgrade will cost me 400$\
EDIT also CA sells the g36 with the big 3x scope on top any1 think its cool?

Last edited by sparklet (2006-04-20 20:53:56)

Don't forget that the overseas shop = Customs will most likely take away/Charge you extra fees

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