Just occured to me how much I hate most people and why anymore. I really hate people that are proud party members a veiw them as enemies of my country. Just curious how many other people this bothers. So here is the poll....
Which do you find most offensive.
Someone being openly gay | 6% | 6% - 6 | ||||
Someone being openly Democrat or Republican | 2% | 2% - 2 | ||||
Someone being openly an illegal citizen | 35% | 35% - 31 | ||||
Someone being openly addicted to Drugs | 28% | 28% - 25 | ||||
Someone being openly uncaring about the environment. | 27% | 27% - 24 | ||||
Total: 88 |
null. Why get your panties in a twist over what someone else does?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
its a pretty broad spectrum you got there ............... take the gay thing, a guy could be openly gay and I don't care .. then theres Adam Lambert
a person could be openly Democratic ..... then you have Nacey Pelosic
a person can be an illegal ............. welll they are breaking the law .
a person can be addicted to drugs ....... cops
a person could be uncaring about the enviroment ......... then you have Al
a person could be openly Democratic ..... then you have Nacey Pelosic
a person can be an illegal ............. welll they are breaking the law .
a person can be addicted to drugs ....... cops
a person could be uncaring about the enviroment ......... then you have Al
Because our country is being destroyed by their stupidity. Maybe people in Germany should have been more outraged by people that openly supported the Nazi Party before they got into power and destroyed their country and killed millions.
Someone being openly gay - you hate gay people?
Someone being openly Democrat or Republican - yeah i hate party line idiots too but what are you going to do? bitch about them on an gaming forum.
Someone being openly an illegal citizen - wow, big deal.
Someone being openly addicted to Drugs - many people drink caffeine. do you really hate them?
Someone being openly uncaring about the environment. - only like 1% of the earth truly cares about the environment. doubt you're apart of them.
Someone being openly Democrat or Republican - yeah i hate party line idiots too but what are you going to do? bitch about them on an gaming forum.
Someone being openly an illegal citizen - wow, big deal.
Someone being openly addicted to Drugs - many people drink caffeine. do you really hate them?
Someone being openly uncaring about the environment. - only like 1% of the earth truly cares about the environment. doubt you're apart of them.
Probably either Illegal or Druggie out of that list. The rest aren't really anything to get into a fuss about. Then again neither is Illegal or Druggie, but they just seem worse then the others.
Illegals i guess might be worse, depending on the govt.... as in, more free shit.Mekstizzle wrote:
Probably either Illegal or Druggie out of that list. The rest aren't really anything to get into a fuss about. Then again neither is Illegal or Druggie, but they just seem worse then the others.
EE (hats
oh wait, now i remember you. your the guy who thought killing someone is justified if they are a 25 year old dating a 15 year old. you're more of a fucked person than anyone in that poll.
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 1#p2620531
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 1#p2620531
Last edited by 13/f/taiwan (15 years, 1 month ago)
Someone being openly gay Homosexuality doesn't bother me.Someone being openly an illegal citizen
Someone being openly Democrat or Republican Meh
Someone being openly addicted to Drugs People can change
Someone being openly uncaring about the environment. Fuck the environment
Someone being proud to be an illegal makes me rage a bit. I don't mind people coming here legally and obtaining citizenship, that's cool "give us your tired your poor" and so on but someone being proud of being an illegal just pisses me off.
don't hate gays.13/f/taiwan wrote:
Someone being openly gay - you hate gay people?
Someone being openly Democrat or Republican - yeah i hate party line idiots too but what are you going to do? bitch about them on an gaming forum.
Someone being openly an illegal citizen - wow, big deal.
Someone being openly addicted to Drugs - many people drink caffeine. do you really hate them?
Someone being openly uncaring about the environment. - only like 1% of the earth truly cares about the environment. doubt you're apart of them.
Yeah, I'll bitch about them on a gaming forum.
fence jumpers are a big deal to me.
the drugs can be whatever the person reading it wants it to be and this is #2 for me.
I care about the environment a lot. I love nature and want it protected.
To explain myself better since I got a few messages...JohnG@lt wrote:
null. Why get your panties in a twist over what someone else does?
Someone being openly gay - has no real bearing on my life. If we're talking about PDA, well PDA of any sort, whether straight or gay makes me uncomfortable.
Someone being openly Democrat or Republican - ohnoez, someone has an opinion.
Someone being openly an illegal citizen - Meh, they do most of the work that other people don't want to do. Most of the people that complain about illegals are the ones that spit on education when they were in high school/college age and can't find anything more than menial work where they compete with other uneducated people (illegals). Their own fault.
Someone being openly addicted to Drugs - If someone wants to fuck up their own life, let em. As long as they aren't stealing my car stereo they really have no impact on my life.
Someone being openly uncaring about the environment. - Am I supposed to get mad about under-inflated tires now? If they throw trash on the ground, then yeah, I'll get a bit peeved.
The only time I ever really give a crap about what other people do is when they are openly stupid and preach their stupidity to others. I'm generally a very tolerant person but this really gets to me.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
The funny thing is a large amount of people find your views to be stupid.JohnG@lt wrote:
The only time I ever really give a crap about what other people do is when they are openly stupid and preach their stupidity to others. I'm generally a very tolerant person but this really gets to me.
Nothing personal, I just hate when people get into a fuss and call other people stupid because of different views.
None of it, i don't care.
Someone being negligent with the environment can be equally as negative as someone who is an illegal using infrastructures without paying into them.
So, I guess it's a tie between those 2.
So, I guess it's a tie between those 2.
Gay - It's not my butt.
Political Party - Not everyone affiliated to a party swallowed the cool-aid, and you seem to be more radical than the major parties' lines.
Illegal - You try living in Mexico.
Addict - These people need help not hatred.
Anti-Enviorment - At least they aren't smug like the pro-environment people often are.
Political Party - Not everyone affiliated to a party swallowed the cool-aid, and you seem to be more radical than the major parties' lines.
Illegal - You try living in Mexico.
Addict - These people need help not hatred.
Anti-Enviorment - At least they aren't smug like the pro-environment people often are.
That's fine. They don't have to agree with me. But can they say that I haven't researched my views or that I come up with off the cuff crap to spew? No.Macbeth wrote:
The funny thing is a large amount of people find your views to be stupid.JohnG@lt wrote:
The only time I ever really give a crap about what other people do is when they are openly stupid and preach their stupidity to others. I'm generally a very tolerant person but this really gets to me.
Nothing personal, I just hate when people get into a fuss and call other people stupid because of different views.
I was talking about people that have no knowledge on a subject but have an opinion (and will defend it to the end) regardless.
Last edited by JohnG@lt (15 years, 1 month ago)
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
No, I'm the one that was glad that a 25 year old illegal molesting a 15 year old was not embraced by society.13/f/taiwan wrote:
oh wait, now i remember you. your the guy who thought killing someone is justified if they are a 25 year old dating a 15 year old. you're more of a fucked person than anyone in that poll.
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 1#p2620531
I remember you, you are that illegal that likes to molest 15 year olds.<---- see how that works when I use your level of reading comphrehension.
Uh no that is as wrong as calling their views stupid. I'm not a big fan of making debates personal or totally discounting people's views.JohnG@lt wrote:
That's fine. They don't have to agree with me. But can they say that I haven't researched my views or that I come up with off the cuff crap to spew? No.
He has a good point actually. I may not like illegals, but killing them isn't the answer. Deporting them can work, but it's expensive.Lotta_Drool wrote:
No, I'm the one that was glad that a 25 year old illegal molesting a 15 year old was not embraced by society.13/f/taiwan wrote:
oh wait, now i remember you. your the guy who thought killing someone is justified if they are a 25 year old dating a 15 year old. you're more of a fucked person than anyone in that poll.
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 1#p2620531
I remember you, you are that illegal that likes to molest 15 year olds.<---- see how that works when I use your level of reading comphrehension.
I edited. I discount peoples views when it's warranted. If their ideas aren't based on logic and reason then they are worthless.Macbeth wrote:
Uh no that is as wrong as calling their views stupid. I'm not a big fan of making debates personal or totally discounting people's views.JohnG@lt wrote:
That's fine. They don't have to agree with me. But can they say that I haven't researched my views or that I come up with off the cuff crap to spew? No.
I'm sorry Macbeth but not all opinions and ideas have merit.
Last edited by JohnG@lt (15 years, 1 month ago)
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
none offend me
Very good comments, especially the gay one.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Gay - It's not my butt.
Political Party - Not everyone affiliated to a party swallowed the cool-aid, and you seem to be more radical than the major parties' lines.
Illegal - You try living in Mexico.
Addict - These people need help not hatred.
Anti-Enviorment - At least they aren't smug like the pro-environment people often are.
Do you mean illegal immigrant not illegal citizen?
Because not to be an ass, but that is the only thing in the list that would piss me off. Breaking the laws, particularly those are there for public safety, is low.
Because not to be an ass, but that is the only thing in the list that would piss me off. Breaking the laws, particularly those are there for public safety, is low.
He was killed because he was a Mexican not because he was tapping a 15 year old.Lotta_Drool wrote:
No, I'm the one that was glad that a 25 year old illegal molesting a 15 year old was not embraced by society.13/f/taiwan wrote:
oh wait, now i remember you. your the guy who thought killing someone is justified if they are a 25 year old dating a 15 year old. you're more of a fucked person than anyone in that poll.
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 1#p2620531
I remember you, you are that illegal that likes to molest 15 year olds.<---- see how that works when I use your level of reading comphrehension.
If he was killed for being a Meixcan then that's clearly a racist hate crime.
If he was killed for being a pedo than give the kids a medal.
But was killed for being a Mexican and that's not cool.
What exactly makes you arbiter of worth of views and master of logic and reason?JohnG@lt wrote:
I edited. I discount peoples views when it's warranted. If their ideas aren't based on logic and reason then they are worthless.Macbeth wrote:
Uh no that is as wrong as calling their views stupid. I'm not a big fan of making debates personal or totally discounting people's views.JohnG@lt wrote:
That's fine. They don't have to agree with me. But can they say that I haven't researched my views or that I come up with off the cuff crap to spew? No.
I'm sorry Macbeth but not all opinions and ideas have merit.