Dilbert_X wrote:
Sure, if you want your personal wage to be brought down to that of the cheapest available labour on earth.
<heavy southern accent>THEY TOOK OUR JOBS</accent>
That is, assuming your skillset is that which is prevalent in a developing country.
Narrator is the definition of douchemuffin.
Also mildly amusing that a Euro is sucking capitalism's dick that hard. He wasn't just giving it a little peck, he was going
down on it the whole time.
There is something to be said for the cultures in the areas they examined. Cultures that came up around rice patties understand the value of personal effort because historically you had x amount of land to work with, and depending on your effort skill as a rice farmer you could
drastically up your land's productivity. They already have the attitude that more work up front means a bigger payoff later, so while yes bringing the international market to the developing countries obviously contributed a lot to their development, it couldn't have happened without the cultural work ethic.
Kenya also doesn't have political stability working for it. Taiwan and Vietnam didn't have the most stable conditions to be sure, but their problems were small beans compared to Africa. Stability is without a doubt the most important factor in industrializing a country, and that is certainly not something a globalized economy brings. Jerking off capitalism isn't going to keep the country one over from knocking down the door with AK-47s.
Besides that and a gross misuse of the term democracy throughout, yes globalization when taken advantage of is good for everyone.