Gooners wrote:
Thanks dude
Yeah, at my school they've split the lunch, so it would be awesome to have 3/4th (Lunch periods) as spares.
Is it recommended to have a spare in g12? or should i fill up all my courses?
It depends on how sure you are of what subjects you are applying to uni for. I mean, there's only really 4 courses that matter anyways- English, Calc 1, Calc 2, and Data Management. your other 4 courses (2 mandatory) are kind of just filler if you know what you want to do. They pretty well start you from the ground up once you reach uni, so thinking you need law courses or w/e the case for background is kind of a waste.
But by all means, if you don't know what you want- fill that schedule. Much better to ax the subjects you dislike in high school than find out you suck in first year uni.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families