Well i had this internet problem a month or two ago and it disconnected me from the internet and seconds later reconnected me and this could go on numerous times within like 20 minutes. Sometimes it doesnt happen in an hour or so but then it will happen again. I phoned my internet provider up and asked them whats happening with the internet the final verdict of this chat was it werent there fault they couldnt find one. When the internet goes it can go and i wont be able to connect because of an invalid i.p address thats partially the problem, it can also be the gateway it cant find a gateway. Can anyone help me since its just started again recently and i cant think of anything to do.
Thankyou please reply with ideas that may help resolve this so i can have a proper game of BF2
Thankyou please reply with ideas that may help resolve this so i can have a proper game of BF2