
8 years difference? I thought you were around 24 Ken...
There is.
+1,380|6837|Devon, England

ghettoperson wrote:

8 years difference? I thought you were around 24 Ken...
He is.

FFLink wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

8 years difference? I thought you were around 24 Ken...
He is.

he's 28 if i remember correctly
+3,611|6767|London, England

FFLink wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

8 years difference? I thought you were around 24 Ken...
He is.
lol kennings you dirty bastard
I am all that is MOD!

Dauntless wins.  I'm 28, she's 20.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6785|Montreal, Qc, Canada


Dauntless wins.  I'm 28, she's 20.
It's not that bad... Their is a lot of couple that are 10 years + difference.


Dauntless wins.  I'm 28, she's 20.
but you win a restraining order too!

what's new ken?

Pretty sneaky burnzz!

28 / 2 + 7 = 21. Pushin' it, Ken.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France
Lets all take in the moment of awe

Ken is a god

Pug wrote:

Lets all take in the moment of awe

Ken is a dog

(a dirty one too

Ken, assuming she is hot, I am fully supportive of your relationship. Or whatever it now it.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France
Quote from my cradle robbin' friend:

"Age doesn't matter.  It doesn't matter how old I am, as long as she's 21"
Never regret anything that ever made you smile.
age is only a number.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.

You know the /2 + 7 rule? Can we make it /2 + 6? My friend has a hot sister...
Looking for my Scooper
Ugh, I can't find/see myself being in a long-lasting relationship anymore. I'm pretty sure it's just my age (18) but I can never get to know a person without getting irritated/pissed off by something he/she does, after a while..
Never regret anything that ever made you smile.

Jebus wrote:

No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Looking for my Scooper

Eifa wrote:

Jebus wrote:

Just in general, this goes for just 'regular' male friends too, although to a much lesser extent

hi, maintenance!
I am all that is MOD!

ghettoperson wrote:

Ken, assuming she is hot, I am fully supportive of your relationship. Or whatever it now it.
Yes she is hot.  That's what initially attracted me to her, but she's smart as fuck too, sassy, sarcastic, blah blah blah.  She might not be the hottest chick I've been with but her brain is what intrigues me, sucks me in.

Enough, this reminiscing will fuck me up mentally if it persists.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6619|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Jebus wrote:

Ugh, I can't find/see myself being in a long-lasting relationship anymore. I'm pretty sure it's just my age (18) but I can never get to know a person without getting irritated/pissed off by something he/she does, after a while..
You're right, it is your age. Your head is telling you that you need to be single and live a little more until you're ready to halt. I was on and off with women until I turned 25 and found my current. My life started to get a bit too wild at that time with booze and women. You don't wanna throw away your youth by being in a shitty relationship. If it ain't working, end it. You'll know when you find someone who'se small faults you can handle. For example my missus is muy allergic to cats. I had one helluva debate in my head since I want a cat in the house. So I chose her since a cat don't cook so well Luckily a couple friends have cats so I can go and get my dosage of scratched arms every now and then

Oh, and one thing is you don't need to glue yourselves together when you find someone. I managed to wreck a couple good starts that way myself and obviously realized it too late. Too pushy is baaaaaaad.
Never regret anything that ever made you smile.
had a major deja vu feeling when i read ultras text..
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Looking for my Scooper

Ultrafunkula wrote:

Jebus wrote:

Ugh, I can't find/see myself being in a long-lasting relationship anymore. I'm pretty sure it's just my age (18) but I can never get to know a person without getting irritated/pissed off by something he/she does, after a while..
You're right, it is your age. Your head is telling you that you need to be single and live a little more until you're ready to halt. I was on and off with women until I turned 25 and found my current. My life started to get a bit too wild at that time with booze and women. You don't wanna throw away your youth by being in a shitty relationship. If it ain't working, end it. You'll know when you find someone who'se small faults you can handle. For example my missus is muy allergic to cats. I had one helluva debate in my head since I want a cat in the house. So I chose her since a cat don't cook so well Luckily a couple friends have cats so I can go and get my dosage of scratched arms every now and then

Oh, and one thing is you don't need to glue yourselves together when you find someone. I managed to wreck a couple good starts that way myself and obviously realized it too late. Too pushy is baaaaaaad.
[stupid post now, just ignore if you can]
Well, I'm in a relationship right now, been going for 3 months, but I'm having my 'doubts', if I can call 'em that. One day I want to love her to death and the other I couldn't care less about her. The thing is, I'm not sure if I want to break up yet, she's my first 'real girlfriend' and it would make her feel so bad (which I obviously don't want), and there's so many other reasons why I don't want to let go off her, but so many others that seem like good reasons. So much for my rambling
[/stupid post]

Jebus, it's not stupid and it's certainly in the right thread. a lot of people have already posted good advice. i'll just add

do not stay with a woman to save her feelings.

you won't, and she'll know it, eventually . . .

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