Viva Mexico
When I am flying a jet and following another enemy jet, I hear the lock sound and after locking I shoot the missiles and normally they follow the jet and kill him, but, When I do this with choppers after locking a shoot the missiles does not hit or follow the chopper.
The only way I found to destroy a chopper with missiles is when the chopper is static and I fly directly to him and shoot missiles and he did not use flares.
My question is about the locking shoot with missiles.
Is it different with choppers and jets ? or choppers just does not lock ?
and I'm not a raincoat...
my (short) experience with shooting at helis is that theyre flares are more effective because the drop less fast and to kill the chopper you really need the MG (and sometimes one or two rockets that hit).

And one thing i read is that by switching do bomb mode and back faster counter those nasty flares.

Here are some tactics from Zenmaster:

Hope that helps.
+8|6848|Phoenix Arizona
same problem here, only thing i have done is TRY and gun them first pass, turn and then missle them because of a bigger heat signature. BUT I CANT HIT CHIT WITH THE GUN im going at mach 3 all the time
Kick His Ass!
+371|6841|Howell, Mi USA
u want to slow down too. choppers are slow and do have effective flares. try to use missles but mostly the cannon.
The Soup Nazi
+18|6934|North Lauderdale, FL
If I see an enemy chopper, I try to fly towards one of its sides.  The larger target makes hitting them easier.  Fly in at a lower altitude and at normal cruising speed. As soon as you have a clear shot, attack with the cannon while flying directly at them.  Immediately before impact, fire one or two missiles and dive down.

That works pretty well most of the time. 

If they're just hovering over a flag, find their position with the missile HUD, switch to bomb mode and then approach from a higher altitude.  While approaching, gun the chopper with your cannon.  Right before impact, drop a single bomb and pull up.  You'll be racking up flag defense points in no time.
Have you seen my nutz?
me i run into it usually there is 2 poeple 2 kills for a death whoohoo =p naw usually i just machine gun it if you do engough damage you get a assist or if the pilot panics and crashes you get the kill but usually i shoot one missle and finish him with a machine gun burst
missiles are not very usefull against choppers unless coming from head on, or the chopper is stationary. even if they do not drop their flares, you can dodge AA when shot from behind, and often from the side. when im trying to take down a chopper, the machine gun is the easiest way. it allows you to take down a chopper much easier imo, as you have not alerted the chopper to your presence, whereas when you use the missiles, pilots instantly know you are firing misslies at them...

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