Artifice of Eternity

FatherTed wrote:

spose i better add to this since i've posted

i go out, have good sex, come home. rinse repeat.
'ata boy. I'll go ahead and say you're beyond where you need to be- good sex with pick-ups isn't always easy to come across!
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
+617|6551|NSW, Australia

so my girlfriend fucked a fat guy in the first week we started going out. awesome
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.

Pochsy wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

spose i better add to this since i've posted

i go out, have good sex, come home. rinse repeat.
'ata boy. I'll go ahead and say you're beyond where you need to be- good sex with pick-ups isn't always easy to come across!
Artifice of Eternity

RavyGravy wrote:

so my girlfriend fucked a fat guy in the first week we started going out. awesome
Get back at her by fucking the same guy. I don't see another course of action that can be nearly as dulce et utile.

But really, if you only dated for a week, no sweat. I'm sure the fat guy had a great personality.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
+617|6551|NSW, Australia

Pochsy wrote:

RavyGravy wrote:

so my girlfriend fucked a fat guy in the first week we started going out. awesome
Get back at her by fucking the same guy. I don't see another course of action that can be nearly as dulce et utile.

But really, if you only dated for a week, no sweat. I'm sure the fat guy had a great personality.
weve been going out for 3 months now, she's only just decided to tell me

and he's a fucking douche

Last edited by RavyGravy (2009-12-22 08:15:10)

Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
and you haven't dumped her yet?
Un Moderador

RavyGravy wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

RavyGravy wrote:

so my girlfriend fucked a fat guy in the first week we started going out. awesome
Get back at her by fucking the same guy. I don't see another course of action that can be nearly as dulce et utile.

But really, if you only dated for a week, no sweat. I'm sure the fat guy had a great personality.
weve been going out for 3 months now, she's only just decided to tell me

and he's a fucking douche
If it's going to bother you that much, then break it off. If you're "in love" with her or want to stay with her, push out of your mind. It's easier for us guys to do that than when we cheat on girls and they try to push it out of theirs.

She's a stupid bitch for doing that, but whatever.

Does she have an excuse? An explanation?

The fact that she told you is better than her not ever telling you.
I am all that is MOD!

I got dumped by my first 'true love' for a fat guy.  A death knell that was.

Zimmer's right though, if you can't or won't get over it, kick the chick to the curb.  If you care about her more than you care about the fact she fucked a fattie, do what you can to forget about it.
Run like the wind.  Or put on an extra 200lbs.

*edit:  I was cheated on once (2 year relationship) and found out about it the next day (but it was ok cause he's getting married-?).  Bye!  She ended up stalking me.  She even looked me up over a decade later.  I'm so glad it didn't work out.  Wife's waaayyyy hotter.

Last edited by DBBrinson1 (2009-12-22 12:39:01)

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

Besides, it was in the first week of you going out. That doesn't count as being in a relationship or being exclusive to one another. I don't think it's that big a deal.
Un Moderador

mtb0minime wrote:

Besides, it was in the first week of you going out. That doesn't count as being in a relationship or being exclusive to one another. I don't think it's that big a deal.
It's the idea behind it that matters. The fact is, once a girl does something like that, the likelyhood of it happening again is higher than if she hadn't done something like that in the first place. Even if she feels awful about it.

It's not about the "big deal" part, it's about the reasoning behind why she did it and why didn't she think it was a mistake at the time.

I'm still not sure that the idea behind it is all that bad. If you went out with someone once or twice in a week, and then fucked someone else, that shouldn't be a problem, or lead to problems. Once the dating has gone on long enough, and the relationship has solidified, then obviously doing anything with anyone else is a no-no.

I guess it's just a matter of different standards.
+617|6551|NSW, Australia

Zimmer wrote:

RavyGravy wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

Get back at her by fucking the same guy. I don't see another course of action that can be nearly as dulce et utile.

But really, if you only dated for a week, no sweat. I'm sure the fat guy had a great personality.
weve been going out for 3 months now, she's only just decided to tell me

and he's a fucking douche
If it's going to bother you that much, then break it off. If you're "in love" with her or want to stay with her, push out of your mind. It's easier for us guys to do that than when we cheat on girls and they try to push it out of theirs.

She's a stupid bitch for doing that, but whatever.

Does she have an excuse? An explanation?

The fact that she told you is better than her not ever telling you.
She said someshit like "i was going through a rough time and i don't know what i was thinking"

mtb0minime wrote:

I'm still not sure that the idea behind it is all that bad. If you went out with someone once or twice in a week, and then fucked someone else, that shouldn't be a problem, or lead to problems. Once the dating has gone on long enough, and the relationship has solidified, then obviously doing anything with anyone else is a no-no.

I guess it's just a matter of different standards.
It wouldn't be that bad had we only known each other for a little while. but she has been my friend 9 months prior to us dating so that makes it a bit worse...

RavyGravy wrote:

It wouldn't be that bad had we only known each other for a little while. but she has been my friend 9 months prior to us dating so that makes it a bit worse...
well Ravy, this is where the rubber meets the road ~ either you let it go and forgive her, or you let her go. the fact that you've posted tells me you're near a breaking point, and if you don't let something go you are going to break something.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France
I dunno.  That's fucked up if she told you that.

For instance - why didn't she move it up one week?

Why tell you at all?

One week is a little too early to be exclusive in my book, so that's really a non-issue.

But I'd dump her, not because of what she did, but because now she'll be playing games for the rest of the time you are dating her.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France
I thought this would be a good spot to ask this.

Wall of text time

Everything is ok with me (married, kids).  I want to break up my brother-in-law and his bitch because everyone hates her.  She has absolutely no filter.  No one in the family will say anything to her, because it's outside the status quo.  Plus, the brother-in-law doesn't really date much due to being crushingly shy.  But I'm like...fuck...you want this bitch in the family forever?

He got her because he's a nice guy and she just went thru a divorce.   Thing is, they've been dating for about two years now and living together...sort of...with her daughter from her first marriage.   Every four months or so they get in a spat, where she demands marriage.  Every time we tell him to dump her...but he never does...so each time we tell him with a little less interest.  He's actually called the relationship "convenient".  Meanwhile, his bitch partner is grabbing more and more power and influence within the family.

I have to deal with this bitch at the family dinner every Sunday.  Not going to the dinner isn't an option.

So how do I get this bitch out of my life?

Some examples of bitchery:
- During family dinner asks "so are you holding your son back in school?"  My son is not being held back in school.  He's younger than she thinks.  She says this in front of the entire family, which includes the six kids at the table...including my son.  At least once a month, her daughter tells my son he's been held back.  Last time I scolded her daughter and she cried.  Well, because, the bitch daughter never does anything wrong.  Now I'm the bad guy.

-Both of my kids were bottle fed, because of a problem my wife had with nursing.  My sister-in-law had a premature kid (four or five months early...in the 1% survival rate) who only had formula.  Bitch's daughter (seven years old btw) starts asking questions about breast feeding versus formula.  She says to my sister-in-law "Well, it's not natural to not breast feed, because it makes the babies weaker.  I guess this makes your son special.  And (Pug's kids) are special too, all though it's not part of God's plan".  My sister in law says nothing, not even to the Bitch. 

The next day, my son says "Am I part of God's plan because I was bottle fed?" 

I call the bitch up and ask how come her kid is talking about my kids.  She explains "We are open about everything".  At which point I say, "That's fine, but I don't think it's appropriate for that age.  Especially when its a seven year old explaining it to a five year old.  Do me a favor, talk about the topic in general terms without names.  Don't treat my fucking family like an afterschool special".  And I'm the bad guy.

What we've done:
We've already tried explaining that we do not like the brother-in-law airing family dirty laundry to his girlfriend, since is being broadcast as soon as it's shared.  He doesn't want to confront her, so he tells us to talk directly with her.  So now we hammer her every time she says anything stupid, making the family dinner akward at least once a month.  Yet she keeps coming back. 

Oh, and I got to buy the bitch something for Xmas, since I got her name in the gift exchange.


buy her batteries, and when she askes what they're for, tell her they're for a vibrator she can buy herself and fuck off.

ok, i'll need to think this one through, that was a first thought . . .
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
jesus pug

want to borrow my shovel and some rope?

tbh i'd tell him until he got his bitch under control they're not welcome at any family gatherings

burnzz wrote:


buy her batteries, and when she askes what they're for, tell her they're for a vibrator she can buy herself and fuck off.

ok, i'll need to think this one through, that was a first thought . . .
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France

krazed wrote:

jesus pug

want to borrow my shovel and some rope?

tbh i'd tell him until he got his bitch under control they're not welcome at any family gatherings
I've lobbied the other family members.  Explained the situation...usually because THEY start bitching about her first.  They aren't direct enough.  The parents have discussed "it's not fair to her, if she wants to get married and you are leading her on".  He's like, well...I'm fine with how it is.

It's up to me.

btw she's pretty hot...on the outside only

Here's another example:
Two years ago: My son's bday party, he's turning three.  Brother-in-law calls me, asks if new girlfriend can bring cake for one of the other adults at the party.  I tell him no, it's a party for my son, if you want to have a separate party, then have a separate party.  The party is for my son.  Do not bring the cake.

Two days later, she shows up with a cake.  My wife goes ballistic and tells her the cake is not going to happen.  She pouts outside alone.  Brother-in-law comes in and says "what's the big deal about giving the other cake".  Wife yells "1) we told you no already, 2) we already had a party for her, 3) it's not her party".

Oh, and BTW, they didn't bring a gift to the party for my son because there wasn't enough time to shop...but she had time to bake a fucking homemade cake.

Sounds like nothing...but something like this happens EVERY TIME we are around this bitch.  Most of the time we ignore it...until recently we have adopted a zero tolerance stance.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
it's not nothing if it's on the back of so much other stuff

shit adds up!
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5848|College Park, MD
sheesh women have such double standards

Let's say my girlfriend and I are watching a movie. Guy comes on screen. She says he's hot. I'm supposed to grin and bear it.

Girl comes on screen. I say she's hot. She gives me a glaring look.


Hurricane2k9 wrote:

sheesh women have such double standards

Let's say my girlfriend and I are watching a movie. Guy comes on screen. She says he's hot. I'm supposed to grin and bear it.

Girl comes on screen. I say she's hot. She gives me a glaring look.

exactly. i learned early on in my marriage to make a big deal about a fine piece of ass that walks in front of us. no peek sneekin, just straight up go "damn" loud enough for her to hear but not loud enough to embarrass her.
+718|6667|Austin, Texas

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

sheesh women have such double standards

Let's say my girlfriend and I are watching a movie. Guy comes on screen. She says he's hot. I'm supposed to grin and bear it.

Girl comes on screen. I say she's hot. She gives me a glaring look.


also, girl keeps bugging me wanting for us to "hang out" now that im back in town over the break. she's a bit over a year younger than me (16 for another month or two ). blehhhh. im not the type to "hit it and quit it" but the opportunity it staring me right in the face
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6768|Little Bentcock

Bevo wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

sheesh women have such double standards

Let's say my girlfriend and I are watching a movie. Guy comes on screen. She says he's hot. I'm supposed to grin and bear it.

Girl comes on screen. I say she's hot. She gives me a glaring look.


also, girl keeps bugging me wanting for us to "hang out" now that im back in town over the break. she's a bit over a year younger than me (16 for another month or two ). blehhhh. im not the type to "hit it and quit it" but the opportunity it staring me right in the face
Do it.

Pug wrote:

I thought this would be a good spot to ask this.

Wall of text time

Everything is ok with me (gift exchange.
Give her a pacifier and tell her to shut the fuck up....

No, actually it's easier than that.  Just don't invite her over.  Ever.  Tell your brother how you feel.  He needs to regulate or vacate.  Be tactful though.  Take a stand.  I did.  I didn't marry my wife's parents or her family, let alone my brother's wife.  It's your house.  Go on and prep your kids.  Especially if you haven't laid the smack down yet.  At their age they'll get it. "Now honey, you know daddy loves his family -but we need to talk about your aunt mcbitchy.  She's nuts.  Whatever she says we just feel sorry for her.  Her brain is sick and it makes her say mean things.  I know it's crazy but that how her god made her.  It's our secret thought  -for she'll throw the biggest hissy fit you've ever seen if she find out that you know about her.  Our secret."   Your kids are yours.  Mold them.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

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