they both circle jerked while wearing the panties over their heads
♥ guys don't do this daily with your brothers? If you don't have a brother you'll need to buy an inflatable doll to complete the circle so you don't look like a total loser.Gooners wrote:
they both circle jerked while wearing the panties over their heads
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
aw damn, so does that make me a total loser?
Well, the only way out of the distinction I can see is if you asphyxiate yourself while doing it alone...Gooners wrote:
aw damn, so does that make me a total loser?
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
i don't see that happening

yeahhhhh boi
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
be gracious in defeat, or be "..." in victory
can anyone tell me the word?
can anyone tell me the word?

What's happenin BF2s?
what's happenin' brother?
^ classic
soulful, his voice was just
do you know of any other artists like him ?
do you know of any other artists like him ?
not from this generation.
Marvin Gaye, R.I.P.
Marvin Gaye, R.I.P.
rest in peace (L)
no not from this generation haha.
ben e king had a sweet voice too.
no not from this generation haha.
ben e king had a sweet voice too.
magnanimousSEREVENT wrote:
be gracious in defeat, or be "..." in victory
can anyone tell me the word?
aye, think alot of those performers got better by live performances. todays mucisians need to get back on the road . . .
a good singer can sing live
most singers this generation can't.
its a pity
i only know of a few mainstream singers who can sing.. John legend being my favorite
most singers this generation can't.
its a pity
i only know of a few mainstream singers who can sing.. John legend being my favorite
if west ham can keep this lead or extend it, i'm going to cry out of happiness after fulham's bumming
Yeah but i heard that a chelski goal is inevitable.
yeah west ham are being bent over, chelsea just can't get ham's pants off
Oh, well let's hope it stays this way! Then arsenal can catch up after last weeks fuckup
feck off lampard you meerkat look a like
f u c k
fat tankard
fat tankard
i need to poop