Artifice of Eternity

mcminty wrote:


No but the count of nubile young women goes up and the atmosphere is decidedly sexually charged!

I must be going to the wrong uni then..
Me too.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

Pochsy wrote:

mcminty wrote:


No but the count of nubile young women goes up and the atmosphere is decidedly sexually charged!

I must be going to the wrong uni then..
Me too.
Dirty lie!
Artifice of Eternity

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Dirty lie!
I know a few girls who are 'liberal' in their relations, but the majority of this school is pretty much a no-go. Unless they start drinking- then it's a shit show.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

Pochsy wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Dirty lie!
I know a few girls who are 'liberal' in their relations, but the majority of this school is pretty much a no-go. Unless they start drinking- then it's a shit show.
That applies as long as youre not into asians.  Which im not
Artifice of Eternity

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Dirty lie!
I know a few girls who are 'liberal' in their relations, but the majority of this school is pretty much a no-go. Unless they start drinking- then it's a shit show.
That applies as long as youre not into asians.  Which im not
Get pimpin', lol. The Asians are the funniest ones when wasted, they have  absolutely no self-control. It's mostly pathetic, but you can often convince them (will so little effort I should use the word 'tell') to do the craziest shit. Nobody I know would try to beer-bong white wine: ever.

Easily the best was the Asian girl who no longer spoke English once drunk. Not a word. She just kept talking to us in Cantonese and getting really pissed off when we gave her odd looks and didn't respond.

Either way, girl problems are always solved in one of two ways: alcohol or conversation. Scale all options within these broad (and often overlapping) categories and at worst you can only go more wrong than ever thought possible. What?
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families

FFLink wrote:

Guys can't have female friends without extreme difficulty.
Yoy can in Russia!

Other than that, I'd say 'bollocks'. I have no problem in general with platonic female friends.

Pochsy wrote:

mcminty wrote:


No but the count of nubile young women goes up and the atmosphere is decidedly sexually charged!

I must be going to the wrong uni then..
Me too.
Make that three.
arrivederci frog

Pochsy wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

I know a few girls who are 'liberal' in their relations, but the majority of this school is pretty much a no-go. Unless they start drinking- then it's a shit show.
That applies as long as youre not into asians.  Which im not
Get pimpin', lol. The Asians are the funniest ones when wasted, they have  absolutely no self-control. It's mostly pathetic, but you can often convince them (will so little effort I should use the word 'tell') to do the craziest shit. Nobody I know would try to beer-bong white wine: ever.

Easily the best was the Asian girl who no longer spoke English once drunk. Not a word. She just kept talking to us in Cantonese and getting really pissed off when we gave her odd looks and didn't respond.

Either way, girl problems are always solved in one of two ways: alcohol or conversation. Scale all options within these broad (and often overlapping) categories and at worst you can only go more wrong than ever thought possible. What?
A lot of Chinese people can't metabolize alcohol properly so when they drink they get PISSED. It's something to do with the enzymes and it's absolutely hilarious.
Un Moderador

Laika wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

mcminty wrote:

I must be going to the wrong uni then..
Me too.
Make that three.
Come to Scotland; it's like that here. It's actually not a good thing in many cases. In others... well... yeah.

Aries_37 wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

That applies as long as youre not into asians.  Which im not
Get pimpin', lol. The Asians are the funniest ones when wasted, they have  absolutely no self-control. It's mostly pathetic, but you can often convince them (will so little effort I should use the word 'tell') to do the craziest shit. Nobody I know would try to beer-bong white wine: ever.

Easily the best was the Asian girl who no longer spoke English once drunk. Not a word. She just kept talking to us in Cantonese and getting really pissed off when we gave her odd looks and didn't respond.

Either way, girl problems are always solved in one of two ways: alcohol or conversation. Scale all options within these broad (and often overlapping) categories and at worst you can only go more wrong than ever thought possible. What?
A lot of Chinese people can't metabolize alcohol properly so when they drink they get PISSED. It's something to do with the enzymes and it's absolutely hilarious.
Asians can't drink for shit and yes their livers can't process the enzymes. The ones that can drink can DRINK A FUCKING SHITLOAD (2 bottles of Walker's), but ones that cant (1 beer lel), get pissed easily and yes it is fucking hilarious.

Cybargs wrote:

Asians can't drink for shit and yes their livers can't process the enzymes. The ones that can drink can DRINK A FUCKING SHITLOAD (2 bottles of Walker's), but ones that cant (1 beer lel), get pissed easily and yes it is fucking hilarious.
My father is Vietnamese, especially now he's gotten older my 1.62m Dutch/Danish mother (only slightly chubby) easily outdrinks him. Myself I've had little trouble with alcohol. Fatigue and lack of food are killing, but keep me well fed and I can drink quite a lot. I also never get sick and never have a headache the next day, seemingly regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed.

Edit: Interesting though, I have trouble with beer. I prefer straight spirits, which I easily drink at the same pace as a pint, yet a couple of pints is much more likely to get me a bit tipsy.

Last edited by Lai (2009-12-13 10:51:13)

Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD
Okay so I feel like my girlfriend and I have a communication issue.

We were apart for... two months or so. During that time she'd always write letters to me, in addition to talking on the phone and texting each day. She wrote a ton of letters now that I think about it... her forte was letters, mine was always calling her. I think there were maybe 3 days where we couldn't talk to each other, if that.

So I come visit for Thanksgiving, everything's fine, then I go back to school for two weeks. She didn't write any letters during that period; a little odd. Now I'm back and well, things seem up and down. The other day we had a great Skype conversation and text conversation. The day before that was an OK phone conversation. Now today we talked on the phone and eh... it wasn't as good. We didn't argue or anything, but like ok... I kept asking her about her day, about her life, and she only asked me how my day was. We had a more interesting conversation a bit later, but other than that it was a pretty lackluster conversation. She sometimes takes ages to respond to a text when I know she's not doing anything important. It's really fucking confusing. One minute she's peppering me with flattery or little <3s in her texts, the next it's like I'm talking to a tax auditor.

When we're together things are great. We laugh, we're intimate, I can easily tell that she loves me.

How should I go about talking to her about this? I don't want to sound like I'm a needy asshole, but I really would like her to step up her game back to how it was. It's kind of funny that her communication was better when we were 2400 miles apart, and now that we're 4 miles apart it's like making contact with someone in a submarine. Next day I'll be able to see her is Saturday; we're gonna be hanging out most of the day.
+718|6667|Austin, Texas

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Okay so I feel like my girlfriend and I have a communication issue.

We were apart for... two months or so. During that time she'd always write letters to me, in addition to talking on the phone and texting each day. She wrote a ton of letters now that I think about it... her forte was letters, mine was always calling her. I think there were maybe 3 days where we couldn't talk to each other, if that.

So I come visit for Thanksgiving, everything's fine, then I go back to school for two weeks. She didn't write any letters during that period; a little odd. Now I'm back and well, things seem up and down. The other day we had a great Skype conversation and text conversation. The day before that was an OK phone conversation. Now today we talked on the phone and eh... it wasn't as good. We didn't argue or anything, but like ok... I kept asking her about her day, about her life, and she only asked me how my day was. We had a more interesting conversation a bit later, but other than that it was a pretty lackluster conversation. She sometimes takes ages to respond to a text when I know she's not doing anything important. It's really fucking confusing. One minute she's peppering me with flattery or little <3s in her texts, the next it's like I'm talking to a tax auditor.

When we're together things are great. We laugh, we're intimate, I can easily tell that she loves me.

How should I go about talking to her about this? I don't want to sound like I'm a needy asshole, but I really would like her to step up her game back to how it was. It's kind of funny that her communication was better when we were 2400 miles apart, and now that we're 4 miles apart it's like making contact with someone in a submarine. Next day I'll be able to see her is Saturday; we're gonna be hanging out most of the day.
Well, it's come to that time in the topic where I know shit all, 'cause I've never really had a girlfriend.

I wish you best of luck and listen to the other guys here.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD
fuck it I'm already texting her 'bout it
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD
aaaaaaand it's resolved.

i'm just a paranoid little fuck. she put it all in perspective; we've talked for nearly an hour every day this week.

god dammit BF2s why am I so fucking paranoid about all of this? is it because it's the first time there's someone I love enough to die for (who isn't family)? that I'm worried of losing this beautiful relationship I've worked so hard to create?
There is.
+1,380|6837|Devon, England

Ok, a big downfall can be trying too hard. You'll miss out on extremely important factors that can determine your relationship's playout.

Although it sounds hard, TRY not be paranoid. If you think you are, you probably are. It's good you're asking her about it, rather than keeping it in, but keep thinking like that and it's gonna look strange to her eventually and this will only bring bad things. Just focus on really making the most of everything, don't ever dull down on the things you used to do in the beginning of the relationship and just try not to think too much on the future, but more on the now. Enjoy every damn moment you get with her, don't complain about shit that doesn't need complaints.

You don't know how much time I've spent over the last few weeks dwelling on all of this. Don't fuck up

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

the next it's like I'm talking to a tax auditor.
That's what women are

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

god dammit BF2s why am I so fucking paranoid about all of this?
Because you're young and unspoiled.

When you start to know eachother better and better, things will naturally become more routine and you'll sense eachother easier without need of verbal communication. Thus, you won't be drooling over the phone several hours a day. It doesn't mean you're relationship is going downhill, on the contrary in general I'd say quite the opposite is true. When she doesn't reply to your text instantly or with the enthousiasm of a hyperactive six year old on Christmas, it probably means she has a life. That is a good thing, you want your girlfriend to have a life when you're away rather than be sitting waiting by the phone all day. That may sound very romantic, but really would just be very unhealthy.

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

aaaaaaand it's resolved.

i'm just a paranoid little fuck. she put it all in perspective; we've talked for nearly an hour every day this week.

god dammit BF2s why am I so fucking paranoid about all of this? is it because it's the first time there's someone I love enough to die for (who isn't family)? that I'm worried of losing this beautiful relationship I've worked so hard to create?
Yeah seriously, just relax. Now that you're living close enough to see each other, she probably doesn't think it's necessary (and I would have to agree) to talk over the phone that often.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD
Thanks guys
I am all that is MOD!

Whatever you do don't quit schools or transfer just because of her.  If you were already planning on transferring to College Park that's fine but don't make the decision just to be closer to your girlfriend.  You will end up regretting it.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD


Whatever you do don't quit schools or transfer just because of her.  If you were already planning on transferring to College Park that's fine but don't make the decision just to be closer to your girlfriend.  You will end up regretting it.
I already made the decision and nah it wasn't because of her or because of homesickness. I wasn't really homesick at all actually.
I am all that is MOD!

Sure you big softy
Artifice of Eternity
Not to disrupt your feelings of contentment, but I would say that not being able to even talk to each other for an hour a day consistently is, well, pathetic. I know you're too young to consider any long-term relationship (not a marriage, but even moving in together), yet this is a prime lesson in seeing the weaknesses in a relationship- and I think you've done it well. I would say the failing is not on your part, but on hers, and there is indeed a failing here.

EDIT- Obviously your GF gets points for long term commitment and upholding that relationship- I don't think you have to worry there- but you shouldn't let this recent lapse and the reasons she's given go noticed as a sign for what may be to come.

Last edited by Pochsy (2009-12-18 14:36:50)

The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families

Pochsy wrote:

Not to disrupt your feelings of contentment, but I would say that not being able to even talk to each other for an hour a day consistently is, well, pathetic. I know you're too young to consider any long-term relationship (not a marriage, but even moving in together), yet this is a prime lesson in seeing the weaknesses in a relationship- and I think you've done it well. I would say the failing is not on your part, but on hers, and there is indeed a failing here.

EDIT- Obviously your GF gets points for long term commitment and upholding that relationship- I don't think you have to worry there- but you shouldn't let this recent lapse and the reasons she's given go noticed as a sign for what may be to come.
I'm sorry, but I dissagree completely.

There is a difference between not being able or willing to communicate and there being no need for it. I find that I talk less to people I know better, that goes for both romantic and platonic relationships.

Lai wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

the next it's like I'm talking to a tax auditor.
That's what women are

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

god dammit BF2s why am I so fucking paranoid about all of this?
Because you're young and unspoiled.

When you start to know eachother better and better, things will naturally become more routine and you'll sense eachother easier without need of verbal communication. Thus, you won't be drooling over the phone several hours a day. It doesn't mean you're relationship is going downhill, on the contrary in general I'd say quite the opposite is true. When she doesn't reply to your text instantly or with the enthousiasm of a hyperactive six year old on Christmas, it probably means she has a life. That is a good thing, you want your girlfriend to have a life when you're away rather than be sitting waiting by the phone all day. That may sound very romantic, but really would just be very unhealthy.
This is the truth. Me and Jess have been together like ages now, and we used to text each other 300 times a day +, phone each other, see each other everyday. The whole texting thing died down eventually, but we still saw each other alot. Nowadays, I see her once a week if I'm lucky, and we don't talk much during the week. Which may seem like a bad thing, but when I do get to see her, we have ALOT to talk about. I miss her more now too. The stuff that used to make me worry doesn't even bother me anymore, I know her that well. At first I thought it was us growing apart, but as Lai said. We don't need to communicate as much anymore.

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