Okay so I feel like my girlfriend and I have a communication issue.
We were apart for... two months or so. During that time she'd always write letters to me, in addition to talking on the phone and texting each day. She wrote a ton of letters now that I think about it... her forte was letters, mine was always calling her. I think there were maybe 3 days where we couldn't talk to each other, if that.
So I come visit for Thanksgiving, everything's fine, then I go back to school for two weeks. She didn't write any letters during that period; a little odd. Now I'm back and well, things seem up and down. The other day we had a great Skype conversation and text conversation. The day before that was an OK phone conversation. Now today we talked on the phone and eh... it wasn't as good. We didn't argue or anything, but like ok... I kept asking her about her day, about her life, and she only asked me how my day was. We had a more interesting conversation a bit later, but other than that it was a pretty lackluster conversation. She sometimes takes ages to respond to a text when I know she's not doing anything important. It's really fucking confusing. One minute she's peppering me with flattery or little <3s in her texts, the next it's like I'm talking to a tax auditor.
When we're together things are great. We laugh, we're intimate, I can easily tell that she loves me.
How should I go about talking to her about this? I don't want to sound like I'm a needy asshole, but I really would like her to step up her game back to how it was. It's kind of funny that her communication was better when we were 2400 miles apart, and now that we're 4 miles apart it's like making contact with someone in a submarine. Next day I'll be able to see her is Saturday; we're gonna be hanging out most of the day.