Saxo's normally cost more to insure I think, because so many boy-racers have them.

Why the hell do brits have such crappy first cars? I mean, 1.0 litres? Saxos? Micras? What the hell?PrivateVendetta wrote:
Saxo's normally cost more to insure I think, because so many boy-racers have them.
kDilbert_X wrote:
Actually addressing the question:So does that count as my fault or not when filling out a quote request?
Yes it does.
Fuck Yeah!SEREMAKER wrote:
its nice being older with no claims ---- $600 6 months on 3 vehicles
Because bigger engines -> more likely to speed -> more likely to crash -> more likely to claim.TSI wrote:
Why the hell do brits have such crappy first cars? I mean, 1.0 litres? Saxos? Micras? What the hell?PrivateVendetta wrote:
Saxo's normally cost more to insure I think, because so many boy-racers have them.
Right, insurance is for some reason based on engine capacity. Lol.
Something like ECar Insurance. Was the best in all insurance searches I did.Nintendogamer wrote:
what insurance company are you with?FFLink wrote:
I got a Ford Fiesta 1.3, and I only pay £1.2-3k (£130 a month).Nintendogamer wrote:
haven't got one yet but am looking at either:
Citreon Saxo
Peugot 106
Fiat Seicento
Nissan Micra
and other small cars
But yeah, good solid choices. I got a friend with a 106, and it seems pretty solid. I got a few with Saxo's, too, and even though they're basically the same car, they always seem in worse condition.
Why would you feel bad? Feel grateful if anything.The_Sniper_NM wrote:
I feel bad that I drive an Infiniti G35 - I'm 17.
Then again I have been driving for two years.
A what?The_Sniper_NM wrote:
I feel bad that I drive an Infiniti G35 - I'm 17.
Then again I have been driving for two years.
I think it's called a Nissan Skyline V35 in non-American areas:DrunkFace wrote:
A what?The_Sniper_NM wrote:
I feel bad that I drive an Infiniti G35 - I'm 17.
Then again I have been driving for two years.
Last edited by Hurricane2k9 (2009-12-16 18:30:29)
Strange. Here most people who speed aren't in their 5.7l SUVs but rather in 1.7l Cavaliers and such.PrivateVendetta wrote:
Because bigger engines -> more likely to speed -> more likely to crash -> more likely to claim.TSI wrote:
Why the hell do brits have such crappy first cars? I mean, 1.0 litres? Saxos? Micras? What the hell?PrivateVendetta wrote:
Saxo's normally cost more to insure I think, because so many boy-racers have them.
Right, insurance is for some reason based on engine capacity. Lol.
A lot harder to speed in a 1.0L Micra than a turbo-charged 2.0L Impreza.
Last edited by TheEternalPessimist (2009-12-17 12:21:44)
+ driver's record, grades in school (below 18), zip code the car is garaged at, annual miles driven, weather conditions for area it is driven, etc. There are so many factors, it's an actuarial nightmare.TheEternalPessimist wrote:
Nope it's pretty much based on horsepower, age of driver, value of car, safety rating and prestige (more flashy, more likely to get stolen) are considered too.