Apart from a load of vaguely serious ones over on the Improvements board, I'd also like to suggest the following:
as a sub-game, I'd like to see a virtual bar on each map, where troops can sit and relax with each other. They could start out with small talk, and buy each other drinks. After a while, they'd get totally hammered on the local MEC brew and start fighting with each other over who touched someone else's arse at the bar. Then someone would suggest settling it outside. A drunk Private would then stand up and slur: "Yeah?! You and whose Army?!"
The bar would go silent.
And then they'd all pile outside into their parked Humvees and APCs, and try and ram each other off the road in DUI-style sub-game. People rammed off the road are deducted from that team's starting ticket score, and then once you reach your UCB, you start all over again, but with crazy drunk-o-vision. Your in-game vision sees double, you throw up sometimes, and every 5 minutes EXACTLY you have to steer yourself into a discreet corner to have a piss. Flags are captured by having drinking games with the enemy.
The losing team are ridiculed for being "gay" and unable to hold their drinks down. They never live it down and have to leave the BF2 arena. They go and play EQ2.
The winning team get kebabs.
And a hangover.
as a sub-game, I'd like to see a virtual bar on each map, where troops can sit and relax with each other. They could start out with small talk, and buy each other drinks. After a while, they'd get totally hammered on the local MEC brew and start fighting with each other over who touched someone else's arse at the bar. Then someone would suggest settling it outside. A drunk Private would then stand up and slur: "Yeah?! You and whose Army?!"
The bar would go silent.
And then they'd all pile outside into their parked Humvees and APCs, and try and ram each other off the road in DUI-style sub-game. People rammed off the road are deducted from that team's starting ticket score, and then once you reach your UCB, you start all over again, but with crazy drunk-o-vision. Your in-game vision sees double, you throw up sometimes, and every 5 minutes EXACTLY you have to steer yourself into a discreet corner to have a piss. Flags are captured by having drinking games with the enemy.
The losing team are ridiculed for being "gay" and unable to hold their drinks down. They never live it down and have to leave the BF2 arena. They go and play EQ2.
The winning team get kebabs.
And a hangover.