Scooby Roo earned his name after learning to hop around like a kangaroo. Don't worry, though, he got a custom-made pair of wheels, most likely because he's F*CKING AWESOME.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Why? It's no longer in pain.. and it appears to be loving the people he's with.. And thos sexy rims are just sexc... so stfu and gtfo.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
jesus christ put that dog down assholes
"These of all people " yes and they do.. much more than you.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
"if he runs and plays he gets tired he falls forward on his face, he hits his chest, he hits his head which can cause all kinds of other medical issues"
So now you put the fucking dog in a wheelchair so it can't move naturally at all. The dog can't run and play. It's cruel to keep it around and let it "inspire" people by being about as physically functional as a...well nothing because it's nature's abortion.
These of all people should know how many physically fit dogs need to be helped out there. Spending so much time and energy to keep such an intensely malformed dog hobbling along is mean to that dog and to the other dogs, and they should know it.
Jesus, have you ever even owned a dog? A dog wags it's tail when it is excited. The people who run these rescue organization are in it because they care for the quality of life of animals. Most of them are very passionate about their work and they have a set of ethics they abide by. Vets put dogs down all the time if it's going to be a miserable life. This doesn't appear to be the case here. They said it would take about a week for him to adjust. I fuckin fear a world where FM has his finger on the trigger. Claiming to be a better value of life judge than the professionals directly working with the animal.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
A dog is always wagging its tell in its owners arms. Particularly a rescued dog. That doesn't mean it's quality of life is good.
Vets are every bit the city slickers as everyone else. They let people give their dog a hip replacement rather than putting them down for fuck's sake.
Last edited by Phatmatt (15 years, 2 months ago)
Dogs don't have an intellect like ours that lets us have fun sitting in a lazy boy.Phatmatt wrote:
@ FM: If a person has his two legs cut off, we should put that person down if we go by what you're saying. Same shit different case.
You can still tell when a dog's depressed.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
What, you mean like the two dogs I grew up with that are now pushing daisies and the current rescue dog that very nearly didn't make it a year with us?
He can't even fucking run. Dogs don't have an intellect like ours that lets us have fun sitting in a lazy boy. They have fun by moving, by running around and playing. He can't run around and play, one of the people said it can't even play without hurting itself. So now they stick it in this ridiculous contraption that doesn't even let it do something like bend over to pick up a ball or turn and move at the same time, at least not with any sort of ease. It's pitiful. It is very sad what they are doing for that dog in the name of the sanctity of breathing.Dogs don't have an intellect like ours that lets us have fun sitting in a lazy boy.Phatmatt wrote:
@ FM: If a person has his two legs cut off, we should put that person down if we go by what you're saying. Same shit different case.
'course the guy with no arms and no legs is fucking ridiculous too. At least as a human he has the sense to try and kill himself. Dogs don't have the luxury.
He will be able to walk (the most important and natural exercise a dog needs), they are roaming animals.He will probably even run once he gets used to the new legs. There is no reason why that dog can't move or play. Also, there are toys to occupy an animals mind that doesn't require running full steam down the street. You are naive if you think happiness is all about chasing a ball. If you give that dog love, take him for walks, and occupy his mind he will have a happy life.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
What, you mean like the two dogs I grew up with that are now pushing daisies and the current rescue dog that very nearly didn't make it a year with us?
He can't even fucking run. Dogs don't have an intellect like ours that lets us have fun sitting in a lazy boy. They have fun by moving, by running around and playing. He can't run around and play, one of the people said it can't even play without hurting itself. So now they stick it in this ridiculous contraption that doesn't even let it do something like bend over to pick up a ball or turn and move at the same time, at least not with any sort of ease. It's pitiful. It is very sad what they are doing for that dog in the name of the sanctity of breathing.
Are you the dog whisperer? no, well you are also in no position to say what the dog feels either.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
You are not a dog whisperer, they are not a dog whisperer, you picked that up from 5 minutes of close up shots of a cute dog with inspirational music in the background.
The dog clearly is sticking out its tongue and panting, indicating complete contentedness with its situation.
Yeah, that's why I'm basing it on the fact that he CAN'T EVEN MOVE RIGHT. It's got nothing to do with what the dog feels. An animal never wants to die.Phatmatt wrote:
Are you the dog whisperer? no, well you are also in no position to say what the dog feels either.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
You are not a dog whisperer, they are not a dog whisperer, you picked that up from 5 minutes of close up shots of a cute dog with inspirational music in the background.
The dog clearly is sticking out its tongue and panting, indicating complete contentedness with its situation.
Hugs and human displays of affection = attention. That dog has fucked up front feet but he's an otherwise healthy dog.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
No he'll be able to walk/roll.
Most believe naively think dogs enjoy things like hugs and human displays of affection like we do. They don't. They just like attention and exercise. That is what happiness is to a dog.
That dog disabled in every sense of the word. It's an embarrassment to rescue societies that they are parading that dog around, showing people how much "good" they did instead of spending that money to feed and house otherwise healthy dogs.
Bullshit. Dogs are very sociable animals. Take away the affection and you have a dog that just moaps around dead on the inside. It is just as important as anything else for a happy life. Some dogs even develop separation anxiety when their owners are not around. They don't eat, they lay around doing nothing.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
Human displays of affection are not the dog's idea of attention. Sure the dog might want to snuggle up or whatever when it's tired, but attention is playing and getting food. Not wrapping your huge arms around its vulnerable neck.
Ah, so when my friend's dog paws at me and licks my hand and sits by me and pushes his body in to me its because he is trying to get food or play, not trying to get me to pet him. Gotcha. You should have a TV show, dog whisperer. Seriously, I think you must be some kind of dog psychologist or something.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
Human displays of affection are not the dog's idea of attention. Sure the dog might want to snuggle up or whatever when it's tired, but attention is playing and getting food. Not wrapping your huge arms around its vulnerable neck.