I just saw a guy with the Single silver rank as a medic

Complete insanity, the guy took on 6 people at once and did some INSANE dolphin diving, he left the ground by maybe 3 inches and was all over the place, it was like he was frozen in the roll over pose, constantly rolling half way and the pose resetting, faster then people can run. Only reason I killed him was with a shotgun because if he got away he would heal with the damn medic(Had no teamwork points either, an excellent medic -_-) and he complained about it, saying how I suck for using the single pump shotgun.(Go USMC and PLA!)

Im curious, why dosen't EA just make it so you can't jump with no stamina? People waste their stamina in like 10 seconds by jumping across the field.

Reduce the stamina penalty and make it so you can't jump in the red zone.
+105|6941|Lexington, KY
I noticed shortly after the patch that dolphin diving was not fully taken away.  They have just made it harder to do.  If you have noticed, that people like that will find a way to avoid dying.  First it was bunny hopping, then dolphin diving, now it is prone whores.
+5|6986|Outback Australia

dubbs wrote:

I noticed shortly after the patch that dolphin diving was not fully taken away.  They have just made it harder to do.  If you have noticed, that people like that will find a way to avoid dying.  First it was bunny hopping, then dolphin diving, now it is prone whores.
Prone whores , sheees give me a break. next you'll want EA and DICE to work on a patch that " auto balances" the amount of players standing Vs those prone. :-)
+2,382|6987|The North, beyond the wall.
What Do You Want Him To Go Stand There And Tke It Like A Man?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6999|Tampa Bay Florida
lol, he should've taken you on like V from V for Vendetta. 

You'd waste all your ammo then he'd knife all of you ROFL
Am I classed as a "dolphin diver" as whenever I see an enemy I jump to the ground so I get better accuracy and it makes me harder to see/shoot?

Could the military get called "prone whores" because whenever they think they see someone they hit the floor?

I just don't get it.
+105|6941|Lexington, KY

ShowMeTheMonkey wrote:

Am I classed as a "dolphin diver" as whenever I see an enemy I jump to the ground so I get better accuracy and it makes me harder to see/shoot?

Could the military get called "prone whores" because whenever they think they see someone they hit the floor?

I just don't get it.
Dolphin diving is when you jump then prone in mid air, you look like a dolphin jumping out of the water.  This action is usally followed by the person jumping from a prone postion, then landing in a prone postion over and over again.

Yes the military may prone when shooting but they do not run, prone, and shoot while in the process of proning.
Pope Picard II

They already nerfed it so you can't fire while jumping (a considerable nerf in its own right). While I understand the frusteration of bullets seemingly not hitting, minidolphin jumping and diving is still in effect, and virtually every player I've been up against that has any talent does it.

It requires you to be very fast and very accurate when you do fire. Rather then complain about it, it is better to adapt to what the system allows. The fact that a person can do all of that movement, and still slaughter your squad says that they are well accustomed to confrontational fighting and they know how to get the job done. When I get raped by someone like that, sure you feel it was cheap, but fact is, they mastered the system and kicked your ass, job well done. Do you want them to stand still while they reload or run straight away from you so you can shoot them in the back? You'd have to be a moron to get killed like that, everyone is going to take eratic movement to live while reloading. As for minijumping while fighting, it is a common tactic for honestly every player I've ever met that I respected as an infantry fighter. If you can do it, you will kill way more people, and take much less damage. When you're competing in an environment that includes tanks, apcs, hummers, choppers, planes, etc. every little bit counts as an infantry player.

To do this, and yes I do it along with just about everyone I know that can maintain a high KD ratio: you prone when you first see an enemy, this gives you increased accuracy firing, and they loose a second or so of not being able to hit you because you have just dropped to the ground. Also, BF2 shows you prone diving when you are already on the ground, so even if people fire at you, what they see isn't actually where you are. This is a huge flaw, but every player takes advantage of the initial prone regardless if they jump again or not.

Now for the bit that some people dislike but most players do: press crouch first then follow it with jump, then follow that with prone. Repeat. Press fire only when you have taken your finger off jump. With practice, and utilizing strafe at the same time, you will do mini-prone like jumps to the side while firing your weapon at intervals of touching the ground. Most enemies cannot adjust their aim fast enough to take you out, meanwhile they stand still trying to shoot you, and present you an easy target. The only tactic to combat this method, is long range grenades/noob tube/or to do it back to the person. Every infantry player that I've fought that is good at infantry combat will instantly do the exact same thing I just described. In other words, not only is it a good offence, it is a good defence and hence why people do it, and why people hate it when they can't do it. It takes a lot of skill to do it right, and virtually everyone who dislikes it can't do it properly.

I don't expect kudos for this frank discussion of what used to be bunny hopping and dolphin diving, but it is a fact of BF2 and something every person ought to learn if you want surviveability. If you want to go back to the days of the British and French lining up and taking shots at eachother you are welcome to it. Personally I love the jumping aspect, it is very dynamic. I miss the old patch - You really get whored by APCs and Tanks now and I dislike that, it is even harder to take them out now and they can rack up some pretty gross kills if they hang back instead of driving right into a flag.
Zenmaster, at least youre wise enough to admit it is a glitch/flaw

So therfore, withdraw your talent statement.   Exploiting glitches is not talent.

Talent is using cover in the game.  Talent is killing someone from a distance with a few shots, not dolphin diving with a PKM and using 60 rounds + on a squad. 

Last i knew it didnt take any skill to press  " Z " 

Watch this..

ZzzzZZZzzzZZZ Z Z Z  Z Z Z Z  Z  Z ZzzZZZ

mad skills ?  i think not.

Its not the fact they are on the ground.  Its the fact that going prone while attacking makes you pretty much invincible.  Try to run down harlem screaming racial remarks and going prone and see if it saves your butt.

Last edited by 99Ram2500 (2006-04-26 00:11:58)

I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7028|Melbourne, Australia

Cougar wrote:

TheEvilCubivore wrote:

I just saw a guy with the Single silver rank as a medic

Complete insanity, the guy took on 6 people at once and did some INSANE dolphin diving, he left the ground by maybe 3 inches and was all over the place, it was like he was frozen in the roll over pose, constantly rolling half way and the pose resetting, faster then people can run. Only reason I killed him was with a shotgun because if he got away he would heal with the damn medic(Had no teamwork points either, an excellent medic -_-) and he complained about it, saying how I suck for using the single pump shotgun.(Go USMC and PLA!)

Im curious, why dosen't EA just make it so you can't jump with no stamina? People waste their stamina in like 10 seconds by jumping across the field.

Reduce the stamina penalty and make it so you can't jump in the red zone.
I really wish people like you would   SHUT.  THE.  FUCK.  UP.

OHHHHHHHHH NOOO, the medic killed people and he JUMPED, during various points in the engagement to "avoid" bullets coming from the enemy guns.  I'm sure if he reads this he will stand still and take it like a man next time.

It's little whiny bitches like you that make EA and DICE change the entire physics of the game to suit the best intrests of the people who don't have the skill or are just to lazy to develop the skills to adapt and overcome different tactics used by different people and instead choose to whine and cry about something they can't counter until EA gets fed up and wipes it from the engine.

Whats next?  No jumping in the red?  After that?  No jumping period?  After that?  No sprinting?  After that?  Not fully automatic rifles or exploding projectiles?

Fuck off!  Go play Civ4 or WoW, leave this game be and take your whiny bullshit somewhere else.
+1 honestly u whining fuks ruined the game and made patch 2.0 a shit heap ... it was so fast paced before 2.0 came out and made playable for pensioners ... just get over it ... the ability of a true gamer the ability to adapt (herd that somewhere here) just stfu and adapt
Pope Picard II

99Ram2500 wrote:

Zenmaster, at least youre wise enough to admit it is a glitch/flaw

So therfore, withdraw your talent statement.   Exploiting glitches is not talent.

Talent is using cover in the game.  Talent is killing someone from a distance with a few shots, not dolphin diving with a PKM and using 60 rounds + on a squad. 

Last i knew it didnt take any skill to press  " Z " 

Watch this..

ZzzzZZZzzzZZZ Z Z Z  Z Z Z Z  Z  Z ZzzZZZ

mad skills ?  i think not.

Its not the fact they are on the ground.  Its the fact that going prone while attacking makes you pretty much invincible.  Try to run down harlem screaming racial remarks and going prone and see if it saves your butt.
Re-read what I wrote - Everyone even all mighty you, takes advantage of going prone, and that "glitch" applies to everyone regardless of your intention when you go prone. You char is simply proned before the game shows it to everone else, hence everyone has the glitch when they prone. You can take damage, just not many people know that from the server point of view, the prone guy is already in the dirt before you can see it.

Whether you decide to crouch and prone again is up to you, but like I said, every good player in close (<5 ft) combat does it - this is not a glitch. There is no need for it at any greater range because it nerfs your accuracy and your ability to put fire on a target. It is survival instinct and it works. If you rather stand there and get shot, thats your problem, not mine and the thousands of other players that use it.

People do not use it at any great range - It is not useful for like dolphin diving around the map used to be for evading tanks etc. It severely hampers your stamina and you can't move very far at all when you use it. It does take skill, its not just spamming keys - It's simliar to playing the piano, anyone can whack the keys, but only with practice can you play a tune. Sychronizing your prone, crouch, jump, fire and aiming on the other target, while evading their shots, attacking when they are weak (reloading, turning, etc.) and returning to evasion when they are aggressive takes skill and timing, just like everything in any game. It is a skill, and like I said whether you use it or not is up to you. Some people just jump around like fools in close range combat, and some people stand there and eat 3 shots before they do anything back, and some people will prone, and minihop to the side in counter to your minihop. Tactics.

When I choose to do something in game, I want to do it well, and this tactic is not cheating, nor is it a glitch. EA already nerfed prone jumping once for whiners, the result is what we have now, and you can hardly complain unless you want them to nerf proning and crouch altogether so that everyone just stands there and points and shoots. That would be fun wouldn't it.

At any rate, at range greater then literally in your face combat, remaining prone is the way to go and just picking people off. Alternatively, standing up and jumping around side-to-side while throwing nades works well on longer range targets. I suppose thats glitching too - jumping and throwing nades?!?!? Evading shots?? What were you thinking Zen??
+7|6965|Brussels, Belgium
+1 karma for you, Zenmaster as a I have the same opinion as you.

It takes time to master the tactic of evading shots and killing the enemy at the same time.

And when you do it, you are able to kill 4 guys at the same time because they will (most of the time) stand there and try to shoot you while you keep moving and return fire.

I find it better to get killed by this way than being killed by a PKM whore, because I' ll know that this guy will be a challenge to beat.
Melbourne Shuffler
+214|6935|Gold Coast, Australia
My tactic is to Jump OVER the enemy and run around them while shooting and that makes them all confused, i did that and took out a whole squad with my knife because they didnt know where i was.
+65|7002|las vegas


im still learning how, ima  decent dolphin. but not crazy. i dont play enough karkpoinland
+304|6905|New York City baby.
whoever came up with a name dolphin diving should be shot naked in a dirty bathroom point blank .50 to head.
dolphin diving is still possible everyone knows this, but the only thing its good for since you cant jump and shoot anymore is avoiding enemy tanks or bullets.  EA made it a little harder by adding the delay from when you go prone to when you can stand back up again, but if your not a complete retard you relise that you can press the crouch button (Ctrl by default) to get back up straight away again.

To do the new dolphion dive all you have to do is:

Hold the shift key for a bit of sprint (can be done with out sprint but you move alot faster with it)

Hold down the forward key (W)

Jump (Space Bar)

Prone (Z)

Crouch (Ctrl)

Then repeat


Its not exactly a good tatic anymore as you cant jump and shoot but it is very handy for those times when your pinned down by a enemy tank and you need a quick get away.

Also the rolling prone spam or what ever you want to call it, this doesnt really work that well from personal experince you just going to get shot in the head with DAO-12 or hit with a tank shell, but to do that al you have to do is:

Strafe to left or right, hold this key down, im going to go right here(D)

Prone (Z)

Crouch (Ctrl)

====0.5 sec delay====

Then repeat

So that would be

====0.5 sec delay====
====0.5 sec delay====

This tactic is so easy to do and it is pretty lame and will mostly endup with either taking a ride a AT rocket or being blasted 12ft into the air by a T-90.

But yeah i hope i explained that ok and somone found it useful

Last edited by JaM3z (2006-05-02 01:46:11)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6984|Canberra, AUS

dubbs wrote:

I noticed shortly after the patch that dolphin diving was not fully taken away.  They have just made it harder to do.  If you have noticed, that people like that will find a way to avoid dying.  First it was bunny hopping, then dolphin diving, now it is prone whores.
The old way is impossible - it sometimes annoys me that its blocked (especially when I'm on a revive streak). However, I think they've found a new way - something involving very fast prone-crouch-jump.

Crouch-jump is not yet blocked, so that could be the answer
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Cool member

Gumby wrote:

Prone whores , sheees give me a break. next you'll want EA and DICE to work on a patch that " auto balances" the amount of players standing Vs those prone. :-)
haha, it will be that if there are too many people standing, then you automatically go prone to compensate and balance things out, then when someone else goes prone, u automatically stand up and have no control over it.
+6|7070|San Jose,CA
I am kinda of curious what will happen when the PPU ( becomes prevalent as the movement rendering engine. Exploitation of code fault/limitations is nothing new, and hopefully this device will address the exploitation of movement in future games.
I think the greatest problem I have with people who use these faults is their defiance of physics and their insistence that whoever chooses not to use these exploits is whining when they ask for the code to be fixed.
I wonder how many dolphin-divers and bunny hoppers wrote about the claymore exploit released in patch 1.2 Perhaps we should return to the days of a sniper able to claymore the entire map and see how adaptable they are then? After all, its not the snipers fault, he didn’t write the code.
<b|k> lukie
Perhaps i should look for a script and a proggie which maps a single keyboard-key to the movement-sequence mentioned above.
has joined the GOP

<b|k> lukie wrote:

Perhaps i should look for a script and a proggie which maps a single keyboard-key to the movement-sequence mentioned above.
let me know when you find it

Cougar wrote:

TheEvilCubivore wrote:

I just saw a guy with the Single silver rank as a medic

Complete insanity, the guy took on 6 people at once and did some INSANE dolphin diving, he left the ground by maybe 3 inches and was all over the place, it was like he was frozen in the roll over pose, constantly rolling half way and the pose resetting, faster then people can run. Only reason I killed him was with a shotgun because if he got away he would heal with the damn medic(Had no teamwork points either, an excellent medic -_-) and he complained about it, saying how I suck for using the single pump shotgun.(Go USMC and PLA!)

Im curious, why dosen't EA just make it so you can't jump with no stamina? People waste their stamina in like 10 seconds by jumping across the field.

Reduce the stamina penalty and make it so you can't jump in the red zone.
I really wish people like you would   SHUT.  THE.  FUCK.  UP.

OHHHHHHHHH NOOO, the medic killed people and he JUMPED, during various points in the engagement to "avoid" bullets coming from the enemy guns.  I'm sure if he reads this he will stand still and take it like a man next time.

It's little whiny bitches like you that make EA and DICE change the entire physics of the game to suit the best intrests of the people who don't have the skill or are just to lazy to develop the skills to adapt and overcome different tactics used by different people and instead choose to whine and cry about something they can't counter until EA gets fed up and wipes it from the engine.

Whats next?  No jumping in the red?  After that?  No jumping period?  After that?  No sprinting?  After that?  Not fully automatic rifles or exploding projectiles?

Fuck off!  Go play Civ4 or WoW, leave this game be and take your whiny bullshit somewhere else.
Whine much?...but seriously, you are probably a diver/hopper
+6|7070|San Jose,CA
Saitek keyboard with command pad will let you create macros of action executable with single keystroke, as will most gaming mice. And then you too can applaud your extreme hand/eye coordination with the press of a single key!!!
+41|7045|200m out and smiling at you.
uhhh what this guy describes sounds like prone spamming to me, which i thought was gotten rid of.... but i dunno...
i might not even be contributing to this discussion but whatever.
Prone spamming is possible, along with dolphin diving...

Prone Spamming is actually a good technique if you can get it right, like, instead of just popping UP and DOWN behind a box, you can pop out left and/or right, possibly throwing a sniper off a little.

Dolphin-Diving....There wouldnt be a problem if people werent jumping all over the place and lately you don't see many that do (: I play S/F, but only because  you can't homo-hop in S/F Like haviong the ability to jump over a sandbag and land prone to avoid fire...thats plausible, if after you empty your clip all you do is dive around without getting back you your feet, your just abusing an exploit is all... and we all know what we'll hear next and, in a much whinier voice I bet....

"Well (snivvle) if they put it in the game, its ok to (snivvle) do."

"I paid for this game, I'll do what i want!"

I'm glad they did away with jumping and shooting, all it led to was everyone in every server jumping around like fools, and i for one am glad to see that it changed to a less "bouncy" kinda game...

I can't wait until people put this into the title of theyre games...

"The most realistic depiction of modern day warfare to date!"

Then maybe we could call it a "war-simulator"

I like to play games for theyre realism, and I like this one when its played straight up, people using boxes for cover, a tank that actually watches the mini-map and moves forward with his infantry to provide cover for infantry to take flags and so on...

But we're left with stat whores, people who take vehicles just for the sake of getting kills rather than taking flags, snipers that create squads on theyre own and lock them, Comanders fighting in armor, taking kills the infantry should be getting, people raping main spawn points for kills, not defence, people that are all working for an explosives badge, and instead of choosing a weapon to fight close quarters, they'll just spam clays all over while running around with a sniper rifle they're not going to use.

Karkand by far is the worst and I wont play it anymore, now US captures all the back flags, take the armor so X2 for tank and BTR, then trap MEC at HOTEL with all armor, kill everything before it moves....

No, no thaks, I wont be a part of that anymore, its not even fun being on the winning (or should I say padding/raping) team, actually its more of who can shoot the guy first, not who gets shot first, and that seems like a waste of time, seems like your JUST playing for #'s and not the fun in it all.

Last edited by Clockwork-Ownage (2006-05-04 20:14:16)

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