The hell you say..Beduin wrote:
lol nice 1 m8Dr.PhiL wrote:
No secret who you side with Beduin
How old are you anyway?
and yo kid, here is what our minister for foreign affairs, Mr. Per Stig Møller, have to say about stfu kidPer Stig Møller, har givet den sin uforbeholdne anbefaling. ”Al Jazeera English er en af verdens mest moderne journalistiske arbejdspladser og samtidig et professionelt medie, der bedriver den opsøgende, tilstræbt objektive form for journalistik,”
My Danish isn't worth a damn (okay, it's nonexistant), but that seems like Mr. Per Stig Møller is calling Al Jazeera 'one of the most modern, objective, and professional journalistic media outlets'
What, for their 'leet photoshop skills, their creative journalism spinning terrorist thugs into the 'Islamic Iraqi Army', their 'fair and balanced' coverage of Israel, or their amazing ability to miraculously be on-scene just when a terrorist strike happens. Perhaps being first on the scene whenever Sheik Osama wants a tape released?