Who gives a shit if "bi" is in or not? Threesomes are threesomes. I'd love to get my girlfriend's friend in bed with us, but she's a bit crazy. I've dated and been with crazy. It ends poorly. Need to find a stable chick to share the bed with my girlfriend and I ...
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD

So this entire week I've been falling asleep really late either because of a failure to adjust to another time zone or insomnia. Because of that, I fall asleep at like 5AM and wake up at noon (today I didn't even sleep till 7AM and then for only 3 hours). So, being tired and all (and not having a car of my own) it's been hard for me to see my girlfriend. For instance today she wanted to see me at fucking 10AM which I couldn't do, so I said I'd be there between 10 and 11.

Now, I'm waiting for my mom to come back with her car so I can go there. And I call my girlfriend to apologize for raising my voice at her unnecessarily. Then I ask how her day's been and she says "not that great" and I ask why and she says it's because she could've gone with her relatives to the museums. Yeah, like I fucking put a gun to her head and told her to not go with them and instead hang out with me. SHE came up with the idea of meeting at 10 not me. So we start arguing and then she hangs up, which right pisses me off. I text her asking what the fuck I did to make her all passive-agressive (which she almost never is) and she says "Nothing, forget it. I love you <3"

I'm having a harder time believing that than usual. We've been arguing a lot recently. I love her, but not when she can't fucking understand that it's not easy to adjust to a new time zone especially when you are stressed out of your mind.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
dump her.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
sling dat hoe

mindgames, respect yourself son
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Hurricane2k9 wrote:


So this entire week I've been falling asleep really late either because of a failure to adjust to another time zone or insomnia. Because of that, I fall asleep at like 5AM and wake up at noon (today I didn't even sleep till 7AM and then for only 3 hours). So, being tired and all (and not having a car of my own) it's been hard for me to see my girlfriend. For instance today she wanted to see me at fucking 10AM which I couldn't do, so I said I'd be there between 10 and 11.

Now, I'm waiting for my mom to come back with her car so I can go there. And I call my girlfriend to apologize for raising my voice at her unnecessarily. Then I ask how her day's been and she says "not that great" and I ask why and she says it's because she could've gone with her relatives to the museums. Yeah, like I fucking put a gun to her head and told her to not go with them and instead hang out with me. SHE came up with the idea of meeting at 10 not me. So we start arguing and then she hangs up, which right pisses me off. I text her asking what the fuck I did to make her all passive-agressive (which she almost never is) and she says "Nothing, forget it. I love you <3"

I'm having a harder time believing that than usual. We've been arguing a lot recently. I love her, but not when she can't fucking understand that it's not easy to adjust to a new time zone especially when you are stressed out of your mind.
Its the womaness of her that's coming out. My buddy's GF got pissed at him today because she saw a video of him touched another girls hand in a Spanish project that happened last year. Oh and that girl is a long time friend and class mate since Grade 7. GG.

Typical girlfriend bullshit.
Don't worry Hurricane, women like to pull shit all the time, they want to see what they can get away with and once she knows you'll crawl across broken glass (proverbially) to please her, she'll keep you.

Last edited by baggs (2009-11-27 08:29:49)

How old is this girl?
Artifice of Eternity
No no no no, both you clowns are wrong (Uzique and Method). The end product is to dump her, of course, but you need to do a couple of things before you do. Start playing the same games; pretend you're cool with whatever happens, and when she lets her guard down start pulling the same needless passive-aggressive bullshit and give her no reason. One of two things will happen: she'll self destruct and brake of the relationship herself (good for you, now you have pity points going into the next), or she'll invent a reason you're upset which you will go along with and use to dump her. In both instances she does the work.

I don't actually expect you to do any of this and know what you will write in reply- do not bother- I do not believe this myself. I wrote this simple yo prove how fucking ridiculous and womanly you are by reversing the perspective.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
I'm a clown.....but the end product is still dump her
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Artifice of Eternity

m3thod wrote:

I'm a clown.....but the end product is still dump her
Pfff, you're making it sound like I thought this out. It's like math, method, when you don't show you're work people just don't get it. I also haven't thought out this statement.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Un Moderador

Pochsy wrote:

m3thod wrote:

I'm a clown.....but the end product is still dump her
Pfff, you're making it sound like I thought this out. It's like math, method, when you don't show you're work people just don't get it. I also haven't thought out this statement.

She's testing you. Let it be. Don't react to it.

But Pochsy is right in the end.
Was staring at her today, she noticed and started smiling, hehe. Met her in the subway afterward, sat by her and said her name, she turned and smiled, her eyes were glowing like hot damn, we then talked about random shit, but I still didn't have the balls to do it and ask her out.


Ioan92 wrote:

Was staring at her today, she noticed and started smiling, hehe. Met her in the subway afterward, sat by her and said her name, she turned and smiled, her eyes were glowing like hot damn, we then talked about random shit, but I still didn't have the balls to do it and ask her out.

Hahaha,.. that just made me laugh.

Honestly, there's no more advice anyone here -or anywhere else for that matter- can give you other than just ask her out. Look at it this way, what is there to be feared?
her eyes were glowing  meow!
Artifice of Eternity

Ioan92 wrote:

Was staring at her today, she noticed and started smiling, hehe. Met her in the subway afterward, sat by her and said her name, she turned and smiled, her eyes were glowing like hot damn, we then talked about random shit, but I still didn't have the balls to do it and ask her out.

Just make sure they aren't bright with fear because you're the dude she thinks is about to rape her, lol. If you're too scared to do actually say the words you can always hand her a note or send her a text while you're less than a minute away. It sounds cheesy as hell (and is), but most girls will appreciate it and see it as a unique quirk. They're used to getting the words thrown at them, but writing it lets them know you've thought it out (unless you're a douche and include a yes/no check-box like the 3rd grade) and are confident enough to make throw it out there to be read many times over, all while avoiding the need to look her in the eyes and get nervous when you ask.

Not edited, not thought out.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.

Pochsy wrote:

Ioan92 wrote:

Was staring at her today, she noticed and started smiling, hehe. Met her in the subway afterward, sat by her and said her name, she turned and smiled, her eyes were glowing like hot damn, we then talked about random shit, but I still didn't have the balls to do it and ask her out.

Just make sure they aren't bright with fear because you're the dude she thinks is about to rape her, lol. If you're too scared to do actually say the words you can always hand her a note or send her a text while you're less than a minute away. It sounds cheesy as hell (and is), but most girls will appreciate it and see it as a unique quirk. They're used to getting the words thrown at them, but writing it lets them know you've thought it out (unless you're a douche and include a yes/no check-box like the 3rd grade) and are confident enough to make throw it out there to be read many times over, all while avoiding the need to look her in the eyes and get nervous when you ask.

Not edited, not thought out.
A check box is a fucking awesome idea.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
yes no box is the best idea yet

jord wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

Ioan92 wrote:

Was staring at her today, she noticed and started smiling, hehe. Met her in the subway afterward, sat by her and said her name, she turned and smiled, her eyes were glowing like hot damn, we then talked about random shit, but I still didn't have the balls to do it and ask her out.

Just make sure they aren't bright with fear because you're the dude she thinks is about to rape her, lol. If you're too scared to do actually say the words you can always hand her a note or send her a text while you're less than a minute away. It sounds cheesy as hell (and is), but most girls will appreciate it and see it as a unique quirk. They're used to getting the words thrown at them, but writing it lets them know you've thought it out (unless you're a douche and include a yes/no check-box like the 3rd grade) and are confident enough to make throw it out there to be read many times over, all while avoiding the need to look her in the eyes and get nervous when you ask.

Not edited, not thought out.
A check box is a fucking awesome idea.
you mean like

Yes! _


Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black
I cried. She loves me.
There is.
+1,380|6836|Devon, England

Just because everyone says "Spend your youth chasing tail" doesn't mean you should do it. Enjoy your relationships at your age, fall in love and be happy. It's natural for a guy to just think about sex, yes, but don't be a cunt and try to be some pussy king when you're that age, as you probably don't have awesome luck with every girl you see and end up just pissing off the ones that actually like you for you. Cherish what love you have and give it your all.

Last edited by FFLink (2009-11-27 13:46:13)

+3,611|6766|London, England

Finray wrote:

I cried. She loves me.
you still suck over here in bf2s land, and at the end of the day, that's what really matters
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

Mekstizzle wrote:

Finray wrote:

I cried. She loves me.
you still suck over here in bf2s land, and at the end of the day, that's what really matters
'sif anyone likes u.
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.
I love Mek.


I love Milk*

Last edited by jord (2009-11-27 13:59:39)

There is.
+1,380|6836|Devon, England

jord wrote:

I love Mek.


I love Milk*
I hate Mek.


I hate Milk*

Last edited by FFLink (2009-11-27 14:00:56)

Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black
No, you were right the first time, Mark, thanks for the kind words

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