
Zimmer wrote:

Everyone acts around girls different man; you can't force a general rule on every guy. Not every person has balls of steel or balls for that matter.

Let them learn and get good and bad advice. There isn't any point in getting angry about the situation.

Lucien wrote:

I'm going to have to agree with the guy who isn't a pussy. Just ask her.
I agree 100%. You don't need the Duke's balls to ask "hey, that guy is he your boyfriend?"; it's completely casual and if your tone of voice makes her suspect something, then good for you! If that's still to scary, just refer to him like "I saw you with your boyfriend yesterday" or something. If she jumps in immediately saying "oh no, he's just a friend/brother", you'll know immediately where you stand.

I was at a dinner party once sitting across an amazingly pretty girl I met a few weeks earlier. As I was taking pictures of everyone at the party it seemed like an ideal moment to get the perfect shot. She noticed, I didn't bother though, but in any case she formally asked me to take a picture of her and her friend who was sitting next to her. She pointed at her friend saying very determinate in her best English (which was in fact really really bad) that he was "a friend, good friend". They got a bit closer and I took a shot, even though of course I already had. The one I took initially was actually much better as it was spontaneous.

The point is though, that it was one of the better indications that the Gods favoured me

Finray wrote:

I'm gonna fess up to the whole thing.
What's the fucking point? She already knows!

Irishpride<3 wrote:

Jesus man. You must be something special to her if she's coming back after what you did to her.
She's just going to drag him through the mud, that's it.
[√] Flameworthy
+76|5446|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire

mcminty wrote:


For the benefit of those who failed to read Varegg's and Zimmer's posts.

Zimmer wrote:

This isn't a problem anymore. This is just taking the piss.

He can update us on what happens tomorrow. But as of now, the discussion about Finny ends here.
If Finray wants to discuss the situation, that is fine. However as Zimmer mentioned, it seems most of you are now just "taking the piss". I'll remind you all of what I said when I reopened this thread after deleting 100 posts of this non-sense..

mcminty wrote:

But here's the kicker. If this thread relapses into juvenile insults and hostile commentary towards ANY member, I'll dole out temp bans without hesitation. To rehash - if you say something and I receive a legitimate report about it, your ass is mine. Capiche?
To be honest compared to some of the shit posted round these parts last nights conversation was structured and almost spamfree.

People gave their honest opinions about the matter (albeit harsh opinions).

But what do you expect man? "It really hurt her the first time"

I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
Finray: you don't troll with someone's relationship you worthless fuck

okay guys let's move on and talk about me now, GO!
[√] Flameworthy
+76|5446|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Finray: you don't troll with someone's relationship you worthless fuck

okay guys let's move on and talk about me now, GO!
juvenile insult and some hostile commentary


Wheres that pic that IrishPride posted? The one where Finray logs out, Jenni logs in, Jenni logs out and later Finray logged back in?

For some reason this feels like trolling.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Finray wrote:

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Finray wrote:

Sorry Zimmer, but I really fail to see where you're getting "details" from. It was a very undetailed post. Very undetailed. It was about 6 words long, ffs.
HOLY SHIT are we pretending last night didn't happen?
Holy shit, are you seriously that stupid? Last night was about me trying to get her to put out more. Not solely about our first time. That was covered in ONE POST, which I deleted shortly after.

You, however, are going on about it like I wrote a fucking essay describing every single second.
You provided enough details of the failed first sexual encounter to justify being dumped.  You're delusional if you think you didn't really do anything wrong.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
yeah thats what I was asking on xfire when he raged, it's gotta be him trolling us, this can't be real
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

Macbeth wrote:

Wheres that pic that IrishPride posted? The one where Finray logs out, Jenni logs in, Jenni logs out and later Finray logged back in?

For some reason this feels like trolling.
It was of me logging out, Jenni logging in and then out again. I was in bed by this time.

Method, obviously I did something wrong, just not as bad as everyone is for whatever reason, making it out to be.

Finray wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Wheres that pic that IrishPride posted? The one where Finray logs out, Jenni logs in, Jenni logs out and later Finray logged back in?

For some reason this feels like trolling.
It was of me logging out, Jenni logging in and then out again. I was in bed by this time.

Method, obviously I did something wrong, just not as bad as everyone is for whatever reason, making it out to be.
When you log out of bf2s IIRC it only shows up on LIVE if you click the sign out button. If you just close your browser or clear your cookies it doesn't show up.

Really I'm thinking this is total bullshit.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

Macbeth wrote:

Finray wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Wheres that pic that IrishPride posted? The one where Finray logs out, Jenni logs in, Jenni logs out and later Finray logged back in?

For some reason this feels like trolling.
It was of me logging out, Jenni logging in and then out again. I was in bed by this time.

Method, obviously I did something wrong, just not as bad as everyone is for whatever reason, making it out to be.
When you log out of bf2s IIRC it only shows up on LIVE if you click the sign out button. If you just close your browser or clear your cookies it doesn't show up.

Really I'm thinking this is total bullshit.
urrong. I never click logout. I always just close the browser.

K it doesn't logout if you click close.

For example: Explain this...


[23:24] Jenni:  can you tell them that i was on your account because you were on bf2s at mine and i went on to look at what was being said, logged out to go onto mine, then logged off mine

Last edited by Finray (2009-11-26 15:27:43)
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
[23:24] Jenni:  can you tell them that i was on you're account because you were on bf2s at mine and i went on to look at what was being said, logged out to go onto mine, then logged off mimne

too convenient, troll over, bored now.

Also nice ninja edit, don't typo when you fake a chatlog omg.

Last edited by I'm Jamesey (2009-11-26 15:28:52)


IIRC when Jenni signed up didn't the mods not approve her account right away because you and her had the same IP?
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

Macbeth wrote:

IIRC when Jenni signed up didn't the mods not approve her account right away because you and her had the same IP?
She signed up from my house. Get the mods to check her IP against mine for tonight. It's different.


Gonna shut up now?
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
nice try but I can see the pixels
Fission Mailed

Can we shut the fuck up about this already? Finray posted something he shouldn't have. Shitstorm ensued. He said he's planning to sort things out with his girlfriend in the next couple days. End of story. Stop biting eachother's heads off.
[√] Flameworthy
+76|5446|Baile Atha Cliath, Éire
I don't get it.

Somebody tell me

I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

you're all ignoring it for finny's legitimate brain-problem
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

I'm Jamesey wrote:


you're all ignoring it for finny's legitimate brain-problem
Yep it was 100% a troll.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
it was funny, even though I caught on last night, you took it too far though, would've been better to pretend someone else posted on your account all of last night

I'm Jamesey wrote:


you're all ignoring it for finny's legitimate brain-problem
What you posted it like 5 pages back or so? I don't recall reading about it, repost please.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
no one cares.  Finray gonna get dumped then he's all mine.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black

I'm Jamesey wrote:

it was funny, even though I caught on last night, you took it too far though, would've been better to pretend someone else posted on your account all of last night
Your sarcasm detector may be off, or maybe it's mine about this post, but it was not a troll. You guys with your tinfoil hats are just too conspiracy minded to actually believe what anyone says behind the mask of anonymity.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

Finray wrote:

I'm Jamesey wrote:

it was funny, even though I caught on last night, you took it too far though, would've been better to pretend someone else posted on your account all of last night
Your sarcasm detector may be off, or maybe it's mine about this post, but it was not a troll. You guys with your tinfoil hats are just too conspiracy minded to actually believe what anyone says behind the mask of anonymity.
! ク@µñT!駧: yep
pwr.Jamesey: ignoring his sarcasm in the thread is more fun than him actually announcing it lmao

It's the fact that you said that shit without a mask of anonymity, i.e her reading it, that makes it fake.

So after asking you to delete everything about her and all the drama and not answering your calls at first, now she's worried that people on a forum think your trolling and wants to clear things up?

I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

Dauntless wrote:

So after asking you to delete everything about her and all the drama and not answering your calls at first, now she's worried that people on a forum think your trolling and wants to clear things up?

this x1000

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