Yesterday I was playing Battlefield 2 on "[[email protected]] 11 24/7 UK Operation Blue Pearl" when all of the sudden I got kicked with some PB message "->PBSV: VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) #70766: <Spaminator92> (slot #18) Violation (MULTIHACK) #70766 [6b7b420cf56a0f5e8140ebc2b12a4428(-)]"
I immediatly appealed the ban, because I do not cheat. I appealed on PBBans, but I had to appeal to EvenBalance at the same time. On my first appeal EvenBalance replied with this answer " Note #3: We do not find this violation to be triggered in error, and it will not be removed. It is at the discretion of the third-party ban list administrator to remove any ban given as a result of this violation." Immediatly followed by my appeal being closed on pbbans.. I added a new ticket note that this is just pure Kafkaesque. I do not know why I'm getting banned, neither will they tell me or is there any possible way to resolve this..
What do I do?
I immediatly appealed the ban, because I do not cheat. I appealed on PBBans, but I had to appeal to EvenBalance at the same time. On my first appeal EvenBalance replied with this answer " Note #3: We do not find this violation to be triggered in error, and it will not be removed. It is at the discretion of the third-party ban list administrator to remove any ban given as a result of this violation." Immediatly followed by my appeal being closed on pbbans.. I added a new ticket note that this is just pure Kafkaesque. I do not know why I'm getting banned, neither will they tell me or is there any possible way to resolve this..
What do I do?