[url=http://bf2s.com/player/Asaulttoxic/]Asaultoxic[/url] kills [url=http://www.paradroid.net/bf2stats/bf2stats.cgi?nick=qrsttheone]qrsttheone[/url] 156 times in 1 round and has a best round score of 710. He has a K/D of less than 1 for all small arms except the pistol where it's almost 6? [url=http://bf2s.com/player/Asaultassassin/]Asaultassassin[/url] kills [url=http://www.paradroid.net/bf2stats/bf2stats.cgi?nick=ASTER00120]ASTER00120[/url] 183 times in 1 round and has a best round score of 712.
In this [url=http://games.saix.net/cgi-bin/sgsbb/ikonboard.cgi?s=06cc9a729dfc2ad9e8a351b0fae17791;act=ST;f=240;t=31978;st=25]thread[/url] they say:
"If you play till early in the morning you might find server empty. If you get to a chopperhop stage, and only like 8 a side, both using the choppers to hop, and both sides have "ok" pilots, anything is possible. Not only did he make 710 points , but he made 600+ points for recruits, that just flew with. "their luck" . IF you could not acieve this, thats your fault. Stop mouning and do something about your own game."
Is this all legit? Or would you consider it stat padding?
In this [url=http://games.saix.net/cgi-bin/sgsbb/ikonboard.cgi?s=06cc9a729dfc2ad9e8a351b0fae17791;act=ST;f=240;t=31978;st=25]thread[/url] they say:
"If you play till early in the morning you might find server empty. If you get to a chopperhop stage, and only like 8 a side, both using the choppers to hop, and both sides have "ok" pilots, anything is possible. Not only did he make 710 points , but he made 600+ points for recruits, that just flew with. "their luck" . IF you could not acieve this, thats your fault. Stop mouning and do something about your own game."
Is this all legit? Or would you consider it stat padding?