They aren't embracing capitalism though, they're embracing a form of mercantilism. Left wing economic policies are all over the place which is why they generally fail. It's all a mix of Keynesian capitalism, Marxist socialism and Mercantilism. It's what you get when you have a bunch of people whose eyes glazed over in economics class running the show.Diesel_dyk wrote:
What I find interesting in all this is that the global warming movement is largely a left wing or "socialist" movement, but if you look at the solutions being proposed they are wholly market solutions with the creation of a carbon credit market. Now doesn't that seem strange that a leftist movement is going to propose one solution and only one solution and its going to involve creating a market out of carbon..... Since when does the left embrace capitalism as the solution for anything. You would think that the solution proposed from the left would be prohibition, regulation or taxation but its not... now shouldn't your antenae be flicking about now because there is something here that is a disconnect between the values and character of the people driving the movement and the values and the character of the solutions being pushed. And to make matters even more weird you have the right wingers fighting the creation of a new market and the use of a free market as a solution.
It should make you go hmmmmmmm.........
There is a disconnect here and IMO its race between getting these markets implemented and the time when this recent hot cycle of the sun ends and the global warming science is finally debunked.
But if those markets come on line, good luck ever getting rid of them. And here is another disconnect, if you create a market out of carbon, then aren't you putting carbon emission in a status where they will never be eliminated? What I am pointing out is that if your goal is to reduce carbon emissions, then how is profiting from a carbon market going to accomplish that when the elimination of carbon will reduce the carbon credit market to what should be the point where the market is eliminated. your ulitmate goal is to put yourself out of business? That's a type of stock market that really doesn't make sense.
What the push for a carbon credit market reminds me of is the movement to control public water supplies in places like central and south america where private companies gained control over water and started to gouge profits by increasing the price of water by 300% or more. If the carbon credit market comes on line that's what our fate will look like as commodiy brokers, hedge funds and other crooks cause energy prices to sprial out of control.
Anyway the debunking has finally started here is a website and a review of a book … review.pdf
The idea is actually as anti-capitalistic as you can get. They aren't producing a good or a service, there is no equitable trade being made, all they are doing is skimming off the top and manipulating the law in order to create an artificial monopoly which they will control in perpetuity. It's one of the big things that Adam Smith railed against in Wealth of Nations. Look up "rent seeking" on wikipedia.
Last edited by JohnG@lt (2009-11-19 21:35:11)
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat