… id=7124689The City Council approved an ordinance Tuesday banning the declawing of cats in Los Angeles.
The council, which initially approved the measure Nov. 6, gave the ordinance unanimous final approval Tuesday without discussion.
Councilman Paul Koretz, who proposed the ordinance along with Councilman Bill Rosendahl, called declawing a form of mutilation.
"We need to ban declawing, which is one of the most cruel practices," Koretz said earlier. "The obvious truth is that declawing does nothing good for cats. It is not clipping nails. It is actually amputation, sometimes leaving cats crippled and in pain for the rest of the lives."
Isn't declawing good if you have small children or if you don't want Mr. Bubbles to ruin your furniture? Won't this just lead to more pople getting rid of their cats or forcing them to be outside cats?