XXXiiXXX = chavvy
where X = capital letter making up a name
where X = capital letter making up a name

Problem is.Finray wrote:
XXXiiXXX = chavvy
where X = capital letter making up a name
justice wrote:
Pretty sure ol mcminty was being sarcy, and you missed it.liquidat0r wrote:
You never realised that? lolmcminty wrote:
Wow.. sept, oct, no(n), dec...
my mind just 'asploded
Or maybe he wasn't being sarcy and I'm giving him too much credit.
Or maybe you're both being sarcy so FML
Or maybe you realised he was being sarcy and you're playing dumb
Or maybe I wasn't pointing it directly at BRiiNDED, infact I was making a general rule.Zimmer wrote:
He is saying BRiiNDED is chavvy. But Finny, being the idiot he is, thought there were three letters in front of the two "i"s.
Therefore, instead of doing
He did
Last edited by Finray (15 years, 3 months ago)
Shush youliquidat0r wrote:
I was suprised that mcminty had only just realised that the "no" in November referred to "non", meaning 9 - where "sept", "oct" and "dec" in September, Ocbober and December refer to 7, 8 and 10 respectively. I do not believe he was being sarcastic in his assplode.
No real need to reply to it eh?Zimmer wrote:
Even so, your general rule failed for BRiiNDED.
I watched it for the first time a few weeks back and it actually is really damn well done. Made me cry a few times.baggs wrote:
I started watching Band Of Brothers on Saturday afternoon, now i know what everyone has been banging on about.
yayFlaming_Maniac wrote:
but I know that I had the best day, with you, today
Did you get revenge and eat him/her/it?DrunkFace wrote:
lol, I just walked into my kitchen and there's a damn possum sitting there eating my loaf of bread.
lol, the cheeky bugger just turned around looked at me then slowing walked out the door while I was still standing there in shock.Ultrafunkula wrote:
Did you get revenge and eat him/her/it?DrunkFace wrote:
lol, I just walked into my kitchen and there's a damn possum sitting there eating my loaf of bread.