Horseman 77
Just as a hypothetical question, What if ,..

" it is a huge aprox. X000  year old barge that had carried shitloads of animals?

What would that do to your perceptions of life, ( after life ) Religion etc.

Would it change you or make you change yourself?
Well you have to think, if you belive in god, then you know he has all the power he wants, so he could have flooded the entire earth then just put new animals, new fish, new plants back on it.. DUH!, you guys need to think outside the box

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

Well you have to think, if you belive in god, then you know he has all the power he wants, so he could have flooded the entire earth then just put new animals, new fish, new plants back on it.. DUH!, you guys need to think outside the box
And if you don't?...

Daysniper wrote:

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

Well you have to think, if you belive in god, then you know he has all the power he wants, so he could have flooded the entire earth then just put new animals, new fish, new plants back on it.. DUH!, you guys need to think outside the box
And if you don't?...
u think inside the box

but i think god was too lazy, after all he couldve blew up teh earth and stuff
Here are some factors you didn't inlcude in your equations...Continental drift and riseing and lowering of plates (this region has had active volcanic activity).  Also, there is some speculation that the flood was combined with other forms of natural disaster which contributed to its height.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6882|Sydney, Australia

sfg-Ice__ wrote:

Here are some factors you didn't inlcude in your equations...Continental drift and riseing and lowering of plates (this region has had active volcanic activity).  Also, there is some speculation that the flood was combined with other forms of natural disaster which contributed to its height.
While continental drift has occured throughout history, it is a gradual process. In the last 10,000 years nothing has really happened:

At a rate of around 1cm per year, thats 10,000cm.

There are 100 x 1000 cm in a kilometer. Thats 100,000cm.

Therefore, 10,000cm is 100m. This distance is inconsequential when doing the equations.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6835|Canberra, AUS

mcminty wrote:

JaMDuDe wrote:

its around 15,000 feet up...hows that a local flood?
A water level of 5,000 meters...   Sorry to break it to you but if all ice on earth melted, the water level would only be 83 (+/- 5m)  meters higher. wrote:

If all the earth's frozen water melted, scientists say sea levels could rise about another 275 feet.
275 (ft) divided by 3.3 = 83 meters. Ergo, there no possibility of a 15,000 ft flood.

So you've got inward flowing rivers in a continent with a sunken centre. You end up with a very flat land, it gets flatter and flatter retaining its sediment and it becomes a land of flood plains and at the same time of course it is retaining its salt."

Looks like water does flow down and thus taking the salt with it.  Since the flood, has it ever rained?  And considering that there was enough water to cover the entire planet, don't you think the salinity would be diluted? Talking about the salinity in East Coast Australia, you have to understand a majority of the problem is through improper management practices such as broad scale clearing of native vegetation for agricultural and urban development.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

So, when we 'evolved' how many humans evolved at the same time?  Did all the sudden 3 females and 3 males evolve?  Would be very coincidental for these humans to evolve from land animals into several humans at once and then turned around and populated the earth.  -  You might learn something.
Don't forget that there are massive reserves of saline AND freshwater underground.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6850|Tampa Bay Florida
I have trouble believing noah built a boat 3x the size of an aircraft carrier all by himself/a few others
want to go heads up?
+11|6894|cairns australia

B.Schuss wrote:

lmao. No offense to those who believe in god, the bible, etc, but that's just plain stupid. Discussing Noah's ark in this section ? please...
my sentiments exactly.its good comedy just not serious
It did happen. Building the boat, getting enough water, getting the animals and enough food/water on the boat was all possible.

JaMDuDe wrote:

It did happen. Building the boat, getting enough water, getting the animals and enough food/water on the boat was all possible.
all the water was salty... how can u give that many animals water... dont gimme the boil the water bullshit... coz the earth cannot get flooded since the bible said 40 days of rain right? rain comes from the ocean and that means that the water level must have been lowered dramatically to cause 40 days of rain, and 40 days without rain and no cloud? theres gotta be rain once in a while
want to go heads up?
+11|6894|cairns australia

JaMDuDe wrote:

It did happen. Building the boat, getting enough water, getting the animals and enough food/water on the boat was all possible.
you need to see this … mp;pl=true
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6835|Canberra, AUS

JaMDuDe wrote:

It did happen. Building the boat, getting enough water, getting the animals and enough food/water on the boat was all possible.
Well, good sir, could you tell us how?

You seem to say that you are more enlightened than the rest of us.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Mod Incarnate
I stopped taking what JaMDuDe says seriously a while ago. He is fond of making blanket statements without even trying to back it up with evidence (unless you count the bible as evidence, which I for one do not).
there is evidence but u dont want to believe it

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-04-15 18:38:13)

Mod Incarnate
yes, there is evidence, and wannabe_tank_whore has been quite good in supplying it for us. You, however, just say things like "God is real and all of you are blind" and leave it at that, which doesn't contribute to the discussion in the least.
+69|6938 … rophe.html  now u can laugh at it and say how its not real
Mass Media Casualty

Noah's flood was more than 2000 years ago, any wooden water-logged Ark would have rotted away ages ago, or even been compressed into coal. It's just Christians trying to give proof to a bunch of 'facts' that are nothing more than fairy stories.

Also, in the story, Noah build a stone altar to God once he landed on Mount Arrat. If the story is true, a stone monument will be WAY easier to find than some old rotten logs.

Major bullshit I'm afraid.

Edit: I would be happy to debate further. Religeous debate is always an interesting topic.

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-04-15 19:32:12)

[Blinking eyes thing]
There are huge anchors at the bottom of Mt. Ararat with noahs name on them and crosses all over it.
Mass Media Casualty

Really? How is "Noah" written? In what language? What are the Anchors made out of. Enlighten me please.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Mod Incarnate

JaMDuDe wrote:  now u can laugh at it and say how its not real
Yes, that website is quite amusing, and they do make an effort to provide evidence for their case. However, a great deal of their evidence comes directly from the bible (which is not a reliable scientific source of information), and their viewpoint is extremely biased. I've read more than I want to from that site and because wannabe_tank_whore keeps linking them and acting like that proves his entire case, and all I've seen so far is weak arguments with little or no proof, and in some cases information that is blatantly wrong. I give you an example from
We also do not know what the geography of the world was like before the flood. If there was only one continent at that time, then questions of getting animals from remote regions to the ark are not relevant.
Now I can assure you that there is no way in hell that there was only one continent a few thousand years ago. Continents do not just up and seperate themselves on a whim, these things take hundreds of thousands of years, if not longer. Heres another example from
As you add up all of the dates, and accepting that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to Earth almost 2000 years ago, we come to the conclusion that the creation of the Earth and animals (including the dinosaurs) occurred only thousands of years ago (perhaps only 6000!), not millions of years. Thus, if the Bible is right (and it is!), dinosaurs must have lived within the past thousands of years.
Theres some nice logic for you. Dinosaurs could not have lived millions of years ago because God made them 6000 years ago. And all those scientists who disagree are godless fools.

You see why these sites cannot be accepted as reliable sources of information?
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6882|Sydney, Australia

Skruples wrote:

We also do not know what the geography of the world was like before the flood. If there was only one continent at that time, then questions of getting animals from remote regions to the ark are not relevant.
Now I can assure you that there is no way in hell that there was only one continent a few thousand years ago. Continents do not just up and seperate themselves on a whim, these things take hundreds of thousands of years, if not longer. Heres another example from
As you add up all of the dates, and accepting that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to Earth almost 2000 years ago, we come to the conclusion that the creation of the Earth and animals (including the dinosaurs) occurred only thousands of years ago (perhaps only 6000!), not millions of years. Thus, if the Bible is right (and it is!), dinosaurs must have lived within the past thousands of years.
Theres some nice logic for you. Dinosaurs could not have lived millions of years ago because God made them 6000 years ago. And all those scientists who disagree are godless fools.

You see why these sites cannot be accepted as reliable sources of information?
Please can we all stop with the "earth forming so only 1000's years ago". … scale.html

And about Pangea, the super continent, it split about 500 million years ago.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6835|Canberra, AUS
The earth's surface became solid approx 4.5 billion years ago.

The first lifeforms rose just a few hundred million years later.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The universe was formed about 11 billion years ago in the:


The moon was likely created when a mars size object smashed into the liqiud earth (AKA the splash theory)

The first lifevorms were either bacteria or viruses.

Life evolved from there: (the most recent example)

Humans evolved from apes in southern Africa (or maybe Asia?) and spread across the world.

Religion developed some time later

The original religions had multiple gods (so don't use the argument "god must exist because every civilization has believed in him") to explain their natural surroundings.

Judaism came to be

Jesus (if he existed AKA- no historical evidence) was a Jew. He couldn't be Christian.

Christianity took over as the world's "biggest" (not in numbers--I believe that belongs to Buhdaism (correct me if I'm wrong, please) religion.

Christianity "evolved" into to sections: Catholicism and Protestantism.

The Protestants came to America (mostly the Puritans) looking for freedom of religion, and yet somehow, 300 someodd years later, there is a Christian on this forum (well, multiple ones) trying to convert everyone and turn them into evangelicals (if they are already Christian)

That is the timeline

PS--I apologize to all the Christians on this forum who do not try to "spread their message" quite so loudly. As in Spark, mcminty, Skruples...

Don't get me wrong JaMDuDe... I'm sure you are a very nice person, and I'm sure you would be a great friend (I have a friend who is exactly like you), just save it for Church, please.

Last edited by Daysniper (2006-04-16 06:10:22)

Horseman 77

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

Well you have to think, if you belive in god, then you know he has all the power he wants, so he could have flooded the entire earth then just put new animals, new fish, new plants back on it.. DUH!, you guys need to think outside the box
I Didn't say I believed in god. It was not the question at all, you get lost easy.

" Duh " ?  Inside, outside??? You need to FIND THE BOX ! lol

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-04-16 14:38:30)

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