Miggle wrote:
VicktorVauhn wrote:
Miggle wrote:
depth is relative.
Compared to golden age FPSRPGs it is severaely lacking.
Compared to anything in the past 5 years, this game is jesus.
I went into it thinking fall out 3, and this game seems like so much less.
I mean, I can go into the doctors shack and rob the shit out of all of his supplies while he says "Hi!" over and over.
I can sit an melee attack all the characters while they talk calmly with me.
You don't even have to worry about dying... I killed 9 toes or what ever while he killed me, respawn to find it was actually better that way because everything I did still counts and now I didn't have to walk as far.
Everything you do doesn't count... he should have gotten his health back.
I'm not sure what you mean about the melee, as enemies are never calm, and NPCs can't be hurt.
Not sure why the doctor thing even matters...
And as for Fallout 3, Borderlands is what Fallout 3 should have been. More than 6 Weapons, Dark Humour, Enjoyable Combat, not terrible, etc.
It's more on par with the previous fallouts than F3 was, and the RPG elements are far more present. Fallout 3 really was like Oblivion with guns and nothing to do.
Most of this is my point.
"I'm not sure what you mean about the melee, as enemies are never calm, and NPCs can't be hurt."
exactly. The enemies are all out to get you from the start no matter what you do... and I can sit there trying to smash a friendlies face in and he doesn't mind or get even a scratch on him... he just wants to finish reading his script. Even halflife's cheap "What are you doing?" would be a step up...
"Not sure why the doctor thing even matters..."
Because it adds depth. Instead of some random NPC who is standing there as a way to usher in new objectives there COULD be another living thing that owns stuff and could be interacted with. FO3 did an awesome job with this... stuff all around, but if you want it you have to steal it and that has reprocussions... some people wont want to deal with "your type" and you have to be careful not to get caught or you got a fight on your hands. Its about realism... How convincing is a guy who sits there blindly chatting while I steal all his shit right in front of him... depth.
"And as for Fallout 3, Borderlands is what Fallout 3 should have been. More than 6 Weapons, Dark Humour, Enjoyable Combat, not terrible, etc."
FO3 had tons of weapons, and especially if you count all the ones you make. If I want humor I will watch a comedy... I just want to play a good game, I can laugh else where.
"and the RPG elements are far more present."
Well, maybe I haven't seen it because I am not even level 10... but so far the only thing RPG about it is that I have experiance and levels. My guy gets a little stronger, and I got a bird.
FO3, I could develope 20 or so different aspects of my charicter, I could be good or evil, I could focus my skills and be an expert in one area or be well rounded.... SO much more options on what my charicter was.