d4rkph03n1x wrote:
I'm 185 and 60kg which is 6' 1 and 132 pounds for you americans. Basically, i'm underweight. What is the best way to gain some weight, and some general body mass/muscle.
Background: Several years ago I used to be a highly competitive long distance runner, and I used to ride 10km to school and 10km back every day, sometimes finish it up with a 5k run. Always had a fast metabolism, I've plateau'd at 60kg for like 5 years now. How do I put on about 10kg, or whatevers amount healthy for me, and then convert it into muscle on my frame? What kind of time frame am I looking at? My plan was carb shakes and surfing for general fitness.
I should add that if you have no idea and you don't think anyone else will point me in the direction of a non retarded bodybuilding forum or some place that WILL have an idea.
Check out bodybuilding.com.
It's helped me with mass gaining/muscle building ect...
I got the help I wanted when I made
this thread...
First off, I'd like to thank all Bodybuilding.com members/mods/staff that have involuntarily helped me over the past year. I've been browsing these forums since I started hitting the gym 1 year ago this month. I'm very grateful for your sound advice, you've provided me with vital information that has helped me throughout the year.
For those of you that don't know, Pectus Carinatum or 'Pigeon Chest' is a bone deformity of the sternum whereas the sternum sticks out. It's mainly caused by growth spurts during puberty. Surgery is available and is a relatively easy and an inexpensive procedure, however my case is mild comparing to the images provided by Google. I'd rather stay away from surgery as the small amount of work I've done in the gym over the past year has almost completely overshadowed it. I can still see it, and so can my mates, but it's not as obvious as it once was. My girlfriend hasn't noticed it yet, and I've been with her for over 6 months, maybe she's just being polite
I suppose a short profile of me would help:
I'm a 18 year old IT student living in Dublin, Ireland. I'm physically active and I participate in team-sports and individual sports daily. I developed this condition when I was 16 and I've been going to the gym since I was 17. I eat relatively good food and drink quiet a lot of water (2+ liters daily). Although most people would say my chest is no big deal, I find it embarrassing when I'm on the beach or with my girlfriend. Which is why I've come here! I want you guys to help me with a (realistic) diet/workout program that will provide maximum results! I'm already one of the strongest out of all my mates who go to the gym regularly, and who are quick enough to whip off their tops around the girls Although I'm physically stronger than them I'm not nearly as confident as they are, mainly due to my chest.
Since I've started University I don't have the money to pay for gym membership so I'm using my own equipment in my home. It's decent enough stuff but it does restrict a lot of exercises. I use a decent Pro-Power bench and a 60KG set of York free-weights (along with a few extra 20KG I purchased separately). I've got a 60KG punchbag with mits and an exercise ball and mat too. So I'm fairly sorted and I've got a decent enough setup here at home! I've been using this equipment for 90 minute sessions over the last 2 months 4 days/week.
Here's a summery of my past workout:
5 min stretching all major muscles
5 min round with punchbag
10 min run around local area
2 X 25 pushups
1 X 50 declined situps (using the bench linked)
2 X 25 pushups
1 X 50 declined situps (using the bench linked)
10 min run around local area
2 X 22KG dumbbell benchpress (2 sets of 10 reps)
1 X 50 situps
2 X 16KG dumbbell flyes (2 sets of 10 reps)
1 X 'The Plank'
2 X 16KG declined dumbbell benchpress (2 sets of 10 reps)
1 X 50 situps
10 min run around local area
2 X 14KG dumbbell curls (2 sets of 20 reps [left1, right2, left3, right4 ect...])
2 X 14KG hammer curls (2 sets of 20 reps [left1, right2, left3, right4 ect...])
2 X 10 pull ups
1 5 min punchbag round
I'm not concerned about my shoulders, back or legs. What I want to improve is my chest (mainly), my abs and my arms. Any advice would help, especially regarding my chest
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