Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

FatherTed wrote:

what do all you PC people think of 6v6 and 9v9? Because they were the norm on consoles on CoD4, and you could really tell the maps weren't designed to hold many more than 18 people.
Many custom maps were.

Oh, wait.
+1,411|7051|FUCK UBISOFT

FatherTed wrote:

what do all you PC people think of 6v6 and 9v9? Because they were the norm on consoles on CoD4, and you could really tell the maps weren't designed to hold many more than 18 people.
I couldn't stand playing with more than 6, some people liked more though. It's just another freedom that people think is being taken away for no reason.
prince of insufficient light
I was looking for about 24-28 players on most CoD4 maps.

That is to say the maps were still shit and I wished they were bigger, but I would rather play cramped on a small map than with like three other people on a small map. Hunting people is stupid.
+783|7153|Reykjavík, Iceland.

Miggle wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

what do all you PC people think of 6v6 and 9v9? Because they were the norm on consoles on CoD4, and you could really tell the maps weren't designed to hold many more than 18 people.
I couldn't stand playing with more than 6, some people liked more though. It's just another freedom that people think is being taken away for no reason.
There was a reason for it. IWnet. There are lag issues even on 9v9.
total noobs on 360 MP, I had a 44 kill streak yesterday
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

total noobs on 360 MP, I had a 44 kill streak yesterday
Should have used the nuke and ended the whole sad affair.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7089|Great Brown North
havent run into many grenade launcher whores, or bunny hoppers yet

played most of today and only had 3 laggy games
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6847|Long Island, New York

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

total noobs on 360 MP, I had a 44 kill streak yesterday
I went 5 and 17

Pretty good though considering I never played MW1's MP..
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

krazed wrote:

played most of today and only had 3 laggy games
And that's "good" ?
+1,411|7051|FUCK UBISOFT

AussieReaper wrote:

krazed wrote:

played most of today and only had 3 laggy games
And that's "good" ?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7089|Great Brown North
out of 6-7 hours, 20 minutes of minor lag(but playable) and one game that was so bad i left it after 40 seconds

was far better then i had thought it would be
Wrench turnin' fool
Already been nuked twice, and dropped 2 nukes myself. I like having FMJ sniper rifles. I can get used to this.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"

Just watched the Gamespot review. The guy's favorite word that popped up a bajillion times was "strategic" Yeah, ok.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6984|Canberra, AUS
I've barely played on a 4bar host... luckily, with the 'tweaks' I made I usually don't notice it at all.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Flamesuit essential

Spark wrote:

I've barely played on a 4bar host... luckily, with the 'tweaks' I made I usually don't notice it at all.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6984|Canberra, AUS

some_random_panda wrote:

Spark wrote:

I've barely played on a 4bar host... luckily, with the 'tweaks' I made I usually don't notice it at all.
see the other thread.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6465|Vancouver | Canada

h4hagen wrote:

Depth ok here goes.
First off, weapons and perks.
There is still the straight forward kills = attachments, but also using certain attachments gets you new attachments in that field.
For Example, Kill 50 enemies using the red dot site and you unlock the Holographic site. Additionally, you have to choose - do I want a heartbeat sensor or deep impact equivalent? Scope or Silencer? And getting to pick 2 attachments with certain perks is fun as well - but you need to find a good combo that works for you.
Kill streaks add a lot to the game (surprisingly) finding a good spread of hard and easy kill streak rewards is definitely interesting, and the ability to pick one kill streak - any one kill streak - every couple ranks is great as well. Predator missiles can be great when used effectively, such as taking out cappers on B point in domination (or whatever). I find the high kill streaks to be awesome. They can really help a team, particularly if the player using the AC-130 or so forth uses it to help push back the front lines for his team. However, they are easy to shoot down with a couple of AA rockets (at most - although most players seem to forget this). I unlocked emergency supply drop (8 kills) which drops 4 care packages dropped from an AC-130, which gives a nice spread of ammo, kill steaks, and UAV type perks.  The Kill streak rewards also force players to choose between perks that help the team (UAV, UAV Blocker, Supply Drops, etc.) And kill perks (Sentry gun, Air-strikes, etc.)
Perks: No longer is Bandoleer, Stopping Power, and Steady Aim/ Deep Impact the order of the day. Different perks are all extremely useful in different circumstances. I think they have the perks sorted into the three categories much better now as well. Being able to unlock the Pro perks are a nice change as well.
All of the maps are MUCH larger than COD4 and have many ways to flank. Also, there is a massive variety of environments, from Snow to Sand to Urban to Forrest. I have found myself in many epic firefights that just look and feel (and play) awesome - the new destructible elements are awesome, with fire hydrants blowing up when shot and spouting water, propane tanks exploding and spouting smoke and wires sparking. I think by far the biggest improvement is the huge amount of added vertical movement available. You can go inside every building, climb up ladders and jump all over the place - which leads to great positions to pin enemies from. However, they are all easily accessible by all players, even those without 250 FPS and an extensive map knowledge. Camp too long? Chances are you will get hit with a predator.

Team work in this game is surprisingly good - people really want to win and are very communicative, and work hard to coordinate air-strikes with UAV's, Predators before caps (I often see 2-3 people save there predators and use them at the same time with an awesome effect). I see people working in small groups with amazing frequency, and people will actually plan, as in you guys go get A, we will go grab B, sniper you go jump up on that roof and Camp A and try and pick some guys off.

Gotta go to a night class now, but I will try to explain some more later.
Different unlocks and perks was kind of obvious. I don't see how that adds any more depth than MW1.

Killstreak rewards are basically just ways to get kills without doing anything.

Valid point on maps.

Half-valid point on teamwork, since it does add depth in a way, but has nothing to do with how the game actually is.
Little BaBy JESUS
Is it just me or does multiplayer feel like it kinda has a "sterile" feel. Like when I play bf2, I feel like i'm playing bf2, when I play COD: WAW I feel like I'm playing WAW.... but with this I just kinda feel i'm playing a generic shooter... I dunno maybe its my prejudice against the game Also, does anyone else get the feeling sometimes when your playing on a not-so-great host, that your not lagging as such, but theres still this weird feeling with the hit-reg etc?
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6969|The darkside of Denver
All in all I got about four hours of MP time in yesterday.  My opinion of IWnet is meh.  I dont love it nor do I hate it.  I never had a bad game.. My ping bars were always three or higher.  The only part that is annoying is when the host leaves and you have to wait till a new one is chosen, this breaks gameplay continuity.  I found the MP action itself to be fun and fast paced.  The weapons seem to be balanced ok and the kill streak rewards made me play as hard as I could to get as many kills as possible.  Fun stuff IMO.
grandmaster league revivalist
I don´t get it. If the game needs steam on the PC, why the thing? Why not have Dedis being chosen by you or at least by the game like in L4D. Still annoying but at least you have Dedis.
I fail to see the advantages of over the "old" way.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7089|Great Brown North

SonderKommando wrote:

All in all I got about four hours of MP time in yesterday.  My opinion of IWnet is meh.  I dont love it nor do I hate it.  I never had a bad game.. My ping bars were always three or higher.  The only part that is annoying is when the host leaves and you have to wait till a new one is chosen, this breaks gameplay continuity.  I found the MP action itself to be fun and fast paced.  The weapons seem to be balanced ok and the kill streak rewards made me play as hard as I could to get as many kills as possible.  Fun stuff IMO.
yeah but you're smack in the middle of the US... im way the fuck over in atlantic canada

if it's the wrong time of day i'll be lucky to get 2 bars
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6969|The darkside of Denver

krazed wrote:

SonderKommando wrote:

All in all I got about four hours of MP time in yesterday.  My opinion of IWnet is meh.  I dont love it nor do I hate it.  I never had a bad game.. My ping bars were always three or higher.  The only part that is annoying is when the host leaves and you have to wait till a new one is chosen, this breaks gameplay continuity.  I found the MP action itself to be fun and fast paced.  The weapons seem to be balanced ok and the kill streak rewards made me play as hard as I could to get as many kills as possible.  Fun stuff IMO.
yeah but you're smack in the middle of the US... im way the fuck over in atlantic canada

if it's the wrong time of day i'll be lucky to get 2 bars
Here, I'll Karma it better.  lol.  Well we can play some co op spec ops soon and ill let you host, that way I lag.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7089|Great Brown North
nah i wont lag connecting to you

connecting to the west coast i would lag a bit though.... which is where most people are on at when i play

lol or europe.... i was in a server packed with brits and frenchies earlier, gg iwnet
Red Forman
PS3:  Is it still the same small ass maps like COD4?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6984|Canberra, AUS
No the maps are much bigger.

BTW since the 'patch' I've only gotten low-ping servers, which is good.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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