Cybargs wrote:
Its funny as someone pointed out, lowing worked for a company that relies on GASP GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS WHICH MEANS HES A LEACH OF THE SYSTEM. PARADOXIAL LOGIC GRAAAAAAAAH.
But as someone mentioned about paying the fire department... Yeah that did happen before it was mandated as a public service, you paid for fire department insurance, if they don't see the tag they let your house burn down.
Economically speaking, it is cheaper to run services through the gov when it is not a for profit business, and a career for a PUBLIC servant, in order to serve and protect.
lowing should go read Jennifer Government, pure capitalism at its best.
WORKING for anyone is not leeching. Taking from someone with nothing to offer in return is leeching. Please try harder to keep that FACT straight.
Bending definitions and actions, and meanings to form an argument SPECIFICALLY for me and not apply it anywhere else is just another desperate attempt at forming so sort of argument at all.