Well a friend and I were playing on wake island, and we were on china, and the enemy commander was useing our artillary against us. We have never heard of such a thing. Well we were woundering if it was a glitch or a hack we were thinkin hack.
I've seen this happening. If US holds Chinese Airfield and destroys all Chinese Arti and Chinese Team doesn't repair them in time, they will be replaced with the US arti and US will have 6 ARITILLERY to use... Yes Artillery Strike lasted twice as long... luckily I was in US when this happened. I saaw two tanks getting owned by a single arti strike, a sight that is not common.
i dont know but there are other threads about this and they talk about that the Enemy can cap the PLA arty. kinda weird so, because this does not happens in other maps. so i think its a bug or sumthing...but u better use the Search my friend
yeah sry bro
Yup it happens.. I C4'd some when playing as US and got team damage for it.
Anyone know how long it takes before it becomes yours?
Anyone know how long it takes before it becomes yours?
This can also occur on Operation Clean Sweep on the MEC battery.
I have heard of this, cant say ive witnessed. Nor would i say that a lot of people know.
I think what happend was Enemy Comander was Comanding Squad He got switched By admin His arty was Still On The way Or other way Round or is a glitch(SSC)pyro wrote:
Well a friend and I were playing on wake island, and we were on china, and the enemy commander was useing our artillary against us. We have never heard of such a thing. Well we were woundering if it was a glitch or a hack we were thinkin hack.
As I think Comander Bug was Fixed
lol what is it with people quoting posts but not adding anything?
As a final note, the arty actually changes shape to reflect its new "owner"; i.e. the base will change from an "H" shape to an "X" shape. Therefore, as spec ops you should be able to tell that it is your own new arty before you destroy it and get the team vehicle damage penalty.
"H" to "X"? Are you talking about the US LW155 gun vs. the PLA/MEC D30? I don't get it.Ronball9 wrote:
As a final note, the arty actually changes shape to reflect its new "owner"; i.e. the base will change from an "H" shape to an "X" shape. Therefore, as spec ops you should be able to tell that it is your own new arty before you destroy it and get the team vehicle damage penalty.
no he means in the serial number area 1 digit changes from an "x" to an "h" but u gotta LOOK REAL CLOSE because we all know the numbers are real small...
Thanks All ive just never heard of that happening cence the time that the games come out
Supply pictures, supply footage, because you are all stupid, this doesn't happen , can't happen, and neevr has happened> IF you beleive it to be so....PROVE IT! No proof? then your all on crack.
Never heard of captured artillery in BF2. If it's true, I guess you learn something new every day.
wooly-back-jack wrote:
lol what is it with people quoting posts but not adding anything?
What I meant to say was the base of the U.S. arty is shaped somewhat like an "H"k30dxedle wrote:
"H" to "X"? Are you talking about the US LW155 gun vs. the PLA/MEC D30? I don't get it.Ronball9 wrote:
As a final note, the arty actually changes shape to reflect its new "owner"; i.e. the base will change from an "H" shape to an "X" shape. Therefore, as spec ops you should be able to tell that it is your own new arty before you destroy it and get the team vehicle damage penalty.

And the base of the MEC/PLA arty is shaped like an "X", but actually I should have said "Y"

This has in fact been discussed on this forum before. So if you do not have anything rationale to add to this discourse, don't bother trying to flame those that do. Since this has been around for three or four patches now I assumed most people knew about it. But unless you play Spec Ops or Engineer I suppose you may not. Next time I see it I will get a screen shot.{KAOS}DesertWraith wrote:
Supply pictures, supply footage, because you are all stupid, this doesn't happen , can't happen, and neevr has happened> IF you beleive it to be so....PROVE IT! No proof? then your all on crack.
lolGunSlinger OIF II wrote:
wooly-back-jack wrote:
lol what is it with people quoting posts but not adding anything?
this can happen to the uav and sat as well, ive never figured out how to use them but ive captured enemy assets, and seen others do it as well
its a bit easier to tell if your have the uav and sat, cause it will have your country's flag on it
its a bit easier to tell if your have the uav and sat, cause it will have your country's flag on it